True Crucifixion:

V10 – Nov. 18, 1911 – “You Must Know that True Crucifixion does not consist of being crucified in your hands and feet, but in all the particles of your soul and body. Therefore, I keep you more crucified now than before. How long did the exterior Crucifixion of My Hands and Feet last? Only three hours. But the Crucifixion of All the Particles of My Being, and the Crucifixion of My Will in the Will of the Father lasted for My Whole Life. Don’t you want to Imitate Me in this too?”

True Resurrection:

V36 – April 20, 1938 

How Jesus on the Cross still cries to every heart “I thirst.”  How the True Resurrection consists in Rising in the Divine Will.  How nothing is denied to one who Lives in It.

“…But do you want to know where is the Real Resurrection of the creature?  Not in the end of her days, but while she is still living on earth.  One who Lives in My Will Rises Again to Light and says: ‘My night is over.’  She Rises Again in the Love of her Creator, so that there is no more cold or snow for her, but the smile of the Heavenly Spring; she Rises Again to Sanctity, that puts in rushed flight all weaknesses, miseries and passions; she Rises Again to all that is Heaven, and if she looks at the earth, Heaven and sun, she does it to find the Works of her Creator—to take the opportunity to narrate to Him His Glory and His long Love Story.

 “Therefore, one who Lives in My Will can say, as the Angel said to the holy women on the way to the Sepulcher, ‘He is risen.  He is not here any more.’   One who Lives in My Will can also say, ‘My will is not with me any longer—it is Risen Again in the Fiat.’