Protection Cross

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Picture above: A plague cross, with the Most Holy Trinity, the Blessed Virgin and Child, and Saint protectors against plague: St. Sebastian, St. John Nepomuk, St. Roch. This card may be reproduced and freely shared, barring commercial use.


Lord Jesus Christ, You Who willed for the redemption of the world to be born of the Virgin, to be circumcised in Your Most Holy flesh, condemned by the Jews, to be handed over by the traitor Judas with a kiss, bound by ropes, to be led as an innocent lamb to sacrifice, and unbecomingly presented before Annas, Caiaphas, Pilate and Herod, accused by false witnesses, struck by lashes and insults, spit upon, crowned by thorns, punched, beaten with reeds, had Your Face covered, stripped of Your clothes, crucified, placed between robbers, and to drink vinegar with gall, and pierced by a lance. You, O Lord, through these Your Most Holy Pains, which I, an unworthy sinner recall, and through Your Most Holy Cross and Death, free this place with all of its inhabitants and me Your servant, and all whosoever will invoke Your Holy Name through these letters and symbols, from this plague and expel it and all the snares of the devil’s deception; moreover, after you have broken the fetters of every sort of vice, restore us all to our former health. Amen.

Picture above: A plague cross, with the Most Holy Trinity, the Blessed Virgin and Child, and Saint protectors against plague: St. Sebastian, St. John Nepomuk, St. Roch. This card may be reproduced and freely shared, barring commercial use. Free download at

Printed with Ecclesiastical Approval