4/6 Fifth Sunday of Lent

Gospel is from John 11:1-45
Our Lord Jesus Christ raises Lazarus from the dead

J_Raises Lazarus from the dead

Excerpt from the Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will, Day Twenty-Eight

Now, My daughter, O, how I (Blessed Mother) wish you to be present in the Act in which My Son (Our Lord Jesus Chirst) Rose Again. He was all Majesty; His Divinity, United to His Soul, unleashed Seas of Light and of Enchanting Beauty, such as to Fill Heaven and earth; and, as Triumpher, making use of His Power, He Commanded His dead Humanity to receive His Soul again, and to Rise, Triumphant and Glorious, to Immortal Life. What a Solemn Act! My Dear Jesus Triumphed over death, saying: “Death, you will no longer be death—but Life.”

With this Act of Triumph, He placed the Seal that He was Man and God; and with His Resurrection, He confirmed His Doctrine, His Miracles, the Life of the Sacraments, and the whole Life of the Church. Not only this, but He obtained Triumph over the human wills, weakened and almost extinguished to True Good, to make Triumph over them the Life of that Divine Will which was to bring to creatures the Fullness of Sanctity and of all Goods. And at the same time, by virtue of His Resurrection, He cast into the bodies the Seed of Resurrection to Everlasting Glory. My daughter, the Resurrection of My Son encloses everything, says everything, confirms everything, and is the Most Solemn Act that He did for Love of creatures.