Sister Assunta Marigliano, former President of the
Pious Association “Luisa Piccarreta – Piccoli Figli del Divin Volere”
located in Corato, Italy,
and Promoter of the Cause of Beatification of Luisa Piccarreta.
Her booklet “A Light on your Journey for each Day of the Year” contains daily helpful excerpts from letters written by the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta to various people.
Here is that booklet:
A Light on your Journey
for each Day of the Year
Luisa Piccarreta
Archdiocese of
Trani, September 24, 1997
Il Cancelliere Arcivescovile
Mons. Giuseppe Asciano
From the Postulation of the Cause of Beatification
of Luisa Piccarreta
This little booklet will be for you, fortunate soul, a Light of guidance and strength, which will accompany you each day of the year.
It contains brief reflections taken from the Letters of the Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta, who died in odor of sanctity on March 4, 1947 in Corato (Bari), Italy, and whose Cause of Beatification is currently in process.
These thoughts are the fruits of her intimate life, lived in the fullness of the Divine Will, from which she drew Light in order to give Light to all of those who turned to her to receive guidance and strength on their journey of life.
Though brief, these reflections are filled with Divine Wisdom, and are capable of transforming your day into Love for God and your brothers and sisters.
Open your heart to pure faith – to the Divine Fiat that wants to transform your actions in the Light of the Divine Will; and to your Guardian Angel, who will gather the fruit of your daily reflection, to offer it to God as the homage of your “Yes” to His Most Holy Will.
With the protection of the Most Holy Virgin Mary, I wish Divine richness and safe guidance for your soul, on the journey toward the high mountain of the Divine Fiat.
Luisa will lead you by the hand – do not fear!
Sister Assunta Marigliano
A Light on your Journey
For each Day of the Year.
- These are my wishes for the new year – that you may live always in the Divine Volition, and that Jesus may make of you a missionary of the Divine Will.
- We have an omnipotent Will with us; therefore there is nothing to fear.
- I pray to Jesus that He may give you strength, and put Himself in the place of your heart, so as to heal the pain and provide for everything.
- In the Divine Will you will find true peace, and you will give it to others; more so, since by doing the Divine Will, a sweet blood will descend into your veins, which will put to flight all troubles of soul and body.
- As many pains as you suffer, as many tears as you shed, so many are the Angels around you, gathering, full handed, the pearls which you form with your sufferings, and bringing them to Jesus as pledges of your love.
- With all my heart I pray and will pray for you. And you, be good – dignified. Always pray to Jesus that He may assist you.
- Be sure that I will not forget you. Never be disturbed; these are storms that go by.
- Think that Jesus continually says to you: “My child, forget about everything, and remember only that your Jesus wants love in order to give you love.”
- He wants to make of you a saint, but wants your will in His hands in order to make of it a prodigy of sanctity.
- Lean on Him, and you will see that all things – pains, crosses, miseries, weaknesses, the very defects, and illness – will
lose their look and will all turn into messengers and bearers of sanctity. - If you sin and are not holy, do you want to know the cause? Lack of union with Jesus.
- Don’t think about the past, this harms you a great deal; rather, even today, begin your life with Jesus.
- I want you peaceful. Peace will be the flag which goes ahead, in order to prevent evil and do the good you desire.”
- The Celestial Mama is preparing a chain of graces for you, and will keep her blue mantle laid upon your person in order
to protect you and guard you. - But do you want to know why you feel the weight of your miseries? Because many times you do not try to be together
with Jesus and to convince yourself that He is already with you, and you do not unite the pains of Jesus with yours. - Before the pains of Jesus, yours lose hardness, empty themselves of their weight, become small, and almost smile.
- In the pains you suffer, in the prayers you say, in the work, in the food, in the sleep, say to Him from the heart: “Jesus, I
want to do always your Will.” - Let us adore the judgments of God, just and holy, Who disposes everything for our good and to make us holy.
- Your pains, your crosses, even though heavy, will serve the Divine Beggar, Who looks for our sufferings in order to
form and continue His life within us. - All you have to say and do is this: “The Heart of Jesus wants me a saint: I must become a saint!” Have we
understood each other? - Jesus too was mocked in His pains, but it was then that He triumphed; and by means of pains, He conquered our souls.
Don’t you want to be like Him? You must know that your pains are written in the pains of Jesus, as triumph of His Love
toward you. - Be sure that beloved Jesus will be jealous that you don’t lack what is necessary, and even the storms will calm down.
- Look at all things as bearers of a Will so holy, and you will see that the Fiat will defend you.
- Don’t get discouraged, do not fear, do not lose peace, abandon yourself more than ever in the arms of the Divine Will,
and be tranquil, waiting in full confidence for the helps and means which are necessary to you. - Sufferings form the carriage which brings us to Heaven, and the more the sufferings, the faster it will go.
- Each additional pain is a faster ride which takes us soon and straight to Heaven.
- Courage, courage. All other things are left; while sufferings are brought to Heaven, and form our most beautiful throne
and never ending glory. - My child, everything is in a strong, firm, constant resolution to deliver our will into the hands of Jesus, so that His Will
may underlie each one of our acts. - In all our being, in the most natural acts of life – in food, in sleep, in sufferings, in prayer, and also in legitimate pleasures,
the Divine Will must have Its royal place. - If the will is good, the heart is good; if the will is holy, the heart is holy. If our will gives place to the Divine, letting It raise
Its throne in our will, the heart acquires the divine qualities by grace. - Look for the Divine Will in everything, and your being will become continuous prayer, in everything.
- It is not the words that form prayer, but our union with the Divine Will.
