The Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will; Day 6
Lesson of the Queen of Heaven:
Dearest daughter, trust your Mama (Blessed Mother) and pay attention to My Lessons; they will serve you to make you abhor your will, and to make you long within yourself for that Divine Fiat, whose Life I so much yearn to form in you.
My daughter, you must know that the Divinity was assured about Me through the Test It wanted—while everyone believes that I did not have any test, and that it was enough for God to make the Great Portent He made of Me, of Conceiving Me without original sin. Oh, how they deceive themselves. On the contrary, He asked of Me a Proof which He has asked of no one. And He did this with Justice and with Highest Wisdom, because, since the Eternal Word was to descend into Me, not only was it not decorous that He find in Me the original sin, but it was also not decorous for Him to find in Me a human will operating. It would have been too unseemly for God to descend into a creature in whom reigned the human will. And this is why He wanted from Me, as Proof, and for My whole life, My will, in order to secure the Kingdom of the Divine Will within My Soul. Once He secured this in Me, God could do with Me whatever He wanted; He could give Me anything, and I can say that He could deny Me nothing.
For now, let us go back to the point we reached. I will reserve the narration of what this Divine Will did in Me during the course of My Lessons.
Now listen, My daughter: after the Triumph in the Test, the Divine Fiat took the Sixth Step in my soul by having Me take Possession of all of the Divine Properties, as much as it is possible and imaginable for the creature. Everything was Mine—Heaven and earth, and even God Himself, whose very Will I possessed. I felt I was the Possessor of Divine Sanctity, of Divine Love, of Divine Beauty, Power, Wisdom and Goodness. I felt I was Queen of Everything; nor did I feel a stranger in the House of My Celestial Father. I felt vividly His Paternity and the Supreme Happiness of being His Faithful Daughter. I can say that I grew up on the Paternal knees of God, nor did I know other love or other science but that which My Creator administered to Me. Who can tell you what this Divine Will did in Me? It Elevated Me so High, It Embellished Me so much, that the very Angels remain mute, nor do they know where to begin to speak about Me.
Now, My dearest daughter, you must know that, as soon as the Divine Fiat had Me take Possession of Everything, I felt Myself the Possessor of Everything and of Everyone. With Its Power, Immensity and All-seeingness, the Divine Will enclosed all creatures in My soul, and I felt a little place in My Maternal Heart for each one of them. From the moment I was conceived, I carried you in My Heart, and— O, how much I Loved you, and I Love you. I Loved you so much, that I acted as your Mother before God; My Prayers, My Sighs, were for you; and in the delirium of Mother, I said: “O! How I wish to see My daughter Possessor of Everything, just as I am.”
Therefore, listen to your Mama: do not want to recognize your human will any more. If you do so, everything will be in common between Me and you; you will have a Divine Strength in your power; all things will turn into Divine Sanctity, Love and Beauty. And I, in the Ardor of My Love, just as the Most High sang My Praises, “All Beautiful, All Holy, All Pure are You, O Mary!” I will say: “Beautiful, Pure and Holy is My daughter, because she Possesses the Divine Will.”
Book of Heaven: Volume 25; November 14, 1928
…After this, my lovable Jesus made Himself seen as a tiny little child, who, throwing His arms around my neck, told me: “My mama, My mama…. One who does My Divine Will becomes mother; My Divine Fiat embellishes her for Me, transforms her, and renders her fecund, in such a way as to give her all the qualities in order to be a true mother. And I keep forming this mother with the reflections of the Sun of My Divine Volition, and I glory and take so much pleasure in calling her My mama, My mama…. And not only do I choose her as My mother, but I call many more tiny little ones and give to them My mother as their mother.”
And while He was saying this, He showed me many little boys and girls around me; and the child Jesus said to them: “This is My mother and your mama.”
The little ones made feast and drew all around me together with Jesus; and Jesus added: “These little ones you see are no other than the first cohort of the children of My Divine Volition. In It, all will be little, because My Divine Will has the virtue of preserving them fresh and beautiful, just as they came out of Our creative hands. And since It called your littleness to live in It, it is right that, as the first one, you be the tiny little mama of the tiny little children.”
Book of Heaven
Volume 25; November 14, 1928
. . . After this, my lovable Jesus made Himself seen as a tiny little child, who, throwing His arms around my neck, told me (Luisa Piccarreta): “My mama, My mama…. One who does My Divine Will becomes mother; My Divine Fiat embellishes her for Me, transforms her, and renders her fecund, in such a way as to give her all the qualities in order to be a true mother. And I keep forming this mother with the reflections of the Sun of My Divine Volition, and I glory and take so much pleasure in calling her My mama, My mama…. And not only do I choose her as My mother, but I call many more tiny little ones and give to them My mother as their mother.”
And while He (Jesus) was saying this, He (Jesus) showed me (Luisa) many little boys and girls around me (Luisa); and the child Jesus said to them: “This is My mother and your mama.”
The little ones made feast and drew all around me together with Jesus; and Jesus added: “These little ones you see are no other than the first cohort of the children of My Divine Volition. In It, all will be little, because My Divine Will has the virtue of preserving them fresh and beautiful, just as they came out of Our creative hands. And since It (Divine Will) called your (Luisa’s) littleness to live in It, it is right that, as the first one, you (Luisa) be the tiny little mama of the tiny little children (of the Most Holy Divine Will).”