1/22 More on the Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children

A young Fr. Bucci, his Aunt Rosaria and his brother Agostino

In a recent statement of Fr. Bucci, he made known that after Luisa’s death, in addition to beginning the spread of devotion to Luisa, and having read all of her Writings, Aunt Rosaria had an earnest devotion to the protection and sanctification of the unborn. To honor Rosaria Bucci in this earnest intention, and to thank her for her forty years of dedication and care of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta, with the following Writing of Luisa from Volume 36, we echo this same desire, linked with Luisa in the Holy Divine Will, praying for the Salvation and Sanctification of all unborn babies, past, present and future. May this be for the Glory of God and the Good of all souls, and hasten the Establishment of the Kingdom of the Divine Will on earth as It is in Heaven.


From the Easter Blessing given a few years ago by Padre Bernardino Bucci (who passed away July 17, 2020):

I give you my Priestly Blessing, In the Name of the +Father, +Son and +Holy Spirit.
Blessed Easter!

And also to pray with Rosaria Bucci, that she may continue to help stop abortions and all that may limit the life of the pregnancy of a woman and anything that ends the life of a preborn baby.


From a person who met with Padre Bucci:

Padre Bucci has told us that, a few weeks before Luisa died she informed his Aunt Rosaria, who helped with the care of Luisa for 40 years, that Jesus gave Rosaria the Mission of helping the Preborn in a similar way that Jesus gave Luisa the Mission of those Born to the Light of the Day, as in the following reading:

V36 – 4.12.38– “My Blessed daughter of My Will, how many Wonders My Will can make in the creature, as long as she gives It the First Place and All the Freedom to Operate. My Will takes the will, the word, the act that the creature wants to do, as part of Itself – Covers it with Its Creative Virtue, Pronounces Its Fiat in it, and Forms as many Lives for as many existing creatures. You were asking in My Will for the Baptism of All newborn babies that will come to the light of the day – and then, for Its Life to Reign in them. My Will did not hesitate for one instant; soon It Pronounced Its Fiat and Formed as many Lives from Itself for as many newborn babies coming to the Light – Baptizing them, as you wanted, with Its First Light, and then Giving each one of them Its Life…”