5/29 Excerpt from The Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will; Day 4

Our Lady to Luisa:  … since I (the Blessed Mother) want you to imitate your Mama, I pray you, as Mother, never to deny anything to your God, be they even sacrifices that would last your whole life.  Remaining ever unwavering in the Test that God asks of you, your faithfulne3ss, is the call of the Divine Designs upon you, and the reflection of His Virtues, that, like many brushes, make of the soul the Masterpiece of the Supreme Being.  It can be said that the Test offers the matewrial into the Divine Hands, for Them to accomplish Their Crafting in the creature.  Moreover, God does not know what to do with one who is not faithful in trhe Test; not only this, but he upsets the Most Beautiful Works odf his Creator.