10/5 Feast Day of St. Mary Faustina Kowalska


On October 5, 1938 Sister Faustina (Helen Kowalska)
died in a convent of the
Congregation of Sisters of  
Our Lady of Mercy in Cracow, Poland

More information about St. Faustina can be found
at the following web site by clicking here:

V6 – 4.16.04
“Adorable Goodness, infinite Mercy, knowing that You are Mercy Itself, I have come to ask for Your Mercy – Mercy on Your very images, Mercy on the Works Created by You; Mercy upon no other but Your creatures themselves.”
Luisa Piccarreta praying for Mercy, in fulfillment of Luisa’s prayer, the following year on August 25, 1905, Helena Kowalska (Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska), an apostle of Divine Mercy, was born.

Book of Heaven
The Call of the Creature to the Order, the Place and the Purpose
for which He was Created by God

The Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta the Little Daughter of the Divine Will:

Volume 6 – April 16, 1904
Jesus and God the Father speak about Mercy.

 Continuing in my usual state, I found myself outside of myself, and I saw a multitude of people, and in their midst one could hear noises of bombs and gun shots.  People were dropping dead or wounded, and those who were left would flee up to a palace nearby; but the enemies would go up there and kill them, more surely than those who remained outside.

So I said to myself:  How I (Luisa) wish I could see whether the Lord is there in the midst of these people, so as to say to Him:  “Have mercy – pity on these poor people!”  So I went round and round and I saw Him as a little Child; but little by
little He kept growing, until He reached the perfect age.  I drew near Him and I said:  “Amiable Lord, don’t You see the tragedy that is happening?  You don’t want to make use of mercy anymore?  Do You perhaps want to keep this attribute as useless, which has always glorified your Incarnate Divinity with so much honor, forming a special crown on Your august head, and bejeweling You with a second crown, so wanted and loved by You – which is souls?

Now, while I was saying this, He told me:  “Enough, enough, do not go any further; you want to speak of Mercy, and what about Justice – what are we going to do with It?
I have told you and I repeat to you:  ‘It is necessary that Justice follow Its course’.”

So I replied:  “There is no remedy – why then leave me on this earth when I can no longer placate You and suffer in the place of my neighbor?  Since it is so, it is better
if You let me die.”

At that moment I saw another person behind the shoulders of blessed Jesus, and He told me, almost making a sign with His eyes:  “Present yourself to My Father and see what He tells you.”

I (Luisa) presented myself (to God the Father), all trembling, and as soon as He saw me, He told me:  “Why have you come to Me?”

And I (Luisa):  “Adorable Goodness, infinite Mercy, knowing that You are Mercy Itself, I have come to ask for your Mercy – Mercy on your very images, Mercy on the works created by You; Mercy on nothing else but your creatures themselves.”

And He (God the Father) said to me (Luisa):  “So, it is Mercy that you want.  But if you want true Mercy, after Justice has poured Itself out It will produce abundant fruits of Mercy.”

Not knowing what else to say, I (Luisa) said:  “Father, infinitely Holy, when servants or people in need present themselves before their masters or rich people, if these are good, even if they do not give everything that is necessary for them, they always give something.  And to me, who have had the good of presenting myself before You, absolute Master, rich without limit, infinite Goodness, don’t You want to give anything of what this poor little one has asked of You?  Does a master perhaps not remain more honored and content when he gives, than when he denies what is necessary to his servants?”

After a moment of silence He (God the Father) added:  “For love of you, instead of doing ten, I will do five.”

Having said this, They disappeared, and in several places of the earth, especially of Europe, I saw wars, civil wars and revolutions multiply.

Volume 6 – June 20, 1904
Victim souls are the daughters of Mercy.

After I struggled very much, blessed Jesus came for just a little and told me:  “My daughter, human perfidy has reached such a point as to exhaust My Mercy on its part.
But My goodness is so great as to constitute daughters of Mercy, so that on the part of creatures also, this attribute may not be exhausted.  These are the victims who are in full ownership of the Divine Will, having destroyed their own.  In fact, in these souls, the container given by Me in creating them is in full vigor, and since they have
received the particle of My Mercy, being daughters, they administer it to others.  It is understood, however, that in order to be able to administer the particle of My Mercy to others, they themselves must be in Justice.”

And I:  “Lord, who can ever be in Justice?”

And He:  “One who does not commit grave sins and abstains from committing the slightest venial sins of his own will.”

