Mary’s Queenship is first based on her maternal relationship with Jesus. The ancient Hebraic notion of the Queen Mother applies to Mary as Mother of the Messianic King, Jesus Christ. In ancient Israel, the most important woman in the monarchy was generally the queen mother, not the queen. In the southern kingdom of Judah, the kings’ wives were apparently never “queens.” It was the queen mother (Hebrew, gebira or “Great Lady”), the king’s mother, who was honored and who wielded authority as a counselor to the king.
Kings 2:19 “Then he sat down upon his throne, and a throne was provided for the king’s mother, who sat at his right.”
Psalm 45:9 the Queen Mother standing at the king’s right hand, arrayed in gold.
Hebrews 1:8-9 applies this psalm to Jesus as Messianic King. By extension, Psalm 45:9 would then apply prophetically to the Messianic King’s Mother, Mary.
He (Jesus) said to them, ‘Very well; you shall drink my cup, but as for seats at my right hand and my left, these are not mine to grant; they belong to those to whom they have been allotted by my Father.’ Matthew 20:23
The Lord declared to my Lord, take your seat at my right hand, till I have made your enemies your footstool? Matthew 22:44 {Psalm 110:1 – [Of David Psalm] Yahweh declared to my Lord, ‘Take your seat at my right hand, till I have made your enemies your footstool.’}
Book of Heaven
November 19, 1921 – Volume 13
The two supports of Jesus in Gethsemani. (Our Lady on the His right, the Servant of God Luisa Piccarrta on His left)
I was keeping company with my Jesus who was agonizing in the Garden of Gethsemani, and as much as I could, I compassionated Him, I pressed Him tightly to my heart, trying to wipe His mortal sweats. And my sorrowful Jesus, with faint and expiring voice, told me: “My daughter, my agony in the garden was hard and painful, maybe more painful than that of the Cross. In fact, if that was the fulfillment and the triumph over all, here in the garden it was the beginning, and sufferings are felt more at the beginning than when they are ended. But in this agony the most harrowing pain was when all sins came before Me, one by one. My Humanity comprehended all their enormity, and each crime carried the mark, ‘Death to a God’, armed with sword to kill Me! Before the Divinity, sin appeared to Me as so very horrifying and more horrible than death itself. Just in comprehending what sin means, I felt I was dying – and I did really die. I cried out to the Father, but He was inexorable. Not even one was there to help Me, so as not to let Me die. I cried out to all creatures to have pity on Me – but in vain. So, my Humanity languished, and I was about to receive the last blow of death.
But do you know who prevented the execution and sustained my Humanity from dying? The first was my inseparable Mama. In hearing Me ask for help, She flew to my side and sustained Me; and I leaned my right arm on Her. Almost dying, I looked at Her, and I found in Her the immensity of my Will intact, without ever a break between my Will and hers. My Will is Life, and since the Will of the Father was immovable and death was coming to Me from creatures, another Creature, who enclosed the Life of my Will, gave Me Life. And here is my Mama who, in the portent of my Will, conceived Me and gave Me birth in time, now giving Me Life for the second time to let Me accomplish the work of Redemption.
Then I looked to my left, and I found the Little Daughter of my Will. I found you (Luisa Piccarreta) as the first, followed by the other daughters of my Will. Since I wanted my Mama with Me as the first link of Mercy, through which we were to open the doors to all creatures, I wanted to lean my right arm on Her. And I wanted you as the first link of Justice, to prevent It from unloading Itself upon all creatures as they deserve; therefore I wanted to lean my left arm on you, so that you might sustain It together with Me.
With these two supports I felt life come back to Me, and as if I had not suffered anything, with firm step, I went to meet my enemies. In all the pains that I suffered during my Passion, many of which were capable of giving Me death, these two supports never left Me. And when they saw Me nearly dying, with my own Will which they contained, they sustained Me, as though giving Me many sips of life. Oh, prodigies of my Will! Who can ever count them and calculate their value? This is why I love so much one who lives in my Will: I recognize my portrait in her, my noble features; I feel my own breath, my voice; and if I did not love her I would defraud Myself. I would be like a father without offspring, without the noble cortege of his court, and without the crown of his children. And if I did not have the offspring, the court and the crown, how could I call Myself a King? My Kingdom is formed by those who live in my Will, and from this Kingdom, I choose the Mother, the Queen, the children, the ministers, the army, the people. I am everything for them, and they are all for Me.” . . .
