Divine Promises Are Eternal
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- Jesus told St Margaret Mary that He would concede special graces to all those who confide in His Sacred Heart and will receive Holy Communion on the nine first Friday of every month consecutively.
I will give them all the graces necessary for their state of life.
I will give peace in their families.
I will console them in all their troubles.
I will be their refuge in life and especially in death.
I will abundantly bless all their undertakings.
Sinners shall find in my Heart the source and infinite ocean of mercy.
Tepid souls shall become fervent.
Fervent souls shall rise speedily to great perfection.
I will bless those places wherein the image of My Sacred Heart shall be exposed and venerated.
I will give to priests the power to touch the most hardened hearts.
Persons who propagate this devotion shall have their names eternally written in my Heart.
As a confirmation that the promises made to those with a devotion to the Sacred Heart are eternal, on the 12th April 1947 the Virgin Mary, under the title of the Virgin of Revelation, appeared to Bruno Cornacchiola affirming, “ ….the nine first Fridays to the Sacred Heart, that divine promise, have saved you.” In fact, before Bruno’s wife embraced Protestantism, she forced Bruno to follow the practices of the nine first Fridays because she was very devoted to the Sacred Heart. She prayed that by following this practice the Lord would grant her the grace that Bruno would re-embrace the Catholic Faith and then she would not have to become a protestant. As soon as the practice was completed, in the absence of the requested miracle, Bruno forced the family to embrace protestantism. However, the promise was maintained retrospectively with the maternal intervention of the Virgin of Revelation. That promise had guarded every instant of Bruno’s life. In fact he died on the 22nd June 2001 which was the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
In this month of June that is especially dedicated to the Sacred Heart, we pray that you will find peace and rest in Him. “Come to me, all you who labour and are burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Mt 11:29)
God Bless Us
And The Virgin Protect Us
The Missionaries of Divine Revelation