A depiction of St. Faustina Kowalska and Jesus,
who entrusted His message of Divine Mercy to the Polish nun,
hangs at at the Vatican at the canonization Mass for St. Faustina, April 30, 2000
(Photo from Catholic Press Photo)

10/4 Feast Day of St. Francis of Assisi (1181 – 1226)

St. Francis loved God, all creatures – great and small, and all God’s Creation

Book of Heaven
The Call of the Creature to the Order, the Place and the Purpose
for which He was Created by God

Volume 17 – April 15, 1925

The mission of the Divine Will is Eternal, and it is precisely the mission of Our Celestial Father.

I [Luisa] write only to obey, and to my great repugnance.  After a holy priest had read my writings, he had let me know that in certain chapters blessed Jesus was exalting me too much, to the point of telling me that He placed me near His Celestial Mama, that She be me my model.  On hearing this, I felt confused and troubled; I remembered that I had written this only to obey, and to my great repugnance, and that I was connected to the mission of making the Divine Will known.  And I lamented to my Jesus for having told me this, while I
am so bad, and He alone knows all my miseries.  This confused me and humiliated me so much, as to give me no peace.  I felt such distance between me and the Celestial Mother, as if there was an abyss of distance between me and Her.  Then, while I was so troubled, my lovable Jesus came out from within my interior, and clasping me tightly in His arms to infuse peace in me, told me:  “My daughter, why do you trouble yourself so much?  Don’t you know that peace is the smile of the soul, it is the azure and serene sky in which the Divine Sun makes Its light blaze more vividly, in such a way as to let no cloud arise above the horizon, which might occupy the light?  Peace is the beneficial dew which vivifies everything and bejewels the soul with an enrapturing beauty, and attracts the continuous kiss of my Will upon her.  And besides, what is it that opposes the truth? Where is this exalting you too much?  Only because I told you that I placed you near my Divine Mother; because, She having been the depository of all the goods of my Redemption, as my Mother, as Virgin, as Queen, I placed Her at the head of all the redeemed ones, giving Her a distinct, unique and special mission, which no one else will be given.  The very Apostles and the whole Church depend upon Her and receive from Her; there is no good which She does not possess – all goods come from Her; it was right that, as my Mother, I was to entrust everything and everyone to Her maternal Heart.  Embracing everything, and being able to give everything to everyone, was only of my Mother.

Now, I repeat to you that just as I placed my Mama at the head of all, and I deposited in Her all the goods of Redemption, so I chose another virgin, whom I placed near Her, giving her the mission of making my Divine Will known. And if Redemption is great, my Will is even greater; and just as for Redemption there was a beginning in time, not in eternity, in the same way, for my Divine Will, though It is eternal, there was to be the beginning in time of Its making Itself known.  Therefore, because my Will exists in Heaven and on earth, and is the sole and only one which possesses all goods, I was to choose a creature to whom I was to entrust the deposit of the knowledges about It, making known to her, as to a second mother, the qualities, the value, the prerogatives of It, that she might love It and jealously keep the deposit of It.  And just as my Celestial Mother, true depository of the goods of Redemption, is generous with whomever wants of them, so will this second mother be generous in making known to all the deposit of my teachings, the sanctity of it and the good that my Divine Will wants to give, how It lives unknown in the midst of creatures, and how, from the beginning of the creation of man, It years, It prays, It supplicates that man return to his origin – that is, into my Will – and that the rights of Its sovereignty over creatures be given back to It.  My Redemption was one, and I made use of my dear Mother in order to carry It out.  My Will also is one, and I was to make use of another creature; and placing her as though at the head, and forming the deposit in her, she was to serve Me to make my teachings known and to fulfill the designs of my Divine Will.  So, where is this exalting you too much?  Who can deny that the Redemption and the fulfillment of my Will are two unique and similar missions, such that, as they hold each other’s hand, my Will will make the fruits of Redemption be completed, and the rights of Creation be given back to Us, placing the seal on the purpose for which all things were created? This is why this knowledge of the mission of Our Will interests Us so much – because nothing else will do so much good to creatures as it will; it will be the fulfillment and the crowning of all Our works.