- I recommend that you never leave prayer. Have great confidence in God.
- As we decide to always do His Will and to live in It, sweet Jesus covers all our past miseries in order to let us begin the
new life, all holy, and all of Heaven. - In the secret of our heart, Jesus says to us: “My daughter, if you do what I want, I will take on the commitment of
all your things. I can do them better than you – do not worry about anything; let Me do and you’ll see.” - The Divine Fiat is that which must embrace us, enclose us within Itself, in such a way as to consume us completely in the
Divine Will. - To live in order to be consumed in love is the most beautiful act.
- All you should care about is to do the Divine Will, and to know It in every circumstance of your life.
- We should never get discouraged or lose peace, when we are not answered immediately.
- When there is prayer, the hour of the Lord will come and He will give us more than we ask for.
- Peace, trust, courage, resignation and prayer, and the Lord won’t be missing to you. All that the Lord allows for you is
nothing but means to become a saint. - Learn a little bit to be alone with Jesus, and He will be with you.
- I wish you the peace of the Fiat, that It may make the full day arise in you – always serene.
- Peace can be called daylight of God, in which the Divine Volition forms Its day of ever growing sanctity, and ever new
graces. - One single act we do in the Divine Will is so great as to surpass the greatness of Heaven and earth.
- Let us do the greater part, that is, the Divine Will – and everything else will come by itself; or rather… more than we
ourselves, Our Lord will take care of it. - The Celestial Mama comes to visit you and to be your Mother, Teacher and Consoler; and also to give you Her sweet
company in order to teach you how to live from the Divine Will. - My brother, courage, trust, for you have a Celestial Mama who loves you very much, and who will never leave you.
- If you do the Divine Will…oh, how It will change your bitterness! You will feel a true divine strength that will ease your
painful state. - If there is peace, there is God; and peace is the sign that the Divine Will reigns as life, or at least as virtue.
- My child, remove the sadness from your soul; do not get discouraged or disturbed; hold peace as the greatest treasure.
- Mortifications, adversities and sorrows are the messengers that Jesus sends to us, His little warning letters, the
unexpected telegrams, which bring us the good news of how much Jesus loves us. - Without the cross it would be as if we had no correspondence with our beloved Jesus, and as if He had made no design
upon us… Ah, no, may Heaven save us from this misfortune! - I recommend to you peace, courage and true resignation, and you will see what the Lord will make of you.
- Do not stop reading the book of “The Queen of Heaven”, in order to better learn how to live in the Divine Volition.
- Courage, trust and abandonment in the arms of our adorable Jesus.
- There are tears of the heart – the tears of the soul, which are more bitter and transform us into our beloved Jesus.
- Let us be attentive – let us live as if we had no other life, no other word, but the Divine Will.
- May Heaven, dear Jesus and our Queen and Mother reward you for everything; even more, in exchange I will pray that
they may give you the royal garment of the Divine Will.
- Don’t lose heart because of the difficulties and the circumstances of life; they are steps which make us go higher in the
Divine Volition. - Especially in painful circumstances, dear Jesus takes us by the hand to make us rise higher and achieve beautiful
conquests – not human, but divine. - Oh, how I’d love to hear that you are always in the Divine Will!
- How beautiful it is to live in the Divine Volition! Everything is ours; God Himself feels the need to give Himself at the
mercy of His creatures, to love them and to be loved by them. - Put everything with filial abandonment into the hands of God and of the Queen – They, who love us so much and want
to be loved. - Crosses make us be reborn to a new life of sanctity and of Grace.
- Let us make everything flow in the Holy Will, if we want It to perform Its prodigies of love in our soul.
- God Himself faces up to all our things and puts His Sanctity, His Love, all His Being at our disposal, as long as He
receives the contentment of seeing us live in that Volition which is the bearer of all His goods. - As far as weaknesses, miseries and the like, as long as our will is not there, don’t worry, since that is our ruin.
- I recommend that you do not think of miseries and weaknesses. The more one thinks about them, the more he feels
them. - Try as much as you can to make the Divine Will known to everyone; in this way you will obtain the grace to know It
more yourselves. - Oh, how good is Jesus! If we knew Him, we would die enraptured with love.
- Only the doubt that Jesus does not love us very much, saddens Jesus and embitters Him.
- The cause, I believe, of everything you tell me, is lack of union with Jesus in all your things. The enemy finds you alone,
without Jesus, and does his own crafting in you, disturbs you, and takes peace away from your heart. - Remain always with Jesus, both in spiritual and in material things, and Jesus will take care of giving you peace.
- Everything you suffer, and even your coldness, give it to Him in order to relieve Him and repair Him.
- Jesus wants harmony and concord among you, and He will be in your midst.
- Jesus alone can comfort us in our sufferings. Therefore, let us turn to Him alone; let us throw ourselves into His arms like
tender babies; and if pain makes us cry, let us wet His paternal hands with our tears. - Fears, doubts, agitation, are laces which bind us to ourselves, and take the freshness of love away from us; even more,
they make it wither and snatch us from the arms of Jesus. - My daughter, until you strip yourself of everything, even of holy tastes, Jesus, the kidnapper of hearts, will not give you
His divine tastes. - Be on guard for everything which is not peace, because fears and restlessness, even under the aspect of good, are
always infernal breaths and rags of hell. - If you love Jesus, be at peace; whatever the circumstances may be, never get disturbed, and remain in full trust like a
baby in the arms of Jesus. - Let us learn from this exile how one must live in Heaven!
