12/25 Blessed and Merry Christmas in the Most Holy Divine Will!

What a beautiful time to pray The Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary

Micah 5:2 :  “And thou Bethlehem Ephrata, art a little one among the thousands of Judah, out of thee shall He come forth unto Me that is to be the ruler in Israel: and His going forth is from the beginning, from the days of Eternity.”

The future ruler of Israel, will be born in Bethlehem,
a name that means “House of Bread”

Book of Heaven
The Call of the Creature to the Order, the Place and the Purpose
for which He was Created by God
Volume 8 – December 25, 1908

How to make Jesus be born and grow in your hearts.

The Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta the Little Daughter of the Divine Will:

Finding myself in my usual state, I was longing for little Baby Jesus, and after many hardships, He made Himself seen in my interior as a little Baby, and told me: “My daughter (Luissa), the best way to make Me (Jesus) be born in one’s own heart, is to empty oneself of everything, because in finding empty space, I can place all My goods in it. And only then can I remain in it forever, if there is room to be able to carry all that belongs to Me, all that is My own. A person who went to live in the house of someone else, could be called happy only if he found empty space in which to be able to put all of his belongings; otherwise, he would be unhappy. So I am.

The second thing in order to make Me be born and to increase My happiness, is that everything the soul contains, both internal and external – everything, must be done for Me; everything must serve to honor Me, to execute My orders. If only one thing, one thought, one word, is not for Me, I feel unhappy, and while I should be the master, they make Me a slave. Can I tolerate all this?

The third one is heroic love, magnified love, love of sacrifice. These three loves make My happiness grow in a marvelous way, because they render the soul capable of works which are superior to her strengths, as she does them with my strength alone. They will expand her, by making not only her, but also others love Me. And she will reach the point of enduring anything, even death, in order to triumph in everything, and be able to say to Me: ‘I have nothing else; everything is only love for You.’ In this way, she will not only make Me be born, but will make Me grow, and will form a beautiful paradise in her heart.”

As He was saying this, I looked at Him, and from little, in one instant He became big, in such a way that I remained completely filled with Him. Then everything disappeared.


12/24 – The Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will – Day Twenty-two

Preparation for Holy Christmas
The Nine Excesses of Love in the Incarnation of the Word

Journey to Bethlehem

The Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will

Day Twenty-two

The Queen of Heaven in the Kingdom of the Divine Will. Little King Jesus is Born. The Angels point to Him and call the Shepherds to adore Him.
Heaven and Earth exult, and the Sun of the Eternal Word, following Its Course, dispels the Night of Sin and gives rise to the Full Day of Grace.
The Home of Bethlehem.


The soul to her Celestial Mama:

Today, Holy Mama, I feel an ardor of love, and I feel that I cannot be without coming onto Your Maternal knees to find the Celestial Little Baby in Your arms. His Beauty Enraptures me, His Gazes Wound me, His lips, in the Act of moaning and bursting into tears, capture my heart to love Him. My dearest Mama, I know that You Love me, and therefore I ask You to give me a little place in Your arms, so that I may give Him my first kiss, pour my heart into little King Jesus, and entrust to Him my interesting secrets, which so much oppress me. And in order to make Him smile, I will say to Him: “My will is Yours and Yours is mine; therefore, form in me the Kingdom of Your Divine Fiat.”


Lesson of the Queen of Heaven to her daughter:

My dearest daughter (Luisa), O! How I long for you to be in My (the Blessed Mother’s) arms, to have the great contentment of being able to say to our Little Baby King (Jesus): “Do not cry, My Pretty One. See, here with us is My little daughter, who wants to recognize You as King and give You Dominion in her soul, to let You lay the Kingdom of Your Will within her.”