Furthermore, of David it was said that he was an image of Me, so much so, that all of his psalms reveal my person; of Saint Francis of Assisi, that he was a faithful copy of Me.  It is said in the Holy Gospel:  ‘Be perfect as your Father in Heaven is perfect’ – no less; it is also added that no one will enter the Kingdom of Heaven if he is not similar to the image of the Son of God; and many other things.  About all these, no one says that they have been exalted too much, and that these are things not conforming to truths spoken by my very mouth.  Only because to you I said that I wanted to compare you to the Virgin – to make you Her faithful copy, I have exalted you too much?  So, comparing those to Me was not exalting them, nor did anyone raise any doubt or difficulty; but then, comparing to the Virgin – that’s too much exaltation.  This means that they have not understood well the mission of the knowledge of my Will.  Indeed, I repeat to you that I not only place you near Her as Her little daughter, on Her maternal lap, that She may guide you, instruct you on how you must imitate Her, to become Her faithful copy by always doing the Divine Will; so that, from Her lap, you may pass onto the lap of the Divinity.  In fact, the mission of my Will is eternal, and it is precisely the mission of Our Celestial Father, who wants, commands, expects nothing else but that His Will be known and loved, that It be done on earth as It is in Heaven.  So you, making this eternal mission your own and imitating the Celestial Father, must want nothing else for yourself and for all but that my Will be known, loved and fulfilled.  And besides, when it is the creature who exalts herself, one should think about it; but when she remains at her place and I exalt her, all is permissible to Me – making one reach wherever I want, and the way I want.  Therefore, trust Me and do not be concerned.”


Volume 29 – February 13, 1931

How the Creation is mute, while the creature is speaking creation.

… Then, I [Luisa] was continuing my little acts of adorations, of love, of praises, of blessings in the Divine Fiat for my Creator; and as I emitted my acts, the Divine Volition extended them everywhere and in every place where the Divine Will was present, which is such that there is not one point in which It is not present. And my always lovable Jesus added: “Dearest daughter of My Will, you must know that My Volition knows not how to do acts by half, but complete ones, and with such fullness as to be able to say: ‘Wherever there is My Will there is My Act.’ And Our Divinity, seeing the adoration, the love of Its creature laid within Our Divine Will, finds Its support within Its Immensity, at whatever point It wants to lean. So, We feel Our profound adoration that the creature has placed for Us in Our Will, and We lean upon it and We rest; We feel that she loves Us everywhere, and We lean within her love; and so with her praises and blessings. So, the creature in Our Will becomes Our support and Our rest; and there is nothing that delights Us more than finding Our rest in Our creature—symbol of the rest that We took after having created the whole Creation.

 Furthermore, Our Divine Will is present everywhere, and Heaven and earth, and everything, are filled with It up to the brim. So, all are veils that hide It, but mute veils; and if in their muteness they eloquently speak of their Creator, it is not them, but My very Divine Will, hidden in the created things, speaks by way of signs, as if It did not have speech. It speaks in the sun by way of signs of light and of heat; in the wind, giving penetrating and ruling signs; in the air It gives mute signs, such as to make Itself breath of all creatures. Oh! if the sun, the wind, the air and all other created things had the good of the word, how many things they would say to their Creator. But, who is the speaking work of the Supreme Being? It is the creature. In creating her, We loved her so much, that We gave her the great good of the word. Our Will wanted to make Itself word of the creature, It wanted to leave the muteness of created things, and forming in her the organ of the voice, It formed the word so as to be able to speak. Therefore, the voice of the creatures is speaking veil in which My Will speaks eloquently, wisely; and since the creature does not say or do always the same thing—as the created things, that never change their action; they are always at their place, doing that same action that God wants from them—therefore My Will maintains the continuous attitude of the multiplicity of the ways that are in the creature. So, it can be said that It speaks not only in the voice, but It renders Itself speaking in the works, in the steps, in the mind and in the heart of creatures. But what is not Our sorrow in seeing this speaking creation making use of the great good of the word to offend Us; making use of the gift to offend the giver and prevent the great prodigy that I can make, of graces, of love, of Divine Knowledges, of the sanctity that I can form in the speaking work of the creature? But for one who lives in My Will, I am voice that speaks, and—oh! how many things I keep manifesting to her; I am in continuous motion and attitude, I enjoy the full freedom to do and say surprising things, and I perform the prodigy of My Will speaking, loving and operating in the creature. Therefore, give Me full freedom, and you will see what My Will can do in you.” …

10/3 Luisa offers herself in a special way. There is no greater obstacle to the union with God than the human will.