- Do not afflict yourself with what you feel in the depth of your soul; these are works that Jesus does in order to
accomplish His great designs. - Never lose peace in these circumstances, because the storm will be over – everything ends down here – but peace does
not end; rather, it is the carriage which brings us to Heaven. - Do not neglect anything, give example of a firm character, be always the same with yourself. Don’t let the devil laugh,
because if your are not firm and always the same, the enemy will say to you: “You wanted to do good to others, and
you were unable to do it to yourself.” - So does Our Lord, Divine Architect: He strikes the iron of our soul in order to remove the rust, to soften us and give us
the shape of the object He wants to make of us. - Peace is the smile of the soul, and the spring which makes the little ground of our soul bloom; it removes from us the veil
of disturbance and reveals to us the One Who loves us so much. - Despondency exhausts courage and strength, and renders us unable to do good.
- Don’t you feel in your heart the presence of a powerful hand that guides you?
- Abandon yourself in the Divine Volition like a little baby, and you will feel a new strength, a new light arise.
- In order to do some good, it takes someone who feels the life of that good. If this life is not felt, it will be done in a
forced way and even badly. - Be sure, my daughter, Jesus loves you and wants you good and holy. Do not listen to the enemy, who would want to
snatch the gift from the hands of Jesus. - Do not pay attention to doubts or anything which is not peace.
- I send you my wishes of a good Easter: let the Divine Will rise again in you.
- The most beautiful wish I can send you is that your will may rise again in the Divine Will, so that you may take your
place of honor in the whole order of Creation, where God wants us to be. - My wish is that our will may rise again in His; in this way, you will give work to Jesus.
- If the enemy torments you, determined, say to him: “These are things that don’t belong to me. I don’t want to steal
from anyone, not even from hell.” - Unshakable firmness in good. Interest yourself in nothing but Jesus.
- Not wanting to obey means not wanting to do the Will of God!
- As far as the future, don’t worry about it either, because it is not ours, but belongs to God.
- Draw everything from sweet Jesus, and He will be generous to you. Don’t get distressed about anything; do not fear,
because Jesus will take care of everything. - The Divine Will will be the true Sun for you, which will make the night of troubles disappear, forming the smiling spring
of the most beautiful flowers. - The Divine Fiat awaits you, to say to you: “Give me life in your acts and I will make you a saint. And everything
will turn into happiness.” - What a magic force, what powerful magnet does the Divine Will possess! In the hardest pains It knows how to give
rest, placing Its balm on the most embittered wounds. - I can tell you nothing but this: may the Divine Will cover you and hide you within Itself, but so much so as to feel nothing
but Will of God within you. - The origin of our existence was formed in the center of the Supreme Fiat.
- God created our human will as His divine room, as a secret office, in which He was to live together with us.
- Disturbance is not food for Jesus. Peace forms the day, and converts everything we do into love.
- Do you want to know how to grow in the FIAT? By calling it in everything you do, whether natural or spiritual.
- Say to dear Jesus with all your heart that you want to live in His Will, that you want to know nothing but His Will alone.
- Let us be attentive! Let us not give this sorrow to our dear Jesus – to live without the life of the Supreme Fiat.
- There is no greater love I could have for you, but to wish to see you enclosed in the Divine Will.
- Everything you have done, both for yourself and for others, is seeds that you have formed – seeds which make the Life
of the Divine Will be born again. - Nothing is lost for us if we really want to live from the Divine Will. This Life exists within us, it did not escape; however,
one must not abandon it, but make it grow and nourish it. - The Will of God is ours – and Life of ours. God gave it to us, as principle of life, in the act of creating us, when He brought us to the light.
- It seems to me that dear Jesus surrounds you with these pains in order to give you strength, and with tender and loving
voice, He says to you: “My child, give these pains to Me, that they may form my arms, my heart, my steps – my
whole Life, to be able to live within you.” - We must be convinced – not the great things make us saints, but the little ones, which we have in our power and which
serve as the nourishment of sanctity. - If we only knew how many miracles and prodigies are enclosed in the Life of the Divine Will, we would give our lives to
receive so many goods. - Let us pray and look for our place in the Divine Will. Let us make of our will the secret cell in which Jesus speaks to us
and reveals to us His secrets, but in which He also reveals to us His pains. - Oh, how I wish you would occupy yourself with nothing but living of Divine Will, to let sweet Jesus live always together
with you.
- If you want to be a saint, live always with Jesus. He takes on the commitment to make of you His faithful copy.
- I do nothing but pray that the Divine Will may give you the greatest grace – of enclosing you in His Will, in which you
will find everything you need to make yourself a great saint. - Love will make everything easy for you; more so, since you will no longer do anything by yourself, but always with a
Will so Holy, which can do everything. - There is nothing left for us in life but to close our ears to everything, if we want to be at peace even in the midst of the
greatest storms. - There is nothing more beautiful than the sanctity that, in everything, looks at the Divine Will.
- Therefore, let us be attentive; let us not leave the Divine Will, which is for us the bearer of all goods.
- I recommend that you sow the seed of the Divine Will in the souls as principle of Life.
- In whatever state you feel, be always tranquil – do not think of cold or warm. The Divine Will is more than everything:
more than prayer, more than recollection, more than fervor, more than miracles – more than everything. - Let us remain always united in the Divine Will.
- What I recommend is that you look at your crosses as many visits from Jesus, Who brings you the life of the Divine
Will, to make It reign in you and to give you all His love as food. - If you do the Will of God, you will feel a strength in all your sufferings; you will feel an invisible hand which helps you,
guides you, and does whatever you do within you. - When one does the Will of God, the work is more of God than ours.
- Live in It, and you can be sure that you will make yourself a saint. You will feel the bond and the association with the
Divine Family. - If Jesus does not find His Will in us, He does not find the adaptable material to make us saints.
