6/16 Letter #69 from the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta to Mother Cecilia

In Voluntate Dei!

My good and reverend Mother,

Forgive me if I did not write you soon, since there is no greater good we can wish to each other than wanting the Divine Will alone to reign within us.  We will have God Himself in our power, His Sanctity, His Love – everything will be ours.  There is no good done both in Heaven and on earth, that will not be ours.  We will be the help of all; together with Jesus we will have one single breath, one single heartbeat, one single motion together with Him.  Seas of sanctity and beauty will flow in every act we do, such that God Himself will remain enraptured.

Therefore, my Mother, there is no greater love I could have for you, but wishing to see you enclosed in the Divine Will.  Jesus will never put us aside; He will let us do whatever He does, and will be all attentive on us, to make of us His image.  He wants us to be like Him in everything, and since we cannot do it because we are too small, He gives us of His own to obtain His intent of giving.  But He wants to find us always in His Will, otherwise He would lack the divine material in order to give us his likeness. (…)