Book of Heaven
May 4, 1925 – Volume 17
The mission of the Divine Will reproduces on earth the image of the Most Holy Trinity.
After writing what is written above, I began to do the adoration to my Crucified Jesus, fusing all of myself in His Most Holy Will; and my beloved Jesus came out from within my interior, and placing His Most Holy Will close to mine, all tenderness, told me: “My daughter, did you write everything on the mission of my Will?”
And I: ‘Yes, yes, I wrote everything.’
And He, again: “What if I told you that you did not write everything? Rather, you have left out the most essential thing. So, continue to write, and add: ‘The mission of my Will will conceal the Most Holy Trinity upon earth. Just as in Heaven there are the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, inseparable but distinct among themselves, Who form all the beatitude of Heaven, in the same way, on earth there will be three persons who, because of their missions, will be distinct and inseparable among themselves: the Virgin, with Her Maternity which conceals the Paternity of the Celestial Father and encloses His power in order to fulfill Her mission of Mother of the Eternal Word and Co-Redemptrix of mankind; my Humanity, for the mission of Redeemer, which was enclosed in the Divinity of the Word, without ever separating from the Father and from the Holy Spirit, in order to manifest my celestial wisdom, adding the bond of becoming inseparable from my Mama; and you (Luisa Piccarreta), for the mission of my Will, as the Holy Spirit will display His Love in you, manifesting to you His secrets, the prodigies of my Will, the goods It contains, in order to make happy those who will give themselves to knowing how much good this Supreme Will contains, to love It and to let It reign in their midst, offering their souls to let It dwell within their hearts, that It may be able to form Its Life in them. And the bond of inseparability will be added, between you, the Mother and the Eternal Word.
These three missions are distinct and inseparable. The first two have prepared the graces, the light, the work, and everything, with unheard-of pains, for the third mission of my Will, in order to be all fused in It without leaving their office, so as to find rest, because my Will alone is celestial rest. These two missions will be repeated, because their exuberance of grace, of light, of knowledge, is so great that all human generations can be filled with them; even more, they will not be able to contain all the good which they contain. These two missions are symbolized by the Sun, since, in creating it, I filled it with so much light and heat, that all human generations can enjoy it in superabundance. Nor did I take into account that, since in the beginning of creation there were only Adam and Eve on earth, I could have placed in the Sun enough light as to be sufficient only for the two of them, making it then grow, in proportion to the growth of the human generations. No, no – I made the Sun full of light, just as it is now, and will be. For the decorum and the honor of Our Power, Wisdom and Love, Our works are always made with the fullness of all the good which they contain; nor are they subject to increase or decrease.
So I did with the Sun: I centralized in it all the light which it was to serve, up to the last man. But how much good does the Sun not do to the earth? What glory does it not give to its Creator, with its mute light? I can say that, for the immense good it does to the earth, with its mute language, the Sun glorifies Me and makes Me known more than all other things together; and this, because it is full in its light, and stable in its course. When I looked at the Sun which, with so much light, only Adam and Eve could enjoy, I also looked at all the living; and in seeing that that light was to serve all, my paternal goodness exulted with joy, and I remained glorified in my works.
So I did with my dear Mama: I filled Her with so much grace, that She can give graces to all without ever exhausting even one of them. So I did with my Humanity: there is no good which It does not possess – and the very Divinity, to be able to give It to whomever wants It. So I did with you: I enclosed in you my Will, and with It I enclosed Myself. I enclosed in you Its knowledges, Its secrets, Its light. I filled your soul up to the brim; so much so, that what you write is nothing other than the outpouring of what you contain of my Will. And even though it now serves you alone, and a few glimmers of light serve some other souls, I am content, because being light, it will make its way by itself, more than a second Sun, in order to illuminate the human generations and to bring about the fulfillment of Our works: that Our Will be known and loved, and that It reign as Life within the creatures. This was the purpose of Creation – this was its beginning, this will be its means, and end.