- Every act of Will of God that we do creates His Life in us, and we form the long generation of God in our acts.
- Oh power of the Divine Will – as soon as the soul decides and wants to live in It, the Most Holy Trinity takes Its prime
operating place in her. - Let us hold dear taking refuge in the Divine Will as our life.
- Oh, how I would love to hear you say: “I do not think about whether I am beautiful or bad, or whether I am cold
or warm. My thought is to make all my acts and my being flow in the Will of God.” - Every additional act we do in the Divine Will is a new birth for us. We are reborn in Jesus, and He in us.
- We are under the weight of humiliations, everyone runs away from us, and some regretted having known us. This
happened also to Jesus. But may the Divine Will be always done. It alone is faithful. - I send you my wishes, that you may raise Little Baby Jesus in your soul and live together with Him, watching Him
constantly in your interior in order to do whatever He does. - Jesus needs to repeat His Life upon earth, and He can do so in one who submits himself to anything, and who does His
adorable Will. - Never lose heart; never be disturbed; try to live abandoned in the arms of Jesus, and He will be your Mama, your
Father and your custodian. - I beg you never to go out of His Will. In this way, the Lord will give you His own Love to love Him, His own Sanctity
to make yourself a saint, His own Peace in the storms of life. - What sorrow for our dear Jesus! To have children who do not live with Him, and therefore do not love with His Love,
and are not saints of His own Sanctity. - I recommend to you: never go out of the Divine Will; keep It as your life, nourishment, royal garment and dwelling.
- It is a divine decree that the Divine Will will form Its Kingdom upon earth.
- Let us pray, and let us offer our little pains to obtain the triumph of the Divine Will upon earth.
- As we desire to do His Will, the Sacrosanct Trinity gives us His Love, covers us with His Beauty, gives us His
Goodness, that we may feel the divine order. - Only in His Will are we able to say: “I have loved Jesus; I have done everything He wants. I have done
everything, and I have given Him everything – even Jesus Himself.” - Every time we do an act in His Holy Will, we go to meet the whole of Heaven, and all of Heaven comes to meet us.
- Every time we do an act in the Divine Will, the human will goes through a martyrdom – not of blood, but of will, which
never dies. - My good daughter, it is necessary to die to everything in order to rise again to all goods and to true sanctity. But it is so
sweet to be able to say: “Crucified You, O my Jesus – crucified I. Slandered, despised, abandoned by all, You –
slandered, despised and abandoned I. So, O Jesus, we look alike.” - In each one of our acts done in the Divine Will, also natural, in the most tiny things, even in one breath, we can form a
martyrdom, not human, but divine. - Let us never move away from His Will, even at the cost of our lives.
- In every circumstance, let us never lose peace, and let us run into the arms of Jesus as our refuge. In this way we will be
safe! - It is enough to say that one single act done in the Divine Will storms Heaven; we make the seas of love of the Queen of
Heaven and of the very Divinity our own, and we give them back to God as seas of love which belong to us. - Do we want to put everything in a safe place – sanctity, and the very life of Jesus within us? Let us do the Divine Will.
Let us live in It, more than if It were our own life. - Oh, how happy we will feel, living of Divine Will!
- Let us not lose our place of honor of living in the Divine Will. Let us content ourselves with dying, rather than not doing
the Divine Will. - Let us not change in the different circumstances of life; many times they serve to make us copy and imitate our dear
Jesus. - In each one of our acts, even natural – because our nature was given to us by God – we will be invested with new
beauty, with new love, with new divine strength. - If we live in the Divine Volition, even our breath, our steps, our motion, run within the breathing, in the steps and in the
motion of all, to give back to God love for each breath, prayer for each step, glory for every motion. - The Divine Will is everywhere and we, by living in It, find ourselves in Heaven and on earth to love Him with all, in all,
and in every place. - The Saints, the Queen of Heaven and God Himself anxiously await the “I love You” of one who lives in His Will,
because it is a new gain that they make. - The “I love You” of the earth resounds in Heaven, in each Blessed, in the seas of the Celestial Mama, and says to all:
“I love You, I love You…” - May we take to heart living always in the Divine Will; in It we will form seas of love, seas of adoration, seas of glory, to
give to our Creator. - Goodness of God! If only our acts enter the Divine Volition, everything is changed into divine in us, and what is human
no longer has life. - In all circumstances, even painful, you will have a refuge in which to take shelter. Jesus is waiting for you with open arms
to receive you and to help you to form within you the noble martyrdom of the Divine Will. - Let us remain always united in the Divine Will, from which we will draw the strength and the sanctity He wants from us.
- Our most interesting task is to live of Will of God. If we do this, we do everything.
- If we do much without the Divine Will, it is just little drops. Therefore, I placed everything in the Divine Volition, so that
It may do whatever It wants. But, be certain that Its Kingdom will come upon earth. - Let us pray, let us do this Will so Holy and let us live in It. May It be our breath and heartbeat. If we do so, we will be
carried in the divine arms; It will lower Itself to breathe in our breathing, to beat in our heartbeat, to move in our motion.
Then, in the ardor of our love, we will say to Him: “I love You for all, and for love of You, I give You the heartbeat,
the breath, the motion of all.” - The creature who loves in the Divine Will is not content if she does not find her place in all, to love the One Who so
much loves her. - If we pray, if we adore, and even if we sigh in this Will so holy, we become life of all, and we give God all that everyone
should give Him. - I recommend that you do not lose peace, and that you live so abandoned in the Divine Will as to feel It as your own life.
- In each pain, dear Jesus will give you a kiss, a hug, and will adorn your soul with most refulgent gems.
