On July 3, 1963 the mortal remains of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta, the Little Daughter of the Divine Will, were definitively laid to rest in the Church of Santa Maria Greca in Corato.
Since April 23, 2019, with the consent of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints and Archbishop Leonardo D’Ascenzo, the tomb of the Little Daughter of the Divine Will has a new location. It is located to the left of the high altar, in the center of the Chapel of the Blessed Sacrament, which has been restored for this occasion
This new location makes it possible to pray with greater recollection, allowing pilgrims, who come from many parts of the world, to stop next to the tomb to receive light, strength, protection and to write a message or prayer on the visitors’ register. Luisa continues, in fact, to represent both for the city of Corato and for those who come from afar a bright lighthouse that shows everyone the path of the Sanctity of the Divine Will.
The Last Words of Luisa Piccarreta, her Spiritual Testimony:
March 4, 1947
“Now I die with greater contentment, because the Divine Will has consoled me more than usual with Its presence in these last few moments of my life.
“Now I see a long, beautiful and spacious road, all illuminated by an infinite number of resplendent suns – Oh, yes, I recognize them! They are all my acts done in the Divine Will!
“This is the road that I must now take; it is the road that the Divine Will has prepared for me. It’s the road of my victory: it’s the way of my glory, which will unite me with the immense happiness of the Divine Will.
“It’s my road; it’s the road that I have prepared for you. It’s the road that I will keep reserved for all the souls who will ever want to live in the Divine Will.”
Excerpt from the Book of Heaven – Volume 11, March 8, 1914:
“The soul who dies united to My Will (Jesus speaking to Luisa), upon entering into My Rest, will find not only the heavenly doors open, but all of Heaven reaching down to greet the new-comer, honoring My Will which has formed Its Life in the soul.
“What can I tell you about the feasting among the Blessed when they see this soul that has lived its life in the Divine Will, with its every word, thought and act, all adorned with as many Suns as its acts, all varying in brightness and beauty? So innumerable are the little divine streams touching all the Blessed that heaven cannot contain all the blessings, and they flow down even upon the earth for the benefit of the pilgrim souls.
“Yes, My daughter, My Will is the greatest thing that exists. It is the secret to finding the light, sanctity and greatest spiritual treasures. It is the secret to knowing every good thing, but because It is not intimately known, It is neither valued nor loved as It merits. It is your job to know, love and make It known to all disposed souls.”