10/3/01 – Vol. 4

Having received Communion, I was thinking of how to offer something more special to Jesus – how to prove my love and give Him more pleasure; so I said to Him: ‘My most beloved Jesus, I offer You my heart for your satisfaction and in eternal praise of You; and I offer You all of myself, even the tiniest particles of my body like as many walls to be placed before You in order to block any offense which might be given to You, accepting them all upon myself if it were possible, and for your pleasure, until the day of judgment. And since I want my offering to be complete and to satisfy You for all, I intend for all the pains which I will bear by receiving upon myself the offenses given to You, to repay You with all the glory which the Saints who are in Heaven were supposed to give You when they were on earth; that which the souls in Purgatory were supposed to give You, and that glory which all men, past, present and future, owe You. I offer them to You for all in general, and for each one in particular.’ As I finished speaking, all moved by this offering, blessed Jesus told me: “My beloved, you yourself cannot understand the great contentment you have given Me by offering yourself in this way. You have soothed all my wounds, and have given Me a satisfaction for all offenses, past, present and future. And I will take it into account for all eternity like a most precious gem which will glorify Me eternally; and every time I will look at it, I will give you new and greater eternal glory. My daughter, there is no greater obstacle which prevents the union between creatures and Myself, and which is opposed to my Grace, than one’s own will. You, by offering me your heart for my satisfaction, have emptied yourself of yourself; and because of your emptying yourself of yourself, I will pour all of Myself into you, and from your heart a praise will come to Me which will carry the same notes as the praise that my Heart gives to my Father continuously, to satisfy for the glory that men do not give Him.”

While He was saying this, I saw that by means of my offering, many rivulets were coming out of every part of me, which poured over blessed Jesus, who then, with impetus and greater abundance, pour them over the whole Celestial Court, over Purgatory and over all peoples. Oh, goodness of my Jesus, in accepting such a meager offering, and requiting it with so much grace! Oh, prodigy of the holy and pious intentions! If in all our works, even trivial, we made use of them, what traffic would we not produce? How many eternal properties would we not acquire? How much more glory would we not give to the Lord?


VOL. 19 – February 28, 1926
Every time the soul occupies herself with herself, she loses one act in the Divine Will.  What it means to lose this act.

I continued amid my usual fears, and my always lovable Jesus, making Himself seen, all goodness told me:  “My daughter, do not lose time, because every time you occupy yourself with yourself it is an act of my Will that you lose; and if you knew what it means to lose one single act in my Will…!  You lose a divine act – that act which embraces everything and everyone, and which contains all the goods that exist in Heaven and on earth.  More so, since my Will is a continuous act which never stops Its course, nor can It wait for you when you stop with your fears.  It is more appropriate for you to follow It in Its continuous course, than for It to wait for you to place yourself on the way in order to follow It.  And not only do you lose time, but having to pacify you and to raise you from your fears in order to put you on the way in my Will, you force Me to occupy Myself with things which do not regard the Supreme Volition.  Your very Angel, who is near you, remains on an empty stomach, because every act you do in It, as you follow Its course, is one more accidental beatitude which he enjoys, being near you; and it is a doubled paradise of joys that you offer him, in such a way that he feels happy in his destiny of having you in his custody.  And since the joys of Heaven are communal, your Angel offers the accidental beatitude he has received from you, his doubled paradise, to the whole Celestial Court as the fruit of the Divine Will of his protected one.  All make feast and magnify and praise the power, the sanctity, the immensity of my Will.  Therefore, be attentive; in my Will one cannot lose time – there is much to do; you have to follow the act of a God, which is never interrupted.”

10/2 Feast Day of the Holy Guardian Angels

Today is …

… the Feast Day of the Holy Guardian Angels

Book of Heaven
The Call of the Creature to the Order, the Place and the Purpose
for which He was Created by God
Volume 14 – April 25, 1922

Thousands of Angels are the guardians and custodians of the acts done in
the Divine Will.

The Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta the Little Daughter of the Divine Will:

Continuing in my usual state, I felt all immersed in the Divine Volition, and my sweet Jesus told me: “My daughter, just as the Sun does not leave the plant, but caresses it with its light, fecundates it with its heat until it produces fruits and flowers; and then, jealous, it makes them mature, it keeps them with its light, and only then does it leave the fruit when the farmer picks it to make of it his food, the same for the acts done in My Will: My Love, My jealousy toward them is such that Grace caresses them, My Love conceives them, fecundates them and matures them. I place thousands of Angels as custodians of one single act done in My Will. In fact, since these acts done in My Will are seeds so that My Will may be done on earth as It is in Heaven, everyone is jealous of these acts. Their dew is My breath; their shadow is My Light. The Angels remain enraptured by them (acts done in the Divine Will) and, reverent, they adore them, because in these acts they see the Eternal Volition, which deserves all their adoration. Only then do they leave these acts, when I find souls who, picking them as Divine fruits, make of them food for their own souls. Oh, fecundity and multiplicity of these acts! The creature herself who does them cannot count them.”