- Courage, my child; never lose heart; never get discouraged. It is Jesus that wants His child similar to Himself; aren’t you
happy? - Dear Jesus will give you His pains as courtship, strength and company.
- What I recommend to you is that the Divine Will be your life, your breath, the beating of your heart, your continuous
motion. It is the greatest miracle that the Lord can make for you, and the highest sanctity we can possibly reach. - Those who today love to live in the Divine Will and to know It, form the seed, the conception, and maybe even the birth
of this Divine Volition within their souls.
- You must know that the sanctity of living in the Divine Will is nothing other than a birth which the Divine Sanctity makes
in the creatures. It is the greatest miracle It can perform in the creatures. - The Sun never says a word; It allows Its light to be trodden by our steps; It follows us everywhere, and all the glory and
honor is of God, who made It Sun. Such is the soul who lives in the Divine Will, whom the Lord uses to do good to all, and from whom He receives glory and honor, as if all had loved Him. - The Divine Will has such surprises in the soul that the Heavens are astonished and the Angels remain mute in seeing our
Creator enclosed in our tiny act. - In the Divine Will you will feel that it is not you who are speaking, working, walking, loving, but it is Jesus who speaks,
works, walks and loves. - May the Divine Volition reward you by making you know Its Divine Will, because Its life grows in us as we get to know
It. A good cannot be possessed if it is not known. - You must know that in everything we do in order to make the Divine Will known, His Love is so great that He Himself
does it within us: it is He who speaks, works, and pushes us. His contentment is so great that He Himself does
everything. - Dear Jesus, in order to give us His likeness, creates pain by the touch of His paternal fingers, and makes the most
beautiful pearls, the most refulgent suns, the most expensive diamonds come out from it; and He gives us His most
ardent kisses and the tightest hugs. - Jesus wants to make the Divine Will known to all, so that It may be possessed, because when we possess It, It works
the most beautiful wonders and the greatest prodigies in our souls. - Each thought of yourself is a little escape from the arms of Jesus.
- Patience, my child, dear Jesus wants to make you mature more in sanctity, and His Divine Volition wants to hasten Its
life in your soul. - Disturbances, fears, little mistrusts, are the night of the soul and make her see all things as opposite to what they are.
- The love of Jesus, His sighs and also His tears for desire that His Will reign in us as life, are such that He never leaves us
alone; He Himself descends into the depth of our will; He molds it, strengthens it, purifies it, prepares it, and does all
that we do together with us. - What I want – and this is all my interest – is that you keep growing in the Divine Will. Do not pay attention to your little
passions – they themselves feel crushed and agonizing, when they have to deal with a resolute soul. - The mind toward Heaven, the gaze to the Cross, the heart loving Him, the arms always in the act of hugging Him, the
steps calling Him, the words saying always “Fiat”. In each thing never escape from acquiring a degree of sanctity. Make
yourself a saint; Jesus wants it, make Him content. - Be attentive, my daughter; when dear Jesus wants to give, He asks, in order to prepare the space in which to place His
gifts, His light, His graces in our hearts. - Resignation is what renders the cross lovable, beautiful and precious. Resignation empties the cross and renders it light,
making a sweet blood descend into our veins, which sweetens its bitterness. - When our wills are fused with Jesus, the cross is no longer a cross, but a precious treasure, a divine gain, and the coin
for Heaven! - Do not fear – when the Fiat takes on the commitment, no one can resist It.
- To live of Will of God means to love God with His own Love; and since the Divine Will is everywhere, we love Him for
all and in all. - What the Divine Will does in one who lives in It is unspeakable, incomprehensible, and so amazing as to astonish
Heaven and earth; even the Angels remain speechless. - And here is the Holy Divine Will coming before me and saying: “My Will never ends; I have always some to give.
Therefore, send her, as wish, my Love which rises continuously, my sanctity which is ever new, my virtue which
is always working.” - Here is my little wish: your will at the mercy of the Divine Will. In this way you will feel within you the Sanctity, the love
and the works of the Supreme Fiat as your own. Your life will no longer be of the earth, but of Heaven. - This is the only happiness of Jesus: that the soul live in His Will, because He can give her whatever He wants, and can
make of her one of the greatest portents of sanctity. - Oh, how I wish you would occupy yourself with nothing but living of Divine Will, to let sweet Jesus live always together
with you. Never lose sight of Him, my child; never leave Him alone in your heart. - All we should care about is to bring with us the Will of God, which is not a house made of stone, but of Light
- If you want to be safe, live in the Divine Will, and It will know how to defend you from everything and from everyone, in
whatever place you are. - My child, I recommend to you – remain always in the Divine Will. It will take to heart all of our troubles; It will keep us
on Its paternal knees, clinging to Its womb of Light, to be our defense, help, refuge and the balm in our sufferings. - Every additional act we do – may it be even little and natural – increases in us new divine likeness, new love, new
sanctity, new beauty. On the other hand, every act – may it be even a great one – which does not have the Life of the
Divine Will as foundation, takes us away from His likeness, reduces love, fades Its beauty, closes Heaven to all goods,
and forms the sorrow of God. - By living in the Divine Will, our destiny is secured. We will have the strength of God in our power.
- If God receives, He gives. He rewards even one thought of ours, one sigh, one movement done to fulfill His Will. And
He says: “The creature has sighed to do my Will; I must pay her.” And do you want to know what pay He gives
us? An imperturbable peace, a strength which is such as to be able to bear anything. - To feel pleasures, imperfections, weaknesses, is not evil. Wanting them is ugly, because the Lord does not care about
what we feel, but about what we want.
