5/7 Letter #85 by the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta to Mrs. Mazari, from Bari




My good daughter in Jesus Christ,

Do not get discouraged, never lose trustWhat I recommend is that you look at your crosses as many visits from Jesus, Who brings you the life of the Divine Will, to make It reign in you and to give you all His love as food; to make you grow in His likeness within His arms, and to make of you such a rare beauty as to enrapture even Himself.  If you do the Will of God, you will feel a strength in all your sufferings; you will feel an invisible hand which helps you, guides you, and does whatever you do within you.  In fact, when one does the Will of God, the work is more of God than ours.  Therefore, I wouldn’t know what else to say:  do the Divine Will; live in It, and you can be sure that you will make yourself a saint.  You will feel the bond and the association with the Divine Family.  What is Theirs will be yours.  So, banish fear and fright, and all the most painful circumstances will bring you the kiss, the strength – the life of the Divine Will, embalmed by Its love and joy.

Tell good Carmela to have patience.  Jesus loves her so much that He looks at her continuously, and with the brush of sufferings in His hands, He paints her, to make of her a more beautiful image, so that she may be like Him.

I send you my wishes of good Easter:  let the Divine Will rise again in you.  I leave you in the Divine Volition to make yourself a saint, that the earth may no longer be earth for you, but Heaven.  Pray for me.  And greeting you from my heart, I say,

Most affectionately yours,

The little daughter of the Divine Will.