




By the many prayers, sufferings and sacrifices
of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta
may we grow in the knowledge, appreciation, love and possession
of the Divine Will.

The Servant of God


Little Daughter of the Divine Will

Dominician Tertiary

A wonderful and unimaginable New Era is about to dawn upon the earth. It will be the crowning glory of man, the Gospel and the Church. The happiness of Eden is to be restored; the true purpose of Creation will be realized, and our Father in Heaven will receive his greatest glory from humanity.

This new Era is none other than the Reign of the Kingdom of the Divine Will, the age of sanctification. This was first revealed to the Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta, in 1889. She was then given the gift to live in the Divine Will–a state in which the human will is fused to that of God’s, and the two wills operate as one. His Will becomes the soul’s Life, Nourishment, and Everything, as It was for Jesus and for His Mother. This is potentially a higher form of union with God than even that of the mystical marriage.

Our Lord wishes to give this gift to all who desire it. You have only to ask for it. He promises to make you happy and holy, if you agree to surrender your will to Him.

Born in Corato, Italy, in 1865, Luisa began the life of a victim soul in her teens, receiving the stigmata in her body, though it remained invisible at her request. She was mystically
confined to bed for 64 years, without eating or drinking, living only on the Eucharist.

The Pontifical Theological Institute, appointed by the Vaticanto examine the writings of Luisa Piccarreta, found nothing therein contrary to Faith and Morals.  In 1994, at the request of John Paul II and Cardinal Ratzinger, Cardinal Felici, Prefect for the Sacred Congregation for the Cause of Saints, instructed Archbishop Carmelo Cassati, President of the Ecclesiastical Tribunal of the Cause of Beatification of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta, to begin the Process of her Beatification.


We humbly place this site under the Guidance, Protection and Eternal Care
of St. Annibale Maria Di Francia,
the extraordinary confessor of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta,
and who edited her  writings.

 “At the beginning of the century, our people were lucky enough to have Saint Annibale Maria Di Francia present in Puglia. He wanted to open in Trani male and female branches of his newly founded congregation. When he heard about Luisa Piccarreta, he
paid her a visit and from that time these two souls were inseparably linked by their common aims. Other famous priests also visited Luisa, such as, for example, Fr. Gennaro Braccali, the Jesuit, Fr. Eustachio Montemurro, who died in the odor of sanctity, and Fr. Ferdinando Cento, Apostolic Nuncio and Cardinal of Holy Mother Church. Saint Annibale became her extraordinary confessor and edited her writings, which were little by little properly examined and approved by the ecclesiastical authorities. In about 1926, Saint Annibale ordered Luisa to write a book of memoirs of her childhood and adolescence. He published various writings of Luisa’s, including the book L’orologio della Passione, which acquired widespread fame and was reprinted four times. On October 7,1928, when the house of the sisters of the Congregation of Divine Zeal in Corato was ready, Luisa was taken to the convent in accordance with the wishes of Saint Annibale. Saint Annibale had already died in the odor of sanctity in Messina.”

From the “Biography of Luisa Piccarreta
”  written by  Father Bernardino Giuseppe Bucci
 Click here to go to the Biography.

Title Page from The Hours of the Passion of the Servant of God,
Luisa Piccarreta, the Little Daughter of the Divine Will
Showing the Nihil Obstat by Francesco Sorrentino (Revisore eccl.)
and Imprimatur by A. Can. Laviano V.G.
Dated February 20, 1915