- Our own nature is formed with many little acts – the breath, the heartbeat, the motion; yet, they form our life. And if we
lacked even one breath, our life – we could say – is ended. So we can say if our little acts are not animated by the Will
of God. - I beg you to live always in the Divine Will. I pray that Jesus will seal It in your mind, on your lips, in your heartbeat, in
the movements of your hands, and even in your breath. - Jesus loves us so much as to endow us with His Love, His Sanctity, His Light and perennial peace, and He declares us
His legitimate children. - If we do the Divine Will, It carries us in Its arms. He Himself descends in all our acts to place in them His Sanctity, His Love, His Strength, His Light, and He becomes our refuge and our life. So, there is nothing we should fear.
- I recommend that you never move away from the Divine Will. Live always in Its maternal arms, like a baby in the arms
of his mother. - How happy you will feel, thinking that your sufferings serve to save souls, to console Jesus, to kiss His wounds, to tell
Him that you love Him! In every pain you suffer, tell Jesus to bring you His Love. Love Him always, and Jesus will be
wounded by your love and will love you more. - May the Divine Will be your dwelling, your food, your life.
- Pluck up courage, and if you want to became a saint and to please Jesus more, enclose yourself in the Holy Will of
God; hold It as more than your own life. May It be your continuous food, your refuge, your help, your strength. - Unite your pains together with those of Jesus, that they may be missionaries throughout the world, just like the pains of
Jesus, and you too will feel happy. - I can only pray that dear Jesus will make you live of Divine Will, because It alone can make us happy, and can make us
saints of His own sanctity. - Jesus wants to display His love, but our will is small and He doesn’t know where to put it. He wants to give us
surprising graces, but our will is incapable of receiving them. This is why He wants to find in us His Holy Will – not only
to give us what He wants, but to make of us His faithful images. - Let us take to heart living in the Divine Will. It will keep us sheltered, protected from all dangers and free from all evils.
- Pluck up courage, dear Jesus will not leave you alone. It is sufferings that wound His Heart and draw Him with an
irresistible force to be together with the creature, to give her the merit of His own pains, and to adorn her with divine
marks. - I recommend to you – let Jesus find you in His Most Holy Will, and He will make a prodigy of your soul. And the more
you feel alone, the more you will feel close to Jesus. - I promise to enclose you in the Holy Will of God, that your acts may be animated by Divine Sanctity, by His infinite
Love and by His incomparable Light and Beauty. - May the Divine Will be everything for us. May It be our refuge, our life, our All.
- I am sorry for your painful state, but you must know that the Divine Will has Its plans and works to do. So, if you think
that the Divine Will is working you, your tears and anguish will cease. - Abandon yourself to the Divine Will. Let Its Divine Life rise again in all your sufferings.
- This is exactly what the Divine Will can do: give Itself completely, in order to vaunt forming Its Life in the creature.
- I recommend to you – let us always do the Divine Will. It will put to flight all passions; It will clothe us with royal
garments of light. We will be the terror of demons, and will give God the new joys which the Divine Will can give. - Oh, how Jesus longs for it, and reaches the point of crying for the desire that we know the Holy Divine Will, and that It
reign and dominate in the whole world. - Poor Jesus, how much He suffers! And how He sighs and cries because the creatures do not pray Him, do not press
Him to concede them the gift of living in the Will of God. - The seas of the Divine Will are not yet known. If they were known, all would dive into the sea of the Divine Volition to
live perennial life in It. - I beg you to never put aside the Divine Will. Let It be your life, your breath and heartbeat.
- If you want to make yourself a saint, if you want peace and to give peace to all, if you want a divine power to invest you
and transform you into Jesus Himself – I beg you to think of nothing else but to live in the Divine Will. - What I recommend to you is to never leave the Will of God. Never look at the one who commands you if you want to
possess peace and let the Divine Will reign in your soul. - Oh, how I’d love to find you always in the sea of the Divine Will! Every tiniest act of yours would cover you with Its
sanctity, with Its love, with Its peace, and you would feel as though repatriated into the Celestial Fatherland. - I recommend that you stay away from people who can do harm to your soul, because they can poison you.
- Make yourself a saint, and sweet Jesus, together with His Mother, will take care of making you content.
- May the Lord give you the grace to remain firm in the good you started, because those who begin and persevere will be
rewarded. - It is well known how easily creatures change – today they smile at us, tomorrow they will turn their back on us. We can
trust God and our Queen alone, because they really love us, without the shadow of interest. They love us because they
want to see us happy and holy.
- On the hard path of life, always trust the Celestial Mother, and do always the Divine Will.
- I recommend to you: be good, love Jesus very much, never leave prayer, make yourself a saint. If you do this, you will
find the doors opened; you will possess the peace of the children of God. - First form your life as filled with goodness, patience and perfect resignation, because true resignation keeps Heaven
open for us. - We are temples of God. And with God in our hearts, what can we lack?
- Do not be in a hurry – everything is written in Heaven. It will happen when God wants. Do not be concerned about the
necessary means; the Lord abounds with those who love Him. Rather, you should fear more not being good. - I recommend to you – be good; the rest with come by itself. The Lord and the Queen are very rich, and as They give to
us, their riches do not decrease. Therefore, be sure that you will lack nothing of the necessary things. - Remove that which disturbs you. Be at peace, expecting everything from your Celestial Mama, and abandoning yourself
in the Divine Will. - Love your Celestial Mama very much, and she will take care of everything you need.
- Be good, and never leave prayer. Do not trust the creatures, but only Jesus.
- Trust in the Supreme Will, and you will experience great prodigies.
