Biographies and Information about Luisa Piccarreta

Father Bernardino Giuseppe Bucci
Parish Priest Cappuccino

The following Certificate was written at Trani, Italy on July 30, 2003 by Msgr. Savino Giannotti, the Vicar General, concerning Fr. Bernardino Giuseppe Bucci, author of some biographies and other information about the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta contained in this heading’s sub menus:


Trani – Barletta – Bisceglie – Nazareth
70059 TRANI – VIA BELTRANI, 9 – TEL.0883-583498

The Vicar General

Trani, July 30, 2003


Fr. Bernardino Giuseppe BUCCI was born in Corato, on June 15, 1935; he was
ordained a priest on March 14, 1964; he belongs to the Franciscan Order of the
Capuchins; he has been the Pastor of the Parish Church of the Immacolata in
Trinitapoli (Fg) since January 1, 1997.

He is a member of the Ecclesiastical Diocesan Tribunal for the Cause of
Beatification of the Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta, and since 1998 he has
been a member of the Diocesan Commission for the same Cause.

He has already published several booklets about the life of the Servant of God,
Luisa Piccarreta, with the Imprimatur of the Archdiocese.

He is in charge of diffusing the spirituality of the Divine Will according to
the Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta, in conformity with the oath of not
diffusing truths contrary to the Catholic doctrine.

In faith,


Msgr. Savino Giannotti


Fr. Sergio Pellegrini



Mons. Giovan Battista Pichierri

Prot. 0098/07/C2                                                                                        




About the process of Beatification and Canonization

Of the Servant of God LUISA PICCARRETA

     Since it is my desire to bring up to date all those who are interested in the process of Beatification and Canonization of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta, Little Daughter of the Divine Will, and in view of the various requests for clarification that I have received, I am issuing the following statement.

     When the Diocesan Inquiry into the life, virtues and reputation of holiness of the Servant of God was closed on 29 October 2005 in Corato, a new phase of study was opened at the Congregation for the Causes of Saints in the Vatican.  Since the fine work of the members of the diocesan Tribunal and of the diocesan Postulator was finished, a new Postulator, Dr. Silva Monica Correale, and a new Vice-postulator, the Rev. Sabino Amedeo Lattanzio, were nominated.

Establishment of the Secretariat of the Cause

     In agreement with the Pious Association, ‘Luisa Piccarreta’ Little Children of the Divine Will, the petitioner in the Cause located in Corato, our Archdiocese set up the Secretariat of the Cause of Beatification of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta as the operating body that has as the aim of supporting the complex activities and procedures as well as the task of providing links, support and information to all those who are interested in the Cause.

     The Secretariat, which will follow the progress of the Cause, is also the means which the Archdiocese and the Pious Association have adopted in order to keep in touch other Dioceses, individuals, groups and associations by supplying information on the state of the Cause and everything else related to it. The Archdiocese and the Association will use exclusively the Secretariat to receive and resolve any request made to them.

     Furthermore, I want to make it clear that neither the Archdiocese nor the Association nor the Secretariat has delegated any person, group or other association, in any way, to represent them outside of their legitimate locations, to spread knowledge about the life, thought and writings of the Servant of God or to make any decision in their names.  From the moment that the Diocesan Inquiry was begun, this Archdiocese has never officially nominated any Theologian or Censor for the writings of Luisa.  Likewise, it has never nominated any official translator of the writings from Italian into any other language.

     I take this occasion to repeat what I have already stated many times before:  individuals, groups and associations anywhere in the world that are inspired by the spirituality of Luisa Piccarreta must keep constantly in touch with the bishops of their own dioceses in order to submit to their discernment any of their activities such as conventions, days of retreat or prayer meetings.  Their authorization will bring serenity to the participants by guaranteeing each meeting with the proper ecclesial character.

     Finally, I want to state unequivocally that no one has been delegated or authorized to collect offerings for the support of the Cause.  Any offerings may be sent directly to the Secretariat, the address of which can be found at the end of this notice.

Current state of the Cause

     Having examined the documentation of the Diocesan Inquiry, the Congregation for the Causes of the Saints asked for additional documents.  This required the opening of an Additional Process which was concluded on 22nd February last.  At the present time, we are awaiting the judgment on the validity of the Principal and Additional Diocesan Inquiries, that is, that they were conducted in conformity with the norms of canon law.

     In the meantime, the Congregation has informed me that “before proceeding any further, an examination of the writings of the Servant of God will be done in order to clarify difficulties of a theological nature” and that consequently, in the current state of the Cause, her writings may not be published.  The rule of prudence and respect for the Church, therefore obliges everyone to avoid any publication, be it in print or on the internet, of Luisa’s writings both in Italian and in any other language.  This is true also because  of legal reasons since the Archdiocese of Trani-Barletta-Bisceglie has exclusive ownership of, and wrights to, her writings.

    Faithful obedience to the guidance provided by the Congregation for the Causes of the Saints is certainly the fundamental premise to a growing relationship of trust.


    I exhort all those who, in a commendable way, work in the spirit of the “Divine Will” to persevere in spreading the knowledge of the holiness of life of the Servant of God, and not to tire in encouraging everyone to pray for her canonization.

     Above all, I ask for the creation of a spiritual network that links in communion various groups, officially erected in dioceses with the permission of their Bishops, with our Archdiocese and the Association of Corato through the valuable auspices of the Secretariat of the Cause.

     Information on the activities of groups on testimony about her reputation of holiness and also on any divine graces, obtained through the intercession of the Servant of God, will feed this communion of life that will make everyone in the world part of “the family of the Luisa”.

     Likewise we must not neglect the commitment to find the funds necessary to sustain the great expenses of the Cause.  Doing so would risk slowing its progress for lack of money.

     It is my desire that a relationship of mutual respect increase among all of the shared responsibility entrusted to us to create those conditions whereby His Kingdom come and Fiat voluntas tua sicut in caelo et in terra come to pass.

     I bless you with all my heart!

     Trani 23 April 2007

                                                    + Mons. Giovan Battista Pichierri




Via San Vito n.24

70033 Corato (Ba) Italia

Tel/Fax 0039.080.8983299