Then I (Luisa) was thinking to myself: “How is it possible that these acts be so great? And why do even Angels remain enraptured?”

And Jesus, squeezing me more tightly in His arms, added: “My daughter, these acts are so great that, as the soul keeps doing them, there is nothing, both in Heaven and on earth, in which she does not take part. She remains in communication with all created things. All the good, the effects, the value of the heavens, of the sun, of the stars, of water, of fire, etc., are not only in continuous relations with her, but they are her own things. She harmonizes with the whole Creation, and the whole of Creation harmonizes within her.

Why, then? Because those who live in My Will are the depositories, the preservers, the supporters, the defenders of My Will. They foresee what I want, and without Me commanding, they execute what I want; and comprehending the greatness, the Sanctity of My Will, they keep It and defend It jealously. How could everyone not remain enraptured in seeing these souls who form the support of their God, by virtue of the prodigy of My Will? Who can ever defend My rights if not the one who lives in My Will? Who can ever really love Me, with love of disinterest similar to My Love, if not the one who lives in My Will? I feel stronger in these souls, but strong of My own Strength. I am like a king surrounded by faithful ministers, who feels stronger, more glorious, more sustained, in the midst of his faithful ones than by himself alone. If he remains alone, he regrets not having his ministers, because he has no one with whom to pour himself out, and to whom to entrust the lot of his kingdom. So I am – and who could ever be more faithful to Me than the one who lives in My Will? I feel My Will being duplicated, therefore I feel more glorious, I pour Myself out with them, and I trust them.”

Taken From: Biography Luisa Piccarreta –
Childhood Memories by Padre Bernardino Giuseppe Bucci

Divine Providence was leading this child along these mysterious paths, in such a way that Luisa knew no joy other than God and His Grace. In fact, one day the Lord will say to her: “Listen, I went around the earth, over and over again; I looked at all creatures, one by one, in order to find the littlest of all. And among them all I found you, the littlest of all. I liked your littleness, and I chose you. I entrusted you to my Angels to guard you, not to make you great, but to preserve your littleness. Now I want to begin the great work of the fulfillment of my Will. You will not feel greater because of this; on the contrary, my Will will make you smaller, and you will continue to be the little daughter of your Jesus – the little daughter of my Will” (Vol. 12, 3-23-1921).

One day, being assailed by the evil spirit, terrorized, Luisa turned to her Celestial Mama, who benignly spoke to her:

“Why do you fear? Your Angel is by your side, Jesus is in your heart, and your Celestial Mama keeps you under Her mantle. Why do you fear then? Who is stronger? Your guardian Angel, your Jesus, your Celestial Mama, or the infernal enemy? Therefore, do not run away, but stay, pray, and do not fear.” At that instant everything disappeared; serenity invaded her, and nothing else happened to her.

Conversation between Padre Bucci and his Aunt Rosaria
Padre Bucci: “But her writings can’t reveal everything about Luisa’s life, because it was far more complex”.

“That’s true” Padre Bucci’s Aunt Rosaria answered. “I could tell of many things that no one knows”.

Padre Bucci: “So why do you insistently refuse to speak?”

Padre Bucci’s Aunt Rosaria: “If Luisa had wished them to be known she would have written them down, or the Church would have ordered her to write them; it is clear that certain phenomena which occurred, which I and others witnessed, do not serve for the sanctification of souls. The Lord permitted to be known all that is of use to the Church and to souls, the rest serves no purpose. In speaking of these things I feel as if I were profaning the intimacy that was built up between God and Luisa, human beings would not understand. The message bequeathed by Luisa exceeds her very person. Luisa wanted the Lord alone to have all the honor and glory, and she was to disappear into nothingness; this is why she loved solitude and silence, and showed great distress when she noticed that she was the object of people’ veneration, for she considered herself only a poor sick person, in need of everything. I and others knew very well that Luisa had no need of anything, and that we had to be the custodians of her mystery. How often in the morning did I find Luisa all tidy and the altar already prepared for Holy Mass with the candles lit”.

Padre Bucci: “And how did this happen, if Luisa never set foot out of bed for about sixty years? Are you sure of what you say?”.