- Place everything in the hands of God, and He will take care of your destiny. Do not get discouraged; be good. Never
leave prayer; it is our refuge, the gate to Heaven, the path and the key which opens the doors of all graces for us. - The mind toward Heaven, the gaze to the Cross, the heart loving Him, the arms always in the act of hugging Him, the
steps calling Him, the words saying always “Fiat”. - Everything you do in the Divine Will will fly to Heaven, to anticipate your possession of It. Therefore, be attentive.
- There is an extreme need for true sanctity, especially in the Priest, and only the Omnipotent “Fiat” of God has this
power: to place in us the true order of sanctity with Its creative strength. - Peace makes us see things as they are before God, and not as creatures see them.
- Peace gives us divine sight, and in circumstances, in humiliations, we see what God sees.
- Each thought of yourself is a void of love that you form; you deny Jesus an act of love, and keep Jesus sighing for your
little love. Think about it, and be attentive. - By doing the Divine Will, the very natural things necessary to our life, are transformed into prayer, adoration and love
toward our sweet Jesus. - Peace is what constitutes happiness of families, not money. How many rich people are unhappy because peace does
not reign in their families! - Three things I recommend to you: firmness in good, perennial peace, filial trust.
- Trust will make you live like a little baby in the arms of his mama.
- Union with Jesus floors all sins, love kills all passions, and abandonment in Him and trust are the nourishment in order to
grow in sanctity. - Here is the means to sin no more: to be united with Jesus, love Him, and always do His Will.
- The breath which the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat produces in the soul, is peace.
- Peace will prepare your soul to live of Divine Will.
- You say you have many crosses. Good sign, my child. Crosses are divine jealousies and little coins that our Lord gives
us. - Together with Jesus, pains change their look, miseries disappear; and from pains, miseries and weaknesses the most
beautiful conquests, celestial riches and the strength of God arise. - Always keep the Fiat on your lips, in your mind, and in your heart.
- Oh, how happy will you feel, if in every pain you say, “This pain serves Jesus”!
- Patience, trust, courage, is the bread of the strong, the heroism of martyrs. Therefore, courage!
- Those who think of the past lose the present.
- It is not that we must no longer feel our will: to operate on a dead will would be neither ours nor Jesus’ victory.
- The Sanctity of living in the Divine Will is for all; or rather, to tell the truth, It is for all those who want It.
- In the Kingdom of the Divine Will no one loses, we are all winners, both God and the creature.
- The Sacred Heart of Jesus is nothing other than the immense Reign of His Will.
- How I would love for everyone to understand this great secret – that, if we want it, we must let the Divine Will reign in
us. - How many graces not obtained, how many obstructed sanctities, how many unhappy people, and with no peace,
because the primary food of the Fiat is missing – the life of Jesus is missing within us! Here is all the trouble! - Sanctity is not formed by playing, but by working, suffering and loving.
- Mortifications, adversities, crosses, come to us veiled and do not let us see the good which they contain.
- Peace removes the veil and allows us to recognize the finger of God in our sufferings.
- Never neglect the Rosary to the Celestial Mother.
- When the Divine Volition wants to reign in the soul, It first sends Its message of peace.
- It is not our occupations that take us away from Him, but our will – the thought of ourselves – that make us put Jesus
aside, even in good. - For one who is with Him, the most indifferent things, works, sacrifices – are prayers, adorations and love; he feels the
Tabernacle in his own heart, and Jesus living within himself. - We are small; if we think of ourselves, Jesus will find no space in which to put Himself.
- Without a cross we are like unripened fruits – like sterile plants, which do more harm than good.
- Jesus feels the need to make of the creatures the repeaters of His Life, and He does so on the stake of suffering and
love. - Sufferings are firewood, and love ignites it, while Jesus gives us the shape He wants.
- Jesus does not look at what we feel, but at what we want.
- Courage and trust; these are the weapons which conquer God. The essential thing is really to begin; the rest will come
by itself. - Love calls for more love. The more we believe He loves us, the more we feel like loving Him; and Jesus, seeing Himself
loved, loves us more. - Prayer will defend us from the shadow of the enemy, and will cover us with the divine shadow.
- Jesus burns with love in the Most Holy Sacrament and wants to come into our hearts in order to pour out His flames;
while if we abstain, He burns more. - I recommend to you “The Hours of the Passion”. Form continuous chains of reparation around Jesus; unite all your
actions to them, so that this sweet chain of reparation may never be broken. - Peace will be your heritage, the Divine Will your life, trust the powerful magnet which will capture blessed Jesus to dwell
in your heart. - With Jesus it takes patience, faithfulness and peace, in order to let Him proceed in the work of forming the Kingdom of
the Divine Fiat. - From the storms you must draw light, courage and peace.
- Never be disturbed, because disturbance is the true hail of the soul, destroyer of the true goods.
- But if you want peace, you must live from the Divine Will.
- Place the Fiat before and after each one of your acts.
- Peace, peace, my child. And you will certainly find peace if you look at the Divine Will in everything.
- We must obey and make ourselves saints, not for our interest, but for the glory of God.
- Doubt, fear and agitation do not come from God, but from the devil.
- Never deny enything to the Divine Will. To deny something to It, not letting oneself be dominated by It, means to break
the sanctity, to tear it to shreds, in such a way that we ourselves will not be able to make head or tail of anything. - Love peace and everything will smile at you.
- Let all things be Will of God for you.
- How could anyone live without a Will so holy? It would be as though living without breathing, without motion, without
the principle for which we have been created. - For us, to live in the Divine Will is a sacrosanct duty.
- Whatever one does for God is never lost.
- “Whatever God wants, I want; whatever God does, I do”.
