and Sceptre of the House of Israel, who opens and no man shuts, who shuts, and no man opens– COME! and bring forth the captive from his prison, he who sits in darkness and in the shadow of death.
5/31/26 – Vol. 19
Now, my daughter, from what I (Our Lord Jesus Christ) have told you (Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta), you can comprehend that the living in my Will is to possess the source of the unity of the light of my Will, with all the fullness of the effects contained in It. So, light, love, adoration, arise in each act of the creature, which, constituting itself act for each act, love for each love, like solar light invades everything, harmonizes everything, centralizes everything within itself; and like a shining ray it brings to her Creator the return for all that He has made for all creatures and the true note of accord between Heaven and earth. What a difference between one who possesses the source of the goods which the Sun of my Will contains, and one who lives of the effects of It! It is the difference that exists between the sun and the earth. The sun always possesses the fullness of its light and effects, it is always blazing and majestic in the vault of the heavens, nor does it need the earth. While it touches everything, it is untouchable, it does not let itself be touched by anyone; and if anyone dared even to fix on it, it would eclipse him, blind him and knock him down with its light. On the other hand, the earth is in need of everything, it lets itself be touched and stripped; and if it wasn’t for the light of the sun and its effects, it would be a gloomy prison, full of squalid misery. Therefore, there is no comparison that holds between one who lives in my Will and one who submits to It.