4/5 Feast Day of St. Vincent Ferrer, Priest

S_St. Vincent Ferrer

St. Vincent Ferrer

The Greek Schism occurred in 1054 when the exchange of excommunications between the Greek and Latin Sees took place in the Diocese of Trani.  Another schism, the Great Western Schism, occurred in reaction to the legitimate election of  the Archbishop of Trani, Urban VI, as Pope.   Two great Saints were involved in settling this schism, St. Catherine of Sienna and St. Vincent Ferrer, both of whom were among the Saints mentioned by name by Luisa in the Book of Heaven.  God, by always drawing good out of evil, has destined the site of these and all schisms to become the birthplace of a spiritual renewal that will bring the traditions of Eastern and Western Christianity to a glorious fruition in the Kingdom of the Divine Will.

The Greek Schism occurred in 1054 when the exchange of excommunications between the Greek and Latin Sees took place in the Diocese of Trani.  Another schism, the Great Western Schism, occurred in reaction to the legitimate election of  the Archbishop of Trani, Urban VI, as Pope.   Two great Saints were involved in settling this schism, St. Catherine of Sienna and St. Vincent Ferrer, both of whom were among the Saints mentioned by name by Luisa in the Book of Heaven.  God, by always drawing good out of evil, has destined the site of these and all schisms to become the birthplace of a spiritual renewal that will bring the traditions of Eastern and Western Christianity to a glorious fruition in the Kingdom of the Divine Will.


Volume 3; November 11, 1899
Obedience prevents her from conforming to Justice.

As I was in my usual state, I found myself outside of myself, and I seemed to be going around the earth. Oh! how inundated it was with all sorts of iniquities! It is horrifying to think about it! Now, while going around, I arrived some place and I found a priest of holy life, and in another place a virgin of unblemished and holy life. We gathered, the three of us together, and we began to converse about the many chastisements that the Lord is sending, and about the many others that He keeps prepared. I said to them: “And you, what do you do? Have you perhaps conformed to Divine Justice?” And they: “Seeing the strict necessity of these times, and that man would not surrender even if an Apostle came out, or if the Lord sent another St. Vincent Ferrer who, with miracles and prodigious signs, might induce him to conversion; on the contrary, seeing that man has reached such obstinacy and a sort of madness, such that the very power of miracles would render them more incredulous – invested by this most strict necessity, for their good, in order to arrest this rotten sea that inundates the face of the earth, and for the Glory of our God, so offended, we have conformed to Justice. Only, we are praying and offering ourselves as victims, so that these chastisements may turn out for the conversion of the peoples. And you, what do you do? Have you not conformed with us?”

And I: “Ah, no! I cannot, because obedience does not want it, even though Jesus wants me to conform; but since obedience does not want it, it must prevail over everything, and I am forced to be always in contrast with blessed Jesus, and this afflicts me very much.” And they: “When it is the obedience, surely one must not adhere.”

After this, finding myself inside myself, I saw dearest Jesus for just a little, and I wanted to know where that priest and that virgin were from, and He told me that they were from Peru.