- The Heavens open at these acclamations in order to unite
Creator and creature. Continue your mission, and offer it for the triumph of the Divine Will. - May your life be nothing but a continuous act of the Will of God.
- All other things, as beautiful as they might be, can serve to form His works, but only the Divine Will serves to form His
Life. - May the Divine Will be our only refuge, the balm in our sufferings, the hiding place when they persecute us.
- In everything we can do and suffer, may the triumph of the Divine Will be our only purpose.
- It takes nothing but a firm decision of wanting to live in the Holy Will.
- With the most tiny things, with trifles, we can form the little stones to give the Divine Fiat the material to build our
sanctity. - Our lot changes when we don’t do the Divine Will.
- If the Divine Fiat is known, the kingdom of the enemy is over. Here is all his rage.
- Offer your sufferings, and even your little natural acts, to obtain a good so great.
- The thought of ourselves removes the thought of God from us and takes away sanctity, making us grow sickly in good.
- The thing that most facilitates living in the Divine Will, is to do whatever we can – and because God wants it; a Fiat is
impressed in our act, and the Divine Life is formed. - As long as you keep the thought of yourself, even in good, Jesus will not take the reins to lead you and to make of you
another Jesus. - Jesus reigns in peaceful souls.
- What I care about is that we live of Divine Will, because these are all the sighs, the yearnings of Jesus, and maybe even
His tears, as He does not see in us the purpose for which He created us: His divine likeness. - Anything which is not peace ever comes from God, but always from our enemy.
- Order to become saints, nothing is needed but courage, trust and peace.
- His Most Holy Will circulates in all and gives life to all.
- It is true that the times are sad, and who knows where we will end up, but if we do the Divine Will and live in It, Jesus
will come and take refuge in us, because He will find His own Will offering Him His own Heaven, His worthy dwelling. - With courage we will challenge everyone, and with trust we will live safely in the Heart and in the arms of our sweet
Jesus. - My child, I recommend that you never move away from the Holy Will of God. Call upon It in every instant, in every
pain, in all circumstances. - Make yourselves saints, but saints of Divine Will.
- As many times as you do the Will of God instead of doing your own, so many times you will be able to say: “I am
martyr for You; the martyrdom I offer You is not of blood or of flesh, but with my will united to Yours, I offer
You a divine martyrdom.” - Only the Divine Will is the origin of our life, the means and the end of our existence.
- To love in the Divine Will astonishes Heaven and earth.
- The time will come when Jesus will triumph over all, and His kingdom on earth will certainly come on earth.
- Blessed are those who interest themselves in His Will, because the Lord will use them to open the ways which had been
closed. - The Sanctity of living in the Divine Will is symbolized by the Sun, which does good to all, gives Itself to all, denies Itself
to no one. - All the effort of the enemy is to prevent the knowledge of the Divine Will from coming to light, because he would lose
his kingdom on earth. - The first thing that the Divine Will does when It is known is to transform us in good, and to floor our passions.
- Oh, how I wish that all would understand what it means to live in the Divine Will!
- Jesus loves so much one who lives in the Divine Will that He prepares a chain of prodigies, each different from the
other, and always new in Sanctity, Beauty and Love, such that He Himself feels enraptured by this creature. - Divine Will, how admirable and incomprehensible to our little capacity are You!
- How beautiful it is to be able to say: “Jesus is the master of all. May He do whatever He wants – even with my
breath, with my heartbeat, and with my whole being!” - Have no fear – pluck up courage. Fear is of the vile and of those who do not trust God.
- Let us be attentive, and let us not waste time with things which do not belong to the Divine Will.
- The Lord does not teach difficult things. What He wants is precisely the little things, because they are easier to do, and
we cannot find an excuse and say: “I could not do it.” - When dear Jesus wants to give, He asks, in order to prepare the space in which to place His gifts, His light, His graces
in our hearts. - Every additional act we do in the Divine Will is one more divine likeness that we receive.
- Let us never allow the Divine Will to escape us – both in small and in great things; both in spiritual and in natural things.
- Think that every pain you suffer is an “I love you”,a kiss, an affection, a hug that Jesus sends to you.
- May the continuous word on your lips be: “I want to do your Will and live in It!”
- Think that your pains serve Jesus, and that He keeps them in His hands as precious coins with which to save souls.
- There cannot be true peace or true triumph if the Divine Will is not known.
- Our Lord will make the greatest miracles to make His Will reign upon earth.
- Say to all that there is no greater thing, or a more amazing prodigy than to live in the Divine Will.
- In this night of Holy Christmas, let us say, from the heart, a big and repeated “Fiat”. My child, dear Jesus wants to make
you mature more in sanctity, and His Divine Volition wants to hasten Its life in your soul. - The Celestial Baby is born; even more – He is born in every instant. In every good act we do, every time we abandon
ourselves in His arms, and every time we cry out from the depths of our heart: “Lord, I want to do your Will”, the
dear Little One repeats His birth. - I ask dear Baby Jesus that He Himself bring you my sincere wishes. During these days, you will prepare your heart in
order to form it as a host in which the Divine Infant will come to be reborn in you. - Dear Little Jesus will bring you as His wish, His love, His baby tears, His wails, His whole life, and will infuse in you His
tender and compassionate love for His pains as a baby. - I hope that the Celestial Baby, with His childlike smiles, brings you sanctity.
- Dear Little Baby will come all festive, to reward you for the pains you have suffered, and will remain in you to dwell in
you forever, bringing you the Divine Will as gift. - I send you my wishes for the birth of the little King Jesus. He will give you His Most Holy Will as a gift for His birth.