5/19 The Descent of the Holy Spirit

From Day Twenty-Nine of the Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will

Blessed Virgin Mary to the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta:  

Now, dear daughter, My Beloved Son Jesus remained on earth, Risen, for forty days. Very often He appeared to the Apostles and disciples to confirm them in the Faith and certainty of His Resurrection; and when He was not with the Apostles, He was with His Mama in the cenacle, surrounded by the souls who had come out of Limbo. But as the term of the forty days expired, beloved Jesus Instructed the Apostles, and leaving His Mama as their Guide and Teacher, He Promised us the Descent of the Holy Spirit. Then, Blessing us all, He departed, taking flight for the vault of the Heavens, together with that great crowd of people who had come out of Limbo. All those who were there, and they were a great number, saw Him Ascend; but as He went up high, a cloud of Light removed Him from their sight.