Now, daughter of My Heart, while you are all intent on longing for the Little Child Jesus, pay attention and listen to Me. You must know that it was midnight when the Little Newborn King came out of My Maternal Womb. But the night turned into Day; He who was the Lord of Light put to flight the night of the human will, the night of sin, the night of all evils; and as the Sign of what He was doing in the order of souls, with His usual Omnipotent Fiat the midnight turned into Most Refulgent Daylight. All created things ran to sing Praise to their Creator in that Little Humanity. The sun ran to give its first kisses of light to Little Baby Jesus, and to warm Him with its heat; the ruling wind, with its waves, purified the air of the stable, and with its sweet moaning said to Him: “I love You”; the heavens were shaken from their very foundations; the earth exulted and trembled down to the abyss; the sea roared with its gigantic waves. In sum, all created things recognized that their Creator was now in their midst, and they all competed in singing His praises. The very Angels, forming light in the air, with melodious voices that could be heard by all, said: “Glory to God in the highest, and Peace on earth to men of Good Will. The Celestial Baby is now born in the grotto of Bethlehem, wrapped in poor swaddling clothes…”so much so, that the shepherds who were in vigil, listened to the Angelic voices and ran to visit the Little Divine King.

My dear daughter, continue to listen to Me. As I received Him into My arms and gave Him My first Kiss, I felt the need of Love to give something of My own to My Baby Son; and offering Him My Breast, I gave Him Abundant Milk—Milk formed in My Person by the Divine Fiat Itself, in order to Nourish Little King Jesus. But who can tell you what I experienced in doing this; and the Seas of Grace, of Love, of Sanctity, that My Son gave to Me in return? Then I wrapped Him in poor but clean little clothes, and I placed Him in the manger. This was His Will, and I could not do without executing It. But before doing this, I shared Him with dear Saint Joseph, placing Him in his arms; and—O! How he rejoiced. He pressed Him to his heart, and the Sweet Little Baby poured torrents of Grace into his soul. Then, together with Saint Joseph, we arranged a little hay in the manger, and detaching Him from My Maternal arms, I laid Him in it. And your Mama, enraptured by the Beauty of the Divine Infant, remained kneeling before Him most of the time. I put all My Seas of Love into motion, which the Divine Will had formed in Me, to Love Him, to Adore Him, and to Thank Him. And what did the Celestial Little Child do in the manger? A Continuous Act of the Will of Our Celestial Father, which was also His; and emitting moans and sighs, He wailed, cried and called to everyone, saying in His Loving Moans: “Come all of you, children of Mine; for Love of you I Am Born to Sorrow and to Tears. Come all of you, to know the Excess of My Love. Give Me shelter in your hearts.” And there was a coming and going of shepherds, who came to visit Him, and to all He gave His Sweet Gaze and His Smile of Love, amid His very Tears.

Now, My daughter, a little word to you: you must know that all My Joy was to hold My Dear Son Jesus on My lap, but the Divine Will made Me understand that I should place Him in the manger, at everyone’s disposal, so that whoever wanted to, could caress Him, kiss Him, and take Him in his arms, as if He were his own. He was the Little King of all, therefore they had the right to make of Him a sweet pledge of love. And I, in order to fulfill the Supreme Volition, deprived Myself of My innocent Joys, beginning, with Works and Sacrifices, the Office of Mother, of Giving Jesus to all. My daughter, the Divine Will is demanding and wants everything, even the sacrifice of the holiest things; and according to the circumstances, the great sacrifice of depriving oneself of Jesus Himself; but this, in order to extend Its Kingdom even more, and to multiply the Life of Jesus Himself. In fact, when the creature, out of love for Him, deprives herself of Him, her heroism and sacrifice is so great, as to have the virtue of producing a New Life of Jesus, to be able to form another dwelling for Jesus. Therefore, dear daughter (Luisa), be attentive and never, under any pretext, deny anything to the Divine Will.


The soul:

Holy Mama, Your Beautiful Lessons confound me; but if You want me to put them into practice, do not leave me alone, so that, when You see me succumb under the enormous weight of the Divine Privations, You may press me to Your Maternal Heart; and I will feel the Strength never to deny anything to the Divine Will.