Padre Bucci’s Aunt Rosaria “Absolutely certain! Because I was the only one who entered her room” Padre Bucci: “Did you never wonder what the explanation was?”.

Padre Bucci’s Aunt Rosaria “I thought that Angels served her, especially her guardian Angel, to whom she was deeply devoted. Her room was often found full of fragrance”.

Volume 1

Luisa’s Received the Obedience to Write
Most Holy Virgin, lovable Mother, come to my aid, obtain for me from your sweet Jesus and mine, grace and strength in order to do this obedience. Saint Joseph, my dear protector, assist me in this circumstance of mine. Archangel Saint Michael, defend me from the infernal enemy, who puts so many obstacles in my mind to make me fail this obedience. Archangel Saint Rafael and you, my guardian Angel, come to assist me and accompany me, and to direct my hand, that I may write nothing but the truth.

Volume 1
Luisa’s Mystical Marriage
Now, while He was crowning my forehead, Jesus told me: “Most sweet spouse, I place this crown upon you so that nothing may be missing in order to make you worthy of being my spouse; but then, after our wedding is finished, I will take it with Me to Heaven, to keep it for you at the moment of your death.” Finally, He took a veil and covered me completely with it, from head to foot; and He left me in that way. Ah! it seemed to me that there was a great meaning in that veil, because the demons, in seeing me all covered with that veil, were so frightened and had such fear of me, that they fled, terrified. The very angels were around me with such veneration, that I myself was confused and all full of blushing.

On the morning of the aforementioned day, Jesus made Himself seen again all affable, sweet and majestic, together with His Most Holy Mother and Saint Catherine. First, the angels sang a hymn, while Saint Catherine assisted me, Mama took my hand, and Jesus put the ring on my finger. Then, we embraced and He kissed me, and so did Mama also. Then we had a conversation, all of love – Jesus told me of the great love He had for me, and I also told Him of the love I had for Him. The Most Holy Virgin made me comprehend the great grace I had received, and the correspondence with which I was to correspond to the love of Jesus.

October 13 A.D.1916 (one year prior to Fatima)

How the Angels are around the soul who does the Hours of the Passion.
These Hours are sweet little sips that souls give to Jesus.
I was doing the Hours of the Passion, and blessed Jesus told me: “My daughter, in the course of my mortal Life, thousands and thousands of Angels were the cortege of my Humanity, gathering everything I did – my steps, my works, my words, and even my sighs, my pains, the drops of my Blood – in sum, everything. They were the Angels in charge of my custody, and of paying Me honor; obedient to my every wish, they would rise to and descend from Heaven, to bring to the Father what I was doing. Now these Angels have a special office, and as the soul remembers my Life, my Passion, my Blood, my wounds, my prayers, they come around this soul and gather her words, her prayers, her acts of compassion for Me, her tears and her offerings; they unite them to Mine, and they bring them before my Majesty to renew for Me the glory of my own Life. The delight of the Angels is so great that, reverent, they listen to what the soul says, and pray together with her. So, with what attention and respect must the soul do these Hours, thinking that the Angels hang upon her lips to repeat after her what she says.”

Then He added: “After the so many bitternesses that creatures give Me, these Hours are sweet little sips that souls give Me; but for the many bitter sips I receive, the sweet ones are too few. Therefore, more diffusion, more diffusion!”


Feast of the Holy Guardian Angels (New/Trad) – “And since the Joys of Heaven are Communal, your Angel offers the accidental Beatitude he has received from you, his Doubled Paradise, to the whole Celestial Court as the Fruit of the Divine Will of his Protected one.  All make Feast and Magnify and Praise the Power, the Sanctity, the Immensity of My Will.  Therefore, be Attentive; in My Will one cannot lose time – there is much to do; you have to follow the Act of a God, which is never interrupted.” – V19 – 2.28.26

10/1 Feast Day of St. Thérèse of Lisieux

Feast of St. Therese of Lisieux (1873-1897)
Virgin, Doctor of the Church

The Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta the Little Daughter of the Divine Will
(Note the Holy Card of St. Therese at the foot of the Crucifix)

St. Therese of Lisieux was a favored Saint
of the Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta the Little Daughter of the Divine Will–

St Therese of the Child Jesus, pray for us!
“I will spend my Heaven doing good upon the earth. I will let fall a shower of roses”

From St Therese of Lisieux’s Autobiography “The Story of a Soul“:

Therese Martin was the last of nine children born to Louis and Zelie Martin on January 2, 1873, in Alencon, France. However, only five of these children lived to reach adulthood. Precocious and sensitive, Therese needed much attention. Her mother died when she was 4 years old. As a result, her father and sisters babied young Therese. She had a spirit that wanted everything.

