4/9 Wednesday of the Fifth Week of Lent

Gospel is John 8:31-42
(Our Lord Jesus Christ talks about his Father)

From the  Twentieth Hour:  From 12 to 1 PM in the Hours of the Passion

And forced by Your (Our Lord Jesus Christ’s) Love that torments You more than the pains themselves, with strong and moving voice, You (Our Lord Jesus Christ) speak as the God You are; You raise Your dying eyes to Heaven, and exclaim, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they are doing!”  And, again, You close Yourself in silence, immersed in unheard-of pains.

Crucified Jesus, how can so much Love be possible?  Ah, after so many pains and insults, Your first Word is of Forgiveness; and You excuse us before the Father for so many sins!  Ah, You make this Word descend into each heart after sin, and You are the first to offer Forgiveness.  But how many reject it and do not accept it; Your Love is then taken by follies, because You anxiously desire to give Your Forgiveness and the Kiss of Peace to all!