3/30 Fourth Sunday of Lent

On this Laetare Sunday the priest may wear rose vestments.  Laetare means “Rejoice” in Latin, and the Introit (entrance antiphon) in both the Traditional Latin Mass and the Novus Ordo is Isaiah 66:10-11, which begins “Laetare, Jerusalem” (“Rejoice, O Jerusalem”).The Mass reminds us to deepen and purify our religion:  to overcome our spiritual blindness and return to our loving, forgiving Father.

Today’s Gospel is from John 9:1-41
(A dramatic miracle, Jesus giving sight to the man born blind, illustrates the growing hostility between Jesus and His enemies.  It also illustrates the need to have our spiritual blindness cured by the Light of the World.)

Laetare Sunday

Excerpt from the Hours of the Passion:

But, O my Jesus, always intent upon defending us with the enrapturing force of Your Love, You constrain the Father to look at Your Most Holy Face covered with all these insults and scorns, and say to Him, “My Father, do not look down upon the poor creatures.  If You reject them, You reject Me.  Ah, be placated!  I have all these offenses on My Face, which responds to You for all.  My Father, arrest Your Fury against poor creatures.  They are blind and do not know what they are doing.  Therefore, observe Me well, how I am reduced for their cause!  If You are not moved to Compassion for the miserable creature, be moved to Pity by this Countenance of Mine, all slimy with spit, covered with Blood, colorless and swollen from the so many slaps and blows received.  Have Mercy, My Father!  I was the Most Beautiful of all and now I am so disfigured that I no longer recognize Myself.  I have become the abjection of everyone.  Therefore, at any cost I want the poor creature saved!”