5/16 Fourth Friday of Easter

Today’s Gospel is from John 14:1-6
Thomas tells Our Lord:
“Lord, we know not whither thou goest.  And how can we know the way?”

J_I am the way the truth sign


Letter #24 to Mother Cecilia by the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreata:

Fiat – In Voluntate Dei!

My good and dearest Mother,

Here I am, after a long time, writing a few lines. I felt the need to do it, but I waited for the glad coming of your Name Day to fulfill the duty of a daughter toward such a good mother. But what shall I wish you? I feel I would not be able to continue if I did not take the majestic Sun of the Fiat, make it my own and give it to you. But listen, my Mother, to what a beautiful wish I want to send you, and what it is that the Fiat wants to give you as a wish: It wants your heart so that you be the heart and It the heartbeat; It wants your body so that you be the body and It the breath; It wants your voice so that you be the voice and the Divine Will the word… In sum, It wants the most intimate and vital parts of your being in order to form the inseparability between you and the Divine Will. Aren’t you happy, my Mother? I believe I could not send you a more beautiful wish, and your Saint will smile at you from Heaven, in seeing that one who carries her name is completely transformed into Divine Will, and will feel more honored and glorified.

Besides, what else is left in our life other than to let It reign and dominate in our souls? All other things – we can call them fleeting visits, while the Divine Fiat remains with us, and with invincible patience forms the way, the carriage, to take us to Heaven. Therefore, let us enclose everything in the Fiat, so that this too may serve to enlarge the Kingdom of His Will within us.

But I will certainly come, do not doubt, on the wings of the Divine Volition. I will come to bring you my wishes and to be spectator, to see how It forms Its heartbeat, Its breath, Its word in you; I don’t want to be deprived of a scene so touching. And you, then, will send me many beautiful things in thanksgiving for my wishes (I am joking).

And now, my Mama, I leave you in you feast, to celebrate it in the Divine Volition, so that mother and daughter may do one single act of It, as prelude of the feast which is made in Heaven. Best Regards to N.; and renewing my wishes, I say,

most affectionately yours,

the little daughter of the Divine Will

Corato, November 18, 1936