Little Sacrifice:

Today, to honor Me, you will come as many as three times to visit Little Baby Jesus, and to kiss His tiny little hands; and you will say to Him five acts of Love, to honor His Tears and to calm His Crying.


Ejaculatory Prayer:

Holy Mama, pour the Tears of Jesus into my heart, that He may dispose in me the Triumph of the Will of God.

Photo of the painting of Luisa’s vision
of the Birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ

12/12 Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe

Preparation for Holy Christmas
The Nine Excesses of Love in the Incarnation of the Word

The Church of the Nativity, Bethlehem
The silver star in the Grotto of the Nativity marks the spot of Jesus’ Birth

Book of Heaven
The Call of the Creature to the Order, the Place and the Purpose
for which He was Created by God
Volume 15 – December 8, 1922

The first word that Adam pronounced.  What the First Lesson that God gave him was.  The Divine Will Operating in man.

Our Lord Jesus Christ to the Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta the Little Daughter of the Divine Will:

… “Here, then, is the reason why We (the Most Holy Trinity) constituted Her (Our Lady, the Blessed Mother Mary) Queen of all; because when We operate, We do it with reason, wisdom and justice:  She (Our Lady) never gave life to Her human will, but Our (God’s) Will was always intact in Her.  How could We say to another creature:  ‘You are Queen of the heavens, of the sun, of the stars, etc.’, if instead of having Our Will as dominion, she were dominated by her human will?  All of the elements, the heavens, the sun, the earth, would have withdrawn from the regime and dominion of this creature.  All would have cried out in their mute language:  ‘We do not want her, we are superior to her, because we have never withdrawn from your eternal Volition – as You created us, so we are’.  So would the sun have cried out with its light, the stars with their glittering, the sea with its waves, and everything else.  On the contrary, as soon as they (all of the elements, the heavens, the sun, the earth) all felt the dominion of this excelling Virgin (Our Lady) who, almost as their sister, never wanted to know Her own will, but only That of God, not only did they make feast, but they (all of the elements, the heavens, the sun, the earth) felt honored to have their Queen (Our Lady), and they ran around Her to form Her cortege and to pay obsequies to Her – the moon, by placing itself as footstool at Her feet; the stars as crown, the sun as diadem, the Angels as servants, and men as though in waiting.  Everyone – everyone paid Her honor and rendered their obsequies to Her.  There is no honor and glory which cannot be given to our Will – whether acting within Us, in Its own center, or dwelling in the creature.  …

12/6 Today is the Feast Day of St. Nicholas

Preparation for Holy Christmas
The Nine Excesses of Love in the Incarnation of the Word


The Church of the Nativity, Bethlehem
The silver star in the Grotto of the Nativity marks the spot of Jesus’ Birth

Today is the Feast Day of St. Nicholas

St. Nicholas of Bari
(also known as St. Nicholas of Myra) 

When the Saracens invaded Myra (part of modern day Turkey) the relics of St. Nicholas were moved to Bari in Italy. The Archbishop for Corato has jurisdiction over the provinces of Trani, Bari, and Bisceglie. The Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta, the Little Daughter of the Divine Will, was born and lived her whole life in Corato, the province of Bari.

The Archbishop of Trani also has  the title of Bishop of Nazareth, because when Palestine was lost in 1190 the title of that see was transferred to Barletta (the ancient Barduli), a seaport on the Adriatic, a little south of Trani, to which diocese it then belonged.

Book of Heaven
The Call of the Creature to the Order, the Place and the Purpose
for which He was Created by God
Volume 6 – December 6, 1904

The beginning of Eternal Beatitude is to lose every taste of one’s own.

The Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta the Little Daughter of the Divine Will:

As I continued struggling, blessed Jesus came for just a little, and I saw myself as naked, stripped of everything – perhaps a soul more miserable than I am cannot be found, so extreme is my misery.  What a dismal change!  If the Lord does not make a new miracle of His omnipotence to make me rise again from this state, I will certainly die of misery.

