2/17 Why Do We Venerate the Martyrs?

The term “Martyr” is derived from the Greek word “martyr” which means “a witness”.  Truly, a martyr is a witness of heroic love of God, a witness of unbending faith and a holocaust.  The Second Vatican Council in the “Constitution on the Church” gives the following meaning of martyrdom: “Since Jesus, the Son of God, manifested His charity by laying down His life for us, so too no one has greater love than he who lays down his life for Christ and His brothers … By martyrdom, a disciple is transformed into an image of his Master by freely accepting death for the salvation of the world, as well as by his conformity to Christ in the shedding of his blood.  The Curuch then considers martyrdom as an exceptional gift and as the truest proof of love.” (§ 42)

We honor the Martyrs not only as heroes of the holy faith, but also as our intercessors before God.  Their innocent blood and wounds are a most powerful and appealing prayer, which the Lord cannot resist.


Book of Heaven
5/3/00 – Vol. 3

The Feast of the Cross in Heaven.

This morning I found myself outside of myself, and I saw all of Heaven studded with crosses – some small, some large, some medium; some which were larger, emanated more splendor.  It was a most sweet enchantment to see so many crosses adorning the firmament, more refulgent than suns.  Then, it seemed that Heaven opened, and one could see and hear the feast that the Blessed were making for the cross.  Those who had suffered more were celebrated more on this day.  One could distinguish in a special way the martyrs and those who had suffered in a hidden way.  Oh, how esteemed were the cross and those who had suffered more, in that blessed dwelling!

As I was seeing this, a voice resounded throughout the whole of Heaven, saying:  “If the Lord did not send the crosses upon the earth, He would be like a father who has no love for his own children – who wants to see them poor and dishonored, instead of honored and rich.”

The rest that I saw during this feast I have no words to describe.  I can feel it within me, but I am unable to express it; so I remain silent.