3/16 Second Sunday of Lent

Today’s Gospel:  Matthew 17:1-9
St. Matthew’s description of Our Lord’s mysterious and glorious Transfiguration)

J_Jesus Transfiguration

Letter #67.  To Sister Clara

In Voluntate Dei!

My good daughter in the Divine Volition,

(…) But as a mother who loves her daughter, I want to see my daughter growing in the Divine Will.  How happy you will be, and how content will be dear Jesus!  You will be His favorite. 

Do you want to know how to grow in the FIAT?  By calling it in everything you do, whether natural or spiritual.  In fact, everything belongs to the Divine Will; therefore It wants to love together with you, and if you call It, It gives you Its Love in your power in order to be loved; It gives you Its sanctity to make yourself a saint, Its light to allow you to know yourself and to eclipse weaknesses, miseries and passions, so that they may no longer have life in you, but only Its Will, which lays and forms Its life in your little act… If you do so, It will feel as a Queen in my daughter who is far away – but a ruling Queen.  You will give It much to do, and whatever you do, It will do.  It will not leave you one instant; on the contrary, It will form your breath, your heartbeat, motion, step, and, even while you sleep, It will form your rest and will rest together with you.  But all Its contentment will be to feel as the Queen and Mother of her daughter and mine…

Therefore, my dearest daughter, be attentive; listen to dear Jesus who speaks to you in your heart.  How many calls does He not send you?  How much grace and divine sweetness does He not make you feel?

But do you know why He wants to trust you?  He wants to give you the greatest task of making of you a true daughter of His Will; and when you feel His Life in you, you will feel the need to make it known to others… Therefore, say to dear Jesus with all your heart that you want to live in His Will, that you want to know nothing but His Will alone.  He will take you by the word and will do the facts, and – oh, what a transformation will you feel within you!  You will feel perennial peace, unceasing love, divine strength; in a word, you will feel harmonized with Jesus, and He will be the actor and spectator, enjoying all that you do together with Him.

My good daughter, I wrote you to make you content, and to make Jesus content, so that you may grow and remain in the Divine Will; and even though you are far away, you will form my joy – that of having a daughter who lives and grows in the Holy Volition.

Now, I am happy that you leave my work for the work of the altar of Padre Pio.  How beautiful it is to think that our works can serve Jesus!

I commend myself to your prayers and I leave you in the center of the Divine Fiat, that you may receive His continuous Life, His loving kisses, His squeezes, so tight, that you will never be able to go down His paternal knees.  You will remain in His arms like a little baby, to receive the food of His Will and of His Love.

Make yourself a saint soon; and sending you the greeting of the Fiat, I say,

most affectionately yours,

the little daughter of the Divine Will.

Corato, January 2, 1939