Then blessed Jesus told me:  “My daughter, courage, the beginning of Eternal Beatitude is to lose every taste of one’s own.  In fact, as the soul keeps losing her own tastes, the Divine Tastes take possession of her, and the soul, having undone and lost herself, no longer recognizes herself; she finds nothing else of her own – not even spiritual things.  Seeing that the soul has nothing else of her own, God fills her with all of Himself and replenishes her with all the Divine HappinessesOnly then can the soul truly be called blessed, because as long as she had something of her own, she could not be exempt from bitternesses and fears, nor could God communicate His Happiness to her.  No soul that enters the port of Eternal Beatitude can be exempted from this point – painful, yes, but necessary; nor can she do without it.  Generally they do it at the point of death, and Purgatory does the last job; this is why, if creatures are asked what God’s taste is, what Divine Beatitude means, these are things unknown to them and they are unable to articulate a word.  But with the souls who are My beloved, since they have given themselves completely to Me, I do not want their Beatitude to have beginning up there in Heaven, but to have beginning down here on earth. I (Jesus) want to fill them (souls who have given themselves completely to Our Lord Jesus Christ) not only with the Happiness, with the Glory of Heaven, but I want to fill them with the goods, with the sufferings, with the virtues that My Humanity had upon earth; therefore I strip them, not only of material tastes, which the soul considers as dung, but also of spiritual tastes, in order to fill them completely with My Goods and give them the beginning of True Beatitude.”


11/10 Effects of meditating continuously on the Passion.

Book of Heaven
11/9/06 – Vol. 7

Finding myself in my usual state, I was thinking about the Passion of Our Lord; and while I was doing this, He came and told me: “My daughter, one who meditates continuously on my Passion and feels sorrow for it and compassion for Me, pleases Me so much that I feel as though comforted for all that I suffered in the course of my Passion; and by always meditating on it, the soul arrives at preparing a continuous food. In this food there are many different spices and flavors, which form different effects. So, if in the course of my Passion they gave Me ropes and chains to tie Me, the soul releases Me and gives Me freedom. They despised Me, spat on Me, and dishonored Me; she appreciates Me, cleans Me of that spittle, and honors Me. They stripped Me and scourged Me; she heals Me and clothes Me. They crowned Me with thorns, mocking Me as king, embittered my mouth with bile, and crucified Me; while the soul, meditating on all my pains, crowns Me with glory and honors Me as her king, fills my mouth with sweetness, giving Me the most delicious food, which is the memory of my own works; and unnailing Me from the Cross, she makes Me rise again in her heart. And every time she does so, I give her a new life of grace as recompense. She is my food, and I become her continuous food. So, the thing that pleases Me the most is meditating continuously on my Passion.”

11/7 How all the Truths written about the Divine Will will form the Day for those who will Live in It.

Book of Heaven
11/7/37 – Vol. 35

I felt my poor mind as though crowded by so many Truths that Jesus made me write about the Divine Will; and I was thinking to myself:  “Who knows when these Truths on the Divine Fiat will come to Light, and what Good they will produce?” 

My sweet Jesus, surprising me with His little visit, all Goodness and Tenderness told me:  “My daughter, I too feel the Love-need of making you see the Order that these Truths will have and the Good they will produce.

“These Truths on My Divine Will will form the Day of My Fiat in the midst of the creatures.  According to their knowledge, this day will be rising.  So, as they begin to know the first Truths that I have Manifested to you, a Most Splendid Dawn will arise—provided that they will have good will and the disposition to make their own life of these Truths.  However, these Truths will also have the virtue of disposing the creatures, and of giving the Light to many blind who don’t know My Will or love It.

