3/20 Second Thursday of Lent

Today’s Gospel is from Luke 16: 19-31
(The parable of Lazarus and the rich man)

Lazarath and Rich man

Except from the Seventeenth Hour,  From 9 to 10 AM, of The Hours of the Passion:

With this reed You (Our Lord Jesus Christ) hold in Your hand, You Repair for so many works—good, but empty of interior spirit and also done with evil intentions.  In the insults and the blindfold, You Repair for those who ridicule the holiest things, discrediting them and profaning them; and You also Repair for those who blindfold the sight of their intelligence in order not to see the Light of Truth.  With this blindfold, You impetrate that the blindfolds of passions, of riches and of pleasures may be removed from us.