At the age of 14, on Christmas Eve in 1886, Therese had a conversion that transformed her life. From then on, her powerful energy and sensitive spirit were turned toward love, instead of keeping herself happy. At 15, she entered the Carmelite convent in Lisieux to give her whole life to God. She took the religious name Sister Therese of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face. Living a hidden, simple life of prayer, she was gifted with great intimacy with God. Through sickness and dark nights of doubt and fear, she remained faithful to God, rooted in His merciful love. After a long struggle with tuberculosis, she died on September 30, 1897, at the age of 24. Her last words were the story of her life: “My God, I love You!”

The world came to know Therese through her autobiography, “Story of a Soul”. She described her life as a “little way of spiritual childhood.” She lived each day with an unshakable confidence in God’s love. “What matters in life,” she wrote, “is not great deeds, but great love.” Therese lived and taught a spirituality of attending to everyone and everything well and with love. She believed that just as a child becomes enamored with what is before her, we should also have a childlike focus and totally attentive love. Therese’s spirituality is of doing the ordinary, with extraordinary love.

Therese saw the seasons as reflecting the seasons of God’s love affair with us. She loved flowers and saw herself as the “little flower of Jesus,” who gave glory to God by just being her beautiful little self among all the other flowers in God’s garden. Because of this beautiful analogy, the title “little flower” remained with St. Therese.

Her inspiration and powerful presence from heaven touched many people very quickly. She was canonized by Pope Pius XI on May 17, 1925. Had she lived, she would have been only 52 years old when she was declared a Saint.

“My mission – to make God loved – will begin after my death,” she said. “I will spend my heaven doing good on earth. I will let fall a shower of roses.” Roses have been described and experienced as Saint Therese’s signature. Countless millions have been touched by her intercession and imitate her “little way.” She has been acclaimed “the greatest saint of modern times.” In 1997, Pope John Paul II declared St. Therese a Doctor of the Church – the only Doctor of his pontificate – in tribute to the powerful way her spirituality has influenced people all over the world.

Two excerpts from the Book of Heaven
Volume One, 
the Servant of God
Luisa Piccarreta the Little Daughter of the Divine Will writes:

… Then He (Jesus) continued: “I have made great designs upon you (Luisa), as long as you correspond to Me – I want to make of you a perfect image of Me, from the moment I was born up to my death. I (Jesus) Myself will teach you (Luisa), little by little, how to do it.” …

… “Lord”, I (Luisa) said to Him (Jesus), “I lack everything – I have nothing”
And He (Jesus) said to me (Luisa): “Do not fear, little by little we will do everything. I Myself know how weak you are, but it is from Me that you must draw strength.”

As well as from the other Volumes of the Book of Heaven:

Volume 2 – September 5, 1899
This morning I found myself in such disheartenment and I saw myself so bad, that I
myself rendered myself unbearable. When Jesus came, I told Him of my pains and
the miserable state in which I was, and He said to me: “My daughter, do not
want to lose heart. It is my usual way to operate perfection little by little,
and not everything in one instant, so that, in seeing that she is always lacking
something, the soul may push herself and make all efforts in order to reach
what she lacks, to please Me more and to sanctify herself more. …

Volume 3 – January 1, 1900
… Oh, how sorry I felt for Him!  I felt absorbed in that bitterness; and the blessed little Baby, compassionating my miserable state, told me:  “The more the soul
humiliates herself and knows herself, the closer she draws to the truth; and
being in the truth, she tries to push herself along the path of virtues, from
which she sees herself very far away.  And if she sees herself on the path
of virtues, immediately she realizes how much there is left for her to do,
because virtues have no end – they are infinite, as I am.  So, being in
the truth, the soul always tries to perfect herself, but she will never arrive
at seeing herself perfect.  And this serves her, and it will make her work
continuously, striving to perfect herself more, without wasting time in
idleness.  And I, pleased with this work, keep retouching her little by little, in
order to portray My likeness in her.

