10/28 Feast Day of Saints Simon and Jude, Apostles (New/Trad)

Saints Simon and Jude

St. Simon (the Zealot, because nothing was too difficult for his Lord) and Saint Jude (Judas Thaddeus, wrote a Catholic Epistle of the New Testament – It is customary with many to pray to St. Jude in seemingly “hopeless” situations) are said to have preached in Egypt and Persia and to have suffered martyrdom for the faith in Mesopotamia.

Volume One
[Luisa] O! my All and Beautiful Jesus, if for the few moments You manifest Yourself in this life You communicate so much Peace, in such a way that one can suffer the most painful martyrdoms, the most humiliating pains with the most perfect tranquility – it seems to me a mixture of Peace and of Sorrow – what will it be like in Paradise?