4/1 Tuesday of the Fourth Week in Lent

Gospel of John 5:1-3,5-16
Our Lord heals the man who had been infirm 38 years, by the pool of Bethsadia

Excerpt from The Hours of the Passion
Seventh Hour:  From 11 PM to Midnight
Third Hour of Agony in the Garden of Gethsemane

Jesus, my Love, who can resist in seeing You in these extreme conditions (Agony in the Garden of Gethsemane)?  What heart would ever be so hard as to not break in seeing You so drowned in Blood?  Who would not pour bitter tears in torrents, upon hearing Your sorrowful accents, looking for help and comfort?
My Jesus, be consoled, I now see that the Father sends You an Angel as comfort and help, that You may leave this state of agony and give Yourself into the hands of the Jews.  And while You are with the Angel, I will go around Heaven and earth.  You will allow me to take this Blood that You have shed, that I may give It to all men, as pledge of salvation for each one, and bring You as comfort and in exchange, their affections, heartbeats, thoughts, steps and works.
My Celestial Mama, I come to You in order to go to all souls, to give to them the Blood of Jesus.  Sweet Mama, Jesus wants comfort, and the greatest comfort we can give Him is to bring Him souls.
Magdalene, accompany us!  All of you, Angels, come and see how Jesus is reduced!  He wants comfort from all, and His state of exhaustion is such that He refuses no one.
My Jesus, while You drink the chalice full of intense bitternesses, which the Celestial Father has sent You, I hear You sigh, moan, rave more, and with suffocated voice, You say, “Souls, souls, come, relieve Me!  Take a place in My Humanity; I want you, I long for you!  O please, do not be deaf to My Voices; do not render vain My Ardent Desires, My Blood, My Love, My Pains!  Come, souls, come!”
And after having given this Blood to all, let us go to Jesus again.  Angels, Saints, come with us.  Ah, He sighs for souls; He wants to let them all enter His Humanity, to give to all the fruits of His Blood.  Let us place them around Him, and He will feel restored to life, and repaid for the most bitter agony He has suffered.