4/12 Wednesday within the Octave of Easter

Volume 34; May 31, 1936
See, then, how in each Word I spoke, in each Miracle I performed, I called back My Will to Reign in their midst, and I called the people to Live in It.  From the Public Life I passed on to My Passion, symbol of the Passion of My Will that for many centuries had suffered the so many rebellious wills of creatures who, by not wanting to submit to It, had closed Heaven, broken the communications with their Creator, and had rendered themselves unhappy slaves of the infernal enemy.  My Humanity, lacerated, beaten up to death, Crucified, represented the unhappy humanity without My Will before Divine Justice; and in each pain I called My Fiat to exchange the Kiss of Peace with the creatures in order to render them Happy, and I called them into It, to make the Sorrowful Passion of My Will cease.  Finally, My Death, that Matured the Resurrection, that called all to Rise Again in My Divine Fiat; and – O! how vividly does My Resurrection symbolize the Kingdom of My Will.  My Humanity, wounded, deformed, unrecognizable, Rose Again Whole, of an Enchanting Beauty, Glorious and Triumphant.  It prepared the Triumph, the Glory, for My Will, calling all into It and impetrating that all might Rise Again in My Volition – from dead, Alive; from ugly, Beautiful; from unhappy, Happy.  My Risen Humanity ensured the Kingdom of My Will upon earth; It was My only Act Full of Triumph and of Victory; and this befitted Me, because I did not want to depart for Heaven without first providing all the aids to creatures, for them to reenter into the Kingdom of My Will; as well as all the Glory, the Honor, the Triumph to My Supreme Fiat, to let It Dominate and Reign.