1/14 Attentiveness is the way to knowledge

Vol. 15 – 1/5/23
Attentiveness is the way to knowledge. 

(Jesus)  …”My Will must be like the air that one breathes which, while it cannot be seen, can be felt.  It cannot be seen, and it gives life; it penetrates everywhere, even into the most intimate fibers, to give life to each beat of the heart.  Wherever it enters – into darkness, into the abysses, into the most secret receptacles – it constitutes itself life of everything.  In the same way, my Will will be more than air within you, which, coming out of you, will constitute Itself life of everything.  Therefore, be more attentive, and follow the Will of your Jesus, because attentiveness will make you know where you are and what you are doingKnowledge will make you appreciate and esteem more the divine royal palace of my Will.  Suppose that someone finds himself in the royal palace of a king, and that he does not know that that residence belongs to the king.  He will have no appreciation; he might even walk distractedly, talking, laughing; nor will he dispose himself to receive the gifts of the king.  But if he knew that that is the royal palace of the king, he would look at things with attention, and would appreciate them; he would walk on tiptoe, speak in a low voice, be all eyes to see whether the king comes out of some room, and would put himself as though in waiting, to receive great gifts from the king.

“See, attentiveness is the way to knowledge, and knowledge changes a person, as well as things, disposing him to receive great goods.  So, by knowing that you are in the royal palace of my Will, you will always receive, and will take so much as to be able to give to all of your brothers.”