3/21 Second Friday of Lent

Today’s Gospel is Matthew 21:33-45-46
(The Parable of the vineyard the wicked husbandmen who killed the son)

Wicked Husbandmen Parable

Excerpt from the Fourteenth Hour, from 6 to 7 AM, of the Hours of the Passion:

Crowds of people await You—but no one to defend You.  And You, my Divine Sun, come out into their midst, wanting to envelop everyone with Your Light.  And as You move the first steps, wanting to enclose all the steps of the creatures within Yours, You pray and repair for those who move the first steps to operate with evil purposes—some to take revenge, some to steal, some to betray, some to kill, and more.  O, how all these sins wound Your Heart!  And in order to prevent so much evil, You Pray, You Repair, and You Offer all of Yourself.