4/12 Book of Heaven, Volume 12; April 12, 1917

Little daughter of the Divine Will, Luisa Piccarreta

It is not the suffering that renders the creature unhappy; she becomes unhappy when something is missing to her Love.

     As I was in my usual state, my Always Lovable Jesus came, and since I was a little in suffering, He took me in His Arms and told me:  “My beloved daughter, Beloved daughter of Mine, rest in Me.  Even more, your pains – do not keep them with yourself, but send them up to My Cross, that they may become the cortège of My Pains and relieve Me, and My Pains may be the cortège of yours and sustain you, burn with the same Fire and be consumed together.  And I shall look upon your pains as My own; I shall give them the same Effects, the same Value; and they shall do the same Offices that I did on the Cross, before the Father and before souls.  Even more, come, you yourself, onto the Cross – how Happy we shall be together, even in suffering.  In fact, it is not the suffering that renders the creature unhappy; on the contrary, suffering makes her Victorious, Glorious, Rich, Beautiful.  But she becomes unhappy when something is missing to her Love.  You, united with Me on the Cross, shall be completely satisfied in Love; your pains shall be Love; your life, Love – all Love; and therefore you shall be Happy!”