Therefore, be attentive, because this is about rescuing that Eternal Will which, with so much love, wants to dwell in the creatures. But It wants to be known, It does not want to be like a stranger; rather, It wants to give out Its goods and become life of each one, but It wants Its rights whole – Its place of honor. It wants the human will to be banished – the only enemy for It, and for man.
The mission of my Will was the purpose of the creation of man. My Divinity did not depart from Heaven, from Its throne; my Will, instead, not only departed, but descended into all created things and formed Its Life in them. However, while all things recognized Me, and I dwell in them with majesty and decorum, man alone drove Me away. But I want to conquer him and win him; and this is why my mission is not finished. So I called you, entrusting to you my own mission, that you may place the one who drove Me away on the lap of my Will, and everything may return to Me, in my Will.
Therefore, do not be surprised at the great and marvelous things I may tell you for the sake of this mission, or at the many graces I may give you; because this is not about making a saint, but about saving the generations. This is about rescuing a Divine Will, for which everything must return to the beginning, to the origin from which everything came, so that the purpose of my Will may have its complete fulfillment.’”
The Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will
Day Thirty-One
The Queen of Love:
Blessed daughter, how content I am. I could not decide to narrate to you My Departure for Heaven if I did not leave My daughter safe on earth, Endowed with Divine Will. But know that from Heaven I will not leave you—I will not leave you orphan; I will Guide you in everything, and from your smallest need, up to the greatest—call Me, and immediately I will Come to you to Act as your Mama.
Now, dear daughter, listen to Me. I was already infirm with Love. The Divine Fiat, in order to console the Apostles, and also Myself, allowed almost in a Prodigious Way that all the Apostles, except one, would surround Me like a crown at the moment I was about to depart for Heaven. All felt a blow to their hearts, and cried bitterly. I consoled them all; I entrusted to them, in a special way, the nascent Holy Church, and I imparted My Maternal Blessing to all, leaving in their hearts, by virtue of it, the Paternity of Love toward souls. My Dear Son did nothing but come and go from Heaven; He could no longer be without His Mama. And as I gave My last breath of Pure Love in the Endlessness of the Divine Will, My Son received Me in His arms and took Me to Heaven, in the midst of the Angelic Choirs that sang Praise to their Queen. I can say that Heaven emptied Itself to come to meet Me. All celebrated for Me, and in looking at Me, remained Enraptured and said in chorus: “Who is She, who comes from the exile, all cleaving to Her Lord—All Beautiful, All Holy, with the Scepter of Queen? And Her Greatness is such that the Heavens have lowered themselves to receive Her. No other creature has entered these Celestial Regions so Adorned and Striking—so Powerful as to hold Supremacy over everything.”
Now, My daughter, do you want to know who She is—for whom the whole of Heaven sings Praise and remains Enraptured? I am She who never did Her own will. The Divine Will Abounded so much with Me as to Extend Heavens More Beautiful, Suns More Refulgent, Seas of Beauty, of Love, of Sanctity, such that I could give Light to all, Love and Sanctity to all, and Enclose everything and everyone within My Heaven. It was the Work of the Divine Will Operating in Me that had accomplished such a Great Prodigy; I was the only creature entering Heaven, who had Done the Divine Will on earth As It is Done in Heaven, and who had formed Its Kingdom in My Soul. Now, in looking at Me, the whole Celestial Court was Amazed, because as they looked at Me, they found Me Heaven; and returning to look at Me, they found Me Sun; and unable to remove their gaze from Me, looking at Me more deeply, they saw Me Sea, and found in Me also the most clear earth of My humanity, with the Most Beautiful Flowerings. And, Enraptured, they exclaimed: “How Beautiful She is! She has everything Centralized within Herself—She lacks nothing. Among all the Works of Her Creator, She is the only Complete Work of the whole Creation.”
Now, blessed daughter, you must know that this was the First Feast made in Heaven for the Divine Will, which had worked so many Prodigies in Its creature. So, at My Entrance into Heaven, the whole Celestial Court celebrated that which, Beautiful and Great, the Divine Fiat can Operate in the creature. Since then, these Feasts have never been repeated, and this is why your Mama Loves so much that the Divine Will Reign in souls in an Absolute Way: to give It the field in order to let It repeat Its Great Prodigies and Its Marvelous Feasts.