1/9 First Ordinary Day of the First Week in Oerdinary Time

Volume 36; April 12, 1938
The Divine Will pronounces Its Fiat in each act of one who lives in It, forming as many divine lives.  How It gives Itself prey to the creature and lets her do with It whatever she wants.  Difference between living in the Divine Will and being resigned to It.

 I am always in the arms of the Divine Fiat, and – oh! how I feel the need of Its Life, that breathes, palpitates and circulates in my poor soul.  Without It, I feel that everything dies for me:  the light dies, the sanctity, the strength, even Heaven Itself, as if It would no longer belong to me.  But as soon as I feel Its Life, everything rises again in me:  the light rises with its beauty, which vivifies, purifies and sanctifies; my Jesus Himself rises again with all His works; Heaven rises, which the Holy Will encloses in my soul as though inside a sacrarium, to make It all mine.  So, if I live in His Will everything is mine, nor can I lack anything.  Therefore, O Holy Will, as I begin this 36th volume, I pray You, I beg You, I implore You not to leave me alone without You even for one instant, so that You Yourself will speak, will write.  You Yourself will make known Who You are, and how You want to be Life of all in order to give your goods to all.  If You let me do it, I won’t be able to make You known as You want, because I am incapable; but if You do it, You will triumph, You will make Yourself known and will have your Kingdom in the whole world.  Oh Holy Will, eclipse with your Power all the evils of the creatures; put your almighty ‘Basta’[1], so that they leave the way of sin and may find themselves on the way of your Divine Will.

[1] ‘Enough’.