Letter from Father Bucci

Padre Bucci has received e-mails from many kind souls in the USA and other countries concerning serious errors that are being promoted and attributed to the Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta confirming the statements of March 9th by Archbishop Picchieri of Trani (see below). These errors are being dispersed through public and private teaching conferences and unauthorized books on the Divine Will that promote the personal ideas and theories of these groups, not those of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta.

This is why it is so important to study the life and virtues of Luisa and the writings about her by her extraordinary confessor St. Annibale Maria di Francia. Since it was Luisa who received this gift of the Divine Will, she needs to be the model to look to when discerning promoters, books and materials, which claim to teach the Spirituality of the Divine Will.

For example: Luisa never took a penny for the writings, which she never claimed for her own. Luisa always lived very modestly in a little room in her simple home. Luisa was always obedient to the Church and her confessors. Luisa was always humble, never making any private or public claims of herself or any other person, except our Blessed Mother and Lord Jesus, to be living fully in the Divine Will. Luisa never spoke against the Sacrament of Marriage and Luisa always remained peaceful in all circumstances. Therefore be very cautious when presented with books and materials on the Spirituality of the Divine Will which are not approved by the Archdiocese of Trani, especially if they are authored by lay-persons or of unknown origin. Even books on the Divine Will by religious persons or groups must also be looked at with discernment to be sure they have approval of the Archdiocese of Trani and what they contain is true and Orthodox.

These problems are reason for Archbishop Picchieri’s organization of a “restricted by personal invitation only” study conference in Italy scheduled for October 2006. Their goal is “to have a clear hierarchy of the truths that the Lord has given Luisa, so as to pass them on in order and with the suitable educational methods.” In defense of Luisa and support of the Archbishop’s lead in this matter, Padre Bucci has issued the following letter which he requested to be distributed as widely as possible:


At various times very alarming letters reach me about the interpretations of the writings of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta by others which contain errors wrongly attributed to Luisa as follows:

  1. One who lives in the Divine Will has no need anymore of being subject to the Magisterium of the Church.
  2. One has no need anymore of praying.
  3. It is not necessary to be present at Holy Mass even on Sunday.
  4. It is not necessary to receive the Most Holy Eucharist.
  5. The Will of God supplies everything.

These assertions are only and solely diabolical; they are works of the devil!

I, as well as all my family, have personally known the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta, therefore we are very well acquainted with the thought of the Servant of God and with her way of living.

The Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta is Catholic; her life was a total submission to the sacerdotal authority, that is, to the infallible Magisterium of the Church. The Servant of God constantly reaffirmed to who were near her, among whom also my aunt Rosaria Bucci, this concept:

“If the Church declares that everything that I have written is false, you must consider it false; if the Church in its infallible Magisterium, and in its age-old prudence, declares false everything that has been written, it means that the demon has deceived me, and only the Church has the power to unmask it.”

Every day the Servant of God attended Holy Mass celebrated in her room, receiving the Most Holy Eucharist daily. She urged everyone to go to Mass on Sunday, and one time rebuked my sister Maria because she had not gone there. This said, it is unthinkable to attribute to the Servant of God behaviors that are not conformed to the Magisterium and to the Precepts of Holy Mother Church.

In order to understand well the spirituality of the Servant of God, the following requirements are necessary:

  1. The groups must be formed by Eucharistic souls;
  2. The groups must be devoted to the Most Holy Virgin, Mother of God;
  3. They must be submitted, in everything, to the authority of the Church and especially to their own Bishop, who is the only guarantee of the Faith in the local Church;
  4. All the writings that make reference to the diaries of Piccarreta, must be read and interpreted, only and solely, in the light of Sacred Scripture and of the Magisterium of the Church.

The groups must have as spiritual father, priests of sure orthodoxy, and who are legitimately incardinated in their own dioceses or, if religious, in the order they belong to.

The groups must gradually form and watch out for inappropriate fanaticism or inappropriate interpretations. Watching out for these inappropriate interpretations they should certainly avoid attitudes that border on heresy.

Our duty is exactly this: a correct interpretation of the writings of Piccarreta in the light of the Magisterium of the Church; this is the precise will of this soul all of God, and very faithful and very obedient daughter of the Church.

One who acts otherwise, is certainly a diabolical being who wants to hinder the fulfillment of the Kingdom of the Divine Will, of which the Servant of God is the bearer.

… At this time, responding to these e-mails, I, Father Bernardino Giuseppe Bucci, urge you to not give credit to and to refuse whatever interpretations of the writings of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta that are contrary to the Magisterium of the Church, and I invite you to spread this letter of mine to all the groups who, like you, find themselves in difficulty.

Fr. Bernardino Bucci


Archbishop, Msgr. Giovan Battista Picchieri
Letter dated March 9, 2006 

“… All of you who have taken part in the meeting of October, certainly feel as one called and feel a duty shared with everyone in the Church, the spirituality lived by Luisa.

Nevertheless, the experiences of these years says to us that the doctrine of the Divine Will has not always been presented in a respectful and correct way, according to the Doctrine and the Magisterium of the Church, placing in the mouth of Luisa statements that one does not find even implicitly in her writings. This causes trauma in consciences and even confusion and refusal in the people and among the Presbyteries and Bishops.

Other times they distort certain essential themes or points of this spirituality, presenting them outside of the context and the totality of the writings. They make unauthorized deductions or conclusions; subjective thoughts are given as objective truth, or else they emphasis secondary aspects as if they were essential, in this way distorting the substance and diverting attention to less important things. From this is the need of seeing possible deformations, inaccurate interpretations, imprudent or inappropriate teachings, in order to correct them and to present everything in full conformity with the Doctrine of the Church.”

(Excerpt taken from letter by Archbishop Picchieri of Trani, the complete letter can be read at:   Letter dated March 9, 2006  )