1/15 Letter #45 from the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta to Mother Cecilia

Fiat! – In Voluntate Dei!

My good and reverend Mother,

Thank you very much for your dear letter and for the good news you send me, especially about your eyes.  I was really concerned, but now I thank God.  We are making the third edition of the “Queen of Heaven” with a beautiful appendix.  I would have liked to make you a surprise.  The typography is going very slowly, so it hasn’t come out yet, but it’s about to be finished.  As soon as it comes out, the first copy will be for you, and you will hear new surprises from the Queen – what she has done, what she does and wants to do for us.  After I send it to you, you will send me your impressions, and I believe that you will love the Celestial Queen more.

Now, my dearest Mother, I send you my wishes for the birth of the little King Jesus.  It is easier to get what we want from the little ones, because they have no self-interest.  Sometimes it is enough to give them a caress, a kiss, or to dry their tears, to obtain what we want.  I believe that your Maternity will give all this to little Jesus, and He will give you His Most Holy Will as a gift for His birth.  He could not give you a greater gift, because with It you will have sanctity and peace at your disposal; you will feel the Creative Virtue within you, which has the virtue of transforming your acts – even a little “I love You” – into as many Lives of Love, which are incessantly in the act of loving the One who loves us so much.

My Mother, how beautiful it is to live in the Divine Volition!  Everything is ours; God Himself feels the need to give Himself at the mercy of His creatures, to love them and to be loved by them.  I wouldn’t know what else to wish you, more beautiful and more useful than this:  may the Divine Volition enwrap you so much as to make you feel, see and touch nothing but Divine Will.

I leave you in the Divine Volition…