4/2 Thirteen Anniversary of the Death of Saint John Paul II

Saint John Paul II

Book of Heaven

Volume 4; October 10, 1900

…  After this, blessed Jesus carried me (Luisa) to a city in which the sins committed were so many, that something like a fog was coming out, most dense and stinking, rising toward heaven; and another thick fog was coming down from heaven, with so many chastisements condensed within it, as to seem to be enough to exterminate this city. So I said: “Lord, where are we? What places are these?”

And He: “This is Rome, where the evils committed are so many, not only by secular but also by religious, that they deserve this fog to finish blinding them, deserving their own extermination.”

In one instant I saw the disaster that was happening, and it seemed that the Vatican would receive part of the shakings. Not even priests were being spared; therefore, all consternated, I said: “My Lord, spare your beloved city, so many ministers of Yours, the Pope… Oh, how gladly I offer You myself to suffer their torments, as long as You spare them.”

And Jesus, moved, told me: “Come with Me and I will show you to what extent the human malice reaches.” He transported me inside a palace, and in a secret room there were five or six deputies, saying among themselves: “Only then will we surrender when we have destroyed all Christians.” And it seemed that they wanted to force the king to write in his own hand the decree of death against Christians, and the promise of taking possession of their goods, saying that ‘as long as he would permit this to them, it did not matter if they would not do it for now, for they would do it at the right time and circumstance’. …

Volume 4; January 1, 1901 

… then He (Jesus) added: “My daughter (Luisa), how much men offend Me – but the time will come when I will chastise them in such a way that many little worms will come out, which will produce clouds of mosquitoes that will render them greatly oppressed. Then, afterwards, the Pope will come out.”

And I: “And why will the Pope come out?”

And He (Jesus): “He (the Pope) will come out to console the peoples, because, oppressed, tired, crushed, betrayed by so many lies, they themselves will look for the harbor of truth, and all humiliated, they will ask the Holy Father to come into their midst to free them from so many evils and place them in the harbor of safety.”