Blessed Mother Expecting Unborn Jesus
26. To Mother Paolina
Fiat – In Voluntate Dei!
My good and reverend Mother Paolina,
(…) Now let’s come to us, my good mother. I delayed writing you in order to let Holy Christmas draw near and then send you my poor wishes. But what can I, poor little ignorant, wish to you? So I ask dear Baby Jesus that He Himself bring you my sincere wishes. During these days, you will prepare your heart in order to form it as a host in which the Divine Infant will come to be reborn in you, and will bring you, as a wish and a gift, the heartbeat and the word of the Fiat, His baby tears, His tender moans and wails, in order to be consoled and to receive your tender love in return. My Mother, welcome Him soon, soothe His crying, warm Him, and be attentive so that He may always remain with you. This is what the Celestial Baby wants: He comes to remain with you. I am sure that you will not send Him back, and He will make of you His Royal Palace, His little Paradise. This is the wish I am sending you; I believe you will be content.
Now, this wish of mine – I extend it to my dear daughter, sister Remigia; I recommend that she be attentive so as to form the little paradise to the Little God. And I beg, I implore, sister Salette, sister Amelia and the whole community – each to form, not a star, but a Royal Palace for the dear Baby, and make Him a little fire, and the life of His Will. Oh, how happy will He feel in finding many royal palaces for His birth!
I send to all the greetings of the Divine Fiat, so that It may invest you with Its Light, cover your miseries with Its Love, and, if some of you are in pain, bring you balm and strength in order to convert everything into Will of God.
Now I expect your wishes and your prayers. Most dear Mother, I leave you in the Divine Volition to make yourself a saint and to enjoy the Christmas holidays. I kiss your right hand, and with respectful regards, I say,
the little daughter of the Divine Will
Corato, December 10, 1936