I myself am book for you!
Have confidence; my death gives you life.
…O Mary, teach us to meditate,
to taste this Book Divine. Letaille
Today’s Gospel Reading for the Fifth Sunday of Lent is from Hebrews 5:7-9
“Though He (Jesus) was the Son of God, He learned obedience by the things which He suffered” Hebrews 5:8
8/9/04 – Vol. 6
It is not the works that constitute the merit of man, but obedience alone, as a birth from the Divine Will.
After delaying, He (Jesus) came for just a little like a bolt of light, and I was left filled with this light inside and out. I am unable to say what my soul comprehended and experienced within this light; I will only say that, afterwards, blessed Jesus told me: “My daughter, it is not the works that constitute the merit of man, but it is obedience alone that constitutes all merits as a birth from the Divine Will; so much so, that everything I did and suffered in the course of My life – everything was a birth from the Will of the Father. This is why My merits are innumerable – because they are constituted by Divine Obedience. Therefore, I do not look so much at the multiplicity and greatness of the works, but at the connection they have, either directly with Divine Obedience, or indirectly with obedience to one who represents Me.”