Book of Heaven
11/8/21 – Vol. 13
. . . Afterwards, I was saying to my Jesus: ‘My Life, I enter into your Will to be able to extend myself in everyone and to everything – from the first to the last thought, from the first to the last word, from the first to the last action and step that were done, are done, and will be done. I want to seal everything with your Will, so that You may receive from everything the glory of your Sanctity, of your Love, of your Power; and so that all that is human may remain covered, hidden, marked by your Will. May nothing – nothing human remain, in which You do not receive Divine Glory.’
Now, while I was doing this and other things, my sweet Jesus came all festive, accompanied by innumerable Blessed, and said: “The whole of Creation says to Me: ‘My glory, my glory’.” And all the Saints answered: ‘Here, O Lord, we give You Divine Glory for everything.’ I could hear an echo from all sides, saying: ‘For everything we give You Love and Glory.’
And Jesus added: “Blessed are you (Luisa), and all generations will call you Blessed. My arm will make works of power in you. You will be the Divine reflection; and filling the whole earth, you will make Me receive from all generations that Glory which they deny to Me.” On hearing this, I remained confused, annihilated, and I did not want to write. And He, caressing me, told me: “No, no, you will do it – I want it. What I said will serve as honor of my Will. I Myself wanted to pay the just homage which befits the Sanctity of my Will; rather, I said nothing compared to what I could say.”