Pious Association Luisa Piccarreta Little Children of the Divine Will

Sister Assunta is President of the Pious Association
Luisa Piccarreta – Piccoli
Figli del Divin Volere“,
located in Corato, Italy,
and Promoter of the Cause of Beatification of Luisa Piccarreta.

Note: The Pious Association Luisa Piccarreta
Little Children of the Divine Will in Corato, Italy
is in Italian
but is translated into English by clicking on that flag
in the upper right section of that Site

Pious Association

Little Children of the Divine

“The Association of the Associations”
little Cornerstone


Dear friends, follower souls of the Divine Will, actual and potential members
of the Association L.C.D.W. (Little Children of the Divine Will), souls who try
to live, in silence, the fruit of this great spirituality, please welcome these
few lines with which I would like to introduce this letter. The contents that
are explained in this document find their origin and root in the inspiration and
appeal which Our Lord gives to all of us and gave to me, poor creature, when
this Associative Work was started in Corato.

Today, 17 year since its foundation, 11 years since its official recognition,
and 10 years after the Canonical Approval, I want to thank Our God for His
constant help and guidance, Our Church for its blessing on the Association, and
all of you, dear brothers and sisters, who, in spite of all, have followed us in
the good and in the difficult times.

We must always keep in mind that this is Luisa’s Work; this is her
Association, therefore it will walk in the shadow of her soul, small and hidden,
a simple creature in customs and culture. But this is precisely why Our Lord
chose Her and He could make of Her the Firstborn Child of the Divine Will, the
pioneer, the messenger, the missionary of the FIAT VOLUNTAS TUA for the whole

This is also the characteristic of the Association which, although growing
throughout the world for the diffusion of the knowledge of the Divine Will, will
always keep the same exterior appearance as Luisa, that Little Daughter confined
in a bed, with no outward appearance whatsoever, but who lived within her soul
“on earth as it is in Heaven.”

In the letter that follows you will find the fundamental purpose of the
Association; the motivation that leads us to know and to live our origin as
legitimate children of the Heavenly Father.

The decline is part of being human, which is always inclined to degenerate,
finding many difficulties and obstacles when it’s time to be risen and elevated

This seed that the Lord placed in the earth of Corato is inviting us to deep
reflection and to serious commitment in the interior life of the Association. In
this Association there will never be division between the juridical and
spiritual. These aspects are fused and complementary, otherwise Unity would be
lacking, and the Association would remain in name only.

In conclusion, I invite you to deepen and meditate on the meaning and the
nature of the Association as it was conceived, in the Light of the Divine Will.
May Our Lord multiply each one of your efforts and confirm you in the Gift of
the Divine Will.

I hope that these few thoughts will be understood and accepted. But what is
not understood today will be understood tomorrow.

A ‘thank you’ from the heart to all, in the Light of the Supreme FIAT.

Sister Assunta

The Sanctity in my Will is not subject to intermittent phases,
but it  is associated to that continuous Act
of the Eternal Will, which never, never ceases,
rather, it is always in action, always operating, always
triumphant; it always loves and never stops.
(Vol. 17, 7-25-1924)


Within the mosaic of the many Associations existing in the world, from the
Heart of God and by His Will arises the “Pious Association Luisa Piccarreta,
Little Children of the Divine Will.”

It is a Pious Association, because of its religious character, founded
with Canonical Decree on the high spirituality of the Divine Will.

It has as its principle of life the prayer of the “Our Father”, and as a
specific focus “Your Will be done on earth as It is in Heaven” (Matthew
6,10). This part of the Prayer of prayers constitutes the secret for the
fulfillment and the completion of the Kingdom of God “on earth as It is in
“, because it is the Divine Will that wants to reign in man as It did
in the innocent Adam, and It gives Its clear manifestation in the sanctity and
life of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta, whom many, especially in Corato
know as Luisa “la Santa” (Luisa “the Saint”).

When was this Association born?

