I am who I am in the Divine Trinity
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The Virgin Mary reminds us that She is intimately connected to the Most Holy Trinity: She is the daughter of the Father, the Mother of the Son and the Spouse of the Holy Spirit.
‘God the Holy Spirit, being barren in God – that is to say He does not produce another divine person, becomes fruitful by means of Mary whom he espoused. It was with her, in her and of her that he produced His Masterpiece, God-made-man, and that He goes on producing daily until the end of the world, the members of the body of that adorable Head. For this reason, the more he finds Mary his dear and inseparable spouse in a soul, the more powerful and effective he becomes in producing Jesus Christ in that soul, and that soul in Jesus Christ.’ Saint Louis de Montfort: True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary n20
I am the Virgin of the Revelation