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On this day the Station was held at the Basilica in Rome, which represents Jerusalem. It is consecrated to the Passion of Our Lord, and contains earth from Calvary, important fragments of the true Cross, and one of the nails.
On this day, the anniversary of Our Savior’s Death, the Church gives her temples an appearance of desolation.
Hours of the Passion
Twenty-second Hour: From 2 to 3 PM
… Meanwhile, O Jesus, I (Luisa) see that You open Your dying eyes again, and You look around from the Cross, as though wanting to give the last good-bye to all. You look at Your dying Mama, who no longer has motion or voice, so many are the pains She feels; and You say, “Good-bye Mama, I am leaving, but I will keep You in My Heart. You, take care of My children and Yours.” You look at crying Magdalene, faithful John and Your very enemies, and with Your Gazes You say to them, “I Forgive you; I give you the Kiss of Peace.” Nothing escapes Your Gaze; You take leave of everyone and forgive everyone. Then, You gather all Your Strengths, and with a loud and thundering Voice, You cry out, “Father, into Your Hands I commend My Spirit.” And bowing Your Head, You breathe Your last.
My Jesus, at this cry all nature is shaken and cries over Your death—the death of its Creator! The earth trembles strongly; and with its trembling, it seems to be crying and wanting to shake up souls to recognize You as True God. The veil of the Temple is torn; the dead are risen; the sun, which until now had cried over Your pains, has withdrawn its light with horror. At this cry, Your enemies fall on their knees, and beating their breasts, they say, “Truly He is the Son of God.” And Your Mother, petrified and dying, suffers pains harder than death.
My dead Jesus, with this cry You also place all of us into the Hands of the Father, because You do not reject us. Therefore You cry out loudly, not only with Your Voice, but with all Your Pains and with the voices of Your Blood, “Father, into Your Hands I commend My Spirit and all souls.” My Jesus, I too abandon myself in You; and You give me the Grace to die completely in Your Love—in Your Will, and I pray that You never permit me, either in life or in death, to go out of Your Most Holy Will. Meanwhile I intend to repair for all those who do not abandon themselves perfectly to Your Most Holy Will, therefore losing or maiming the Precious Gift of Your Redemption. What is not the sorrow of Your Heart, O my Jesus, in seeing so many creatures escaping from Your arms and abandoning themselves to themselves? Have pity on all, O my Jesus—have pity on me.