It was born by Canonical Decree on March 3, 1987, and is located in Via
Nazario Sauro, 27 of Corato (Bari) Italy, exactly in the sacred place where Our
Lord, since the second half of the 19th century, began His work of purification
of the young soul of Luisa Piccarreta, in preparation for the so many graces and
Divine gifts with which He was going to enrich and transform her in His Most
Holy Divine Will.

This recognition by the Church followed the official birth of the Association
on January 23, 1986, though the work actually began in October 1982, when
Archbishop Giuseppe Carata gave his blessing to the first group of souls engaged
in it.

The same Archbishop started the Association canonically on the 40th
anniversary of the transit into Heaven of Luisa, with the name of Little
Children of the Divine Will, taken from the title of the elder sister “The
Little Daughter of the Divine Will”.


This is a call from God and an answer on the part of man. Entering and
belonging to the family of the Association L.C.D.W. means being called to
live a spirit of communion with God and with the brothers and sisters in
Him. It is a call, It is a gift which starts from the unity of wills, for
the accomplishment of this purpose: to live the Divine Will, according to the
message that Jesus gave us though Luisa.

“…for this I called you in my Will,
so that you associate
to Us
and follow and repeat Our acts.”.

(Vol.18, 8-9-1925)

It is an alliance, a participation of spirit, that tends to form a
chain, built with the strength of the good will and the love of charity,
without ever losing sight of the goal: the Kingdom of the Supreme FIAT as one’s
own life.

It is an opening towards the brothers and sisters, because
being associated means to give and receive, to love and to be loved in
, since where Love is lacking there is sterility, and only a
forced observation of the law allows the re-establishment of balance, unity of
wills, stability. Charity, instead, leads to fecundity of spirit. And Luisa was
always united to the creatures: always stable and constant in giving to God what
each one should have given.

“…my Love is in action; it cannot be without operating. Therefore I prepared for all, for each and everyone, what is needed to  rehabilitate them, to make them healthy and beautiful again…”

(Vol.14, 3-18-1922)


This call, united to the answer, the “Yes”, the continuous “Fiat”, leads to
the recognition and the acceptance of oneself and of all of those who are called
by Our Lord in this spiritual family, even with all our limits and weaknesses,
but with a good disposition that certainly nobody lacks.

It is important to maintain a spirit of humility, in which each one feels
smaller than the other, or rather, maintains a sense of nothingness
before God and the creatures, because we become part of “the Association
in which no human interest can enter, since everything is oriented toward the
interest of the Kingdom of God – Its diffusion and Its establishment throughout
the entire humanity.

In all the variety and diversity of the Works of God, there is, as their
foundation, a collaboration at the associative level, and each of these works
has its starting point and its arrival point in the Will of God.

God created us by His Will and for pure Love, with no concourse from our
side; and it is precisely in this project of Love that He calls us to be
associated for the fulfillment of our happiness in Him.

“… Therefore the life of each creature had its beginning in time, but it
never had a beginning in our Supreme Being, and it was loved by Us with
everlasting love …”

(Vol.31, 9-18-1932)

Our Father did not want to remain alone in His Eternal happiness, because,
after having created the universe and sustained it with the creative power of
His Divine Will, He created man to make him part of His sanctity. He could have
done without him! Nothing increases or decreases His Eternal beatitude, but to
signify the union of our life with His Most Holy Divine Will, He wanted to give
to the creature His own image and resemblance to make her participate in His
sanctity. But the first man rejected this Gift, therefore he remained with the
load of all human miseries with consequences for all human generations.

“… therefore, there is nothing that pleases Us more than seeing the
creature returning in that same Will in which she was created.”

(Vol.31, 10-9-1932)


By deepening the spirit of the Association, we can see how It was born from a
divine project for the re-establishment of the fallen man.

Everything is in the mind of God since Eternity, and not only does He have
His plans, but also His moments, and everything is manifested and unfolded at
the appropriate time; we just need to be open to the Light of His Spirit, and to
be disposed to the manifestation of His Will.

The Association is characterized by the union of wills with the Will
of the Father, not for our choice, but by choice of