Volume 3 – August 1, 1900
… Placing himself before My Humanity, which spreads temperate rays of the Divinity, man has the good of being able to Purify, Sanctity and even Divinize himself in My very Deified Humanity.
Therefore, you – remain always before My Humanity, keeping it as a mirror through which you will clean all of your stains; not only this, but as a mirror through which, by reflecting yourself in it, you will acquire beauty, and little by little you will keep adorning yourself in My own likeness.  …

Volume 10 – November 29, 1910
Since a good and holy priest was coming, I was a little bit anxious to speak with him, especially about my current state, in order to know the Divine Will. Now, after he came the first and the second time, I saw that nothing would be done of what I wanted. So, having received Holy Communion, all afflicted, I was repeating my great affliction to my affectionate Jesus, saying to Him: “My Life, my Good and my All, it shows that You alone are everything for me. I have never found in any creature, as good and holy as he might be, a word, a comfort, a solution for the slightest doubt of mine. It shows how there is to be no one for me, but You alone: You alone – the All for me, and I alone, alone – always alone for You. And so I abandon myself in You, completely and always. As bad as I am, have the goodness of holding me in your arms, without leaving me for one single instant.”
While I was saying this, my blessed Jesus made Himself seen looking in my interior, turning everything upside down to see if there was something which He did not like. And while turning and turning, He (Jesus) took something like a grain of white sand in His hands, and He threw it to the ground. Then He said to me: “Dearest daughter of Mine, it is absolutely right that for one who is all for Me, I be all for her. I am too jealous that someone else might give her the slightest comfort. I alone – I Myself alone want to make up for all, and in everything. What is it that afflicts you? What do you want? I do everything to make you content. Do you see that white grain that I removed from you? It was nothing but a little bit of anxiety, for you wanted to know My Will from others. I removed it from you and I threw it on the ground so as to leave you in holy indifference – the way I want you. And now I will tell you what My Will is: I want Mass and also Communion; as for whether or not you must wait for the priest to come round, you will be indifferent to this. If you feel dozy, you will not try to come round; and if you feel awake, you will not try to doze off. However, know that I want you always ready, and always at your post of victim, even if you should not always suffer. I want you like the soldiers in the battle field: even if the act of fighting is not continuous they remain with their weapons ready, and if necessary, seated in the quarters, so that every time the enemy tries to start the fight, they may always be ready to defeat him. The same for you, My daughter: you will remain always ready, always at your post, so that every time I should want to make You suffer either for My relief or to hold back chastisements, or for anything else, I may find you always ready. I do not have to always call you, or dispose you to the sacrifice each time; but rather, you will consider yourself as being always called, even if I should not always keep you in the act of suffering. So, we have understood each other, haven’t we? Be tranquil, and fear nothing.”

This is very similar to what the “Little Flower” St. Therese of Lisieux wrote in her journal called “The Story of a Soul””: “
Unfortunately when I have compared myself with the saints, I have always found that there is the same difference between the saints and me as there is between a mountain whose summit is lost in the clouds and a humble grain of sand trodden underfoot by passers-by. Instead of being discouraged, I told myself: God would not make me wish for something impossible and so, in spite of my littleness, I can aim at being a saint. It is impossible for me to grow bigger, so I put up with myself as I am, with all my countless faults. But I (St. Therese) will look for some means of going to heaven by a little way which is very short and very straight, a little way that is quite new.

After St. Therese’s death in 1897 her Sisters sent 2,000 copies of Therese’’s writings to other convents. By 1910 St. Therese’’s writings would be well know by the Religious in Luisa’’s hometown. It was also in 1910, while visiting the Trani Diocese to establish an orphanage, Saint Annibale Di Francia met Luisa Piccarreta for the first time, most likely at the suggestion of her confessor, Fr. Gennaro Di Gennaro. Soon thereafter, Saint Annibale found himself at the center of a loose association of priests who shared a common thirst for holiness and a deep admiration for Luisa. Members of the group included Father Gennaro Braccale, S.J.; Father Eustacchio Montemuro, founder of the Sisters of the Divine Side; and Father Ferdinando Cento, who later became a Cardinal.

9/30 The Powerful Magnet that Attracts the Gazes of the Celestial Mother

M_Blessed Mother 1

5/14/35 – Vol. 33

Our Lord Jesus Christ:  The ones who Live in It (the Divine Will of God) are Her (Blessed Mother Mary) predilect daughters, Her favorites, Her secretaries.  One can say that in virtue of My Divine Volition, they possess a powerful magnet that attracts the gazes of this Celestial Mother so much, that She cannot remove Her gaze from over them.  And the Great Lady, in order to keep them secure, labors by placing around them Her Virtues, Her Sorrows, Her Love, and the very Life of Her Son.