“Then, once the Dawn is risen, they will feel invested by a Celestial Peace, and more strengthened in the Good.  They, themselves, will yearn to know more Truths, which will form the beginning of the Day of My Divine Will.  This beginning of the Day will increase the Light and the Love; all things will turn into Good for the creatures; passions will lose the power to make them fall into sin.  One can say that they will feel the first Order of the Divine Good, which will facilitate their actions for them.  They will feel a Strength with which they can do everything, since its Primary Virtue is exactly this:  to inject in the soul a Transformation of her nature in Good.  So, feeling the Great Good of the beginning of the Day, they will long for the Day to advance.  They will then know more Truths that will form the Full Day.

“In this Full Day they will vividly feel the Life of My Will within themselves—Its Joy and Happiness, Its Operative and Creative Virtue within them.  They will feel the possession of My very Life, becoming the bearers of My Divine Will.  The Full Day will provoke in them so much yearning to know more Truths that, once known, they will form the Full Afternoon.  In this, the creature will no longer feel alone:  between her and My Will there will be no more separation.  What My Will will do, she will do as well—Operating together.  All will be her own by right—Heaven, earth, and God Himself.

“Do you see then, how noble, Divine and precious will be the scope of these Truths that I made you write on My Divine Will in order to form the Day of the creature?  For some they will form the Dawn; for some the beginning of the Day; for some others the Full Day and, lastly, the Full Afternoon.  These Truths will form, according to their knowledge, the different categories of the souls who will Live in My Will.  One Knowledge more, or one less, will make them rise or stay in the different categories. Knowledge will be the hand to boost them up to the higher categories—it will be the very Life of the Fullness of My Will within them.  Therefore, I can say that with these Truths I formed the Day for whoever wants to Live in My Divine Will—a Day of Heaven, greater than Creation itself; not of sun or stars, because each Truth has the Virtue of Creating Our Life in the creature.  O, how this surpasses the whole of Creation!  Our Love surpassed everything in Manifesting so many Truths on My Divine Will.  Our Glory, on the part of the creatures, will be Full, because they will possess Our Life to Glorify Us and to Love Us.

“As far as the emerging of these Truths goes, just as I had the Power and the Love to assist the one to whom I had to Manifest Them, in the same way I will have Power and Love to Invest the creatures, and Transform them into these very Truths.  And feeling Their Life, they will also feel a great need to give to the Light what They feel within Themselves.  Therefore, don’t get worried.  I, who can do all, will do all and take care of all.” . . .

11/6 The good that the Hours of the Passion produce for Jesus and for the soul who does them.


Jesus’ voice led the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta to detachment from herself and from everyone. At about eighteen, from the balcony of her house in Via Nazario Sauro, she had a vision of Jesus suffering under the weight of the Cross, who raised his eyes to her saying: O soul, help Me! From that moment an insatiable longing to suffer for Jesus and for the salvation of souls was enkindled in Luisa.  

 Balcony of Luisa’s home at Via Nazario Sauro
now named Via Luisa Piccarreta
The Pious Association Luisa Piccarreta
is now located in Luisa’s former home on Via Luisa Piccarreta


Book of Heaven
11/6/14 – Vol. 11

The good that the Hours of the Passion produce for Jesus and for the soul who does them.

As I continued the usual Hours of the Passion, my adorable Jesus told me: “My daughter, the world is in continuous act of renewing my Passion; and since my Immensity envelopes everything, inside and outside the creatures, I am forced to receive from their contact nails, thorns, scourges, scorns, spits and all the rest which I suffered in the Passion – and still more. Now, at the contact with souls who do these Hours of my Passion I feel the nails being removed, the thorns shattered, the wounds soothed, the spits taken away. I feel compensated by good for the evil that others do to Me. Feeling that their contact does not do harm to Me, but good, I lean more and more on them.”

Furthermore, returning to speak about these Hours of the Passion, blessed Jesus said: “My daughter, know that by doing these Hours the soul takes my thoughts and makes them her own; she takes my reparations, my prayers, desires, affections, and even my most intimate fibers and makes them her own. So, rising up between Heaven and earth, she does my same office, and as co-redemptrix, she says to Me: ‘Ecce ego, mitte me [Here I am, send me]. I want to repair for all, answer to You for all, and plead good for all.’”