7/25 Traditional Feast Day of St. Christopher

S_St Christopher

From the Catholic Encyclopedia:
A martyr, probably of the third century. Although St. Christopher is one of the most popular saints in the East and in the West, almost nothing certain is known about his life or death.


5/28/37 – Vol. 34

Living in the Divine Volition continues, so much is His Love, that He (Our Lord Jesus Christ) hides me (Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta) in Its Light so that nothing but His Most Holy Will is seen, felt, touched. Rather, this morning My Celestial Mother made me a sweet and dear surprise. Having received Holy Communion, She made seen in my interior that She was as harmonized with Baby Jesus. She held Him so clasped to Her Maternal Heart, covered with Her arms, that in order to see Him and delight Him with my little love, I had to abandon myself in Her arms in order that I too was harmonized with Them so that I could Love as Jesus and the Queen Mama Loved. O! how content They were that I wanted to Live together with Them.

Now, while I was clasped with Them, the Sovereign Queen, all Goodness and Tenderness, told me: “My beloved daughter, you must know that I am the Bearer of Jesus. This was a Gift that the Supreme Being entrusted to Me. And when He was certain that I had Grace, Love, Power, and the Divine Will Itself, in order to keep Him guarded, defended, and Loved, then He consigned the Gift to Me, that is, the Eternal Word, who Incarnated Himself in My Womb, telling Me: ‘Our daughter, We make You the Great Gift of the Life of the Son-God, such that You are Mistress of Him. And You, give Him to whomever You want. However, know Him, keep Him defended, never leave Him alone with whomever You give Him to, in order to fill in if they do not love Him, in order to make reparation to Him if they offend Him. You will act in a way that nothing is lacking to the Decency, to the Sanctity, to the Purity that befits Him. Be attentive, He is the Greatest Gift that We make You. And We give You the Power of Bilocating Him however many times You want, so that one who wants Him can receive this Great Gift and posses Him.’

M_Bearer of Jesus
(detail from the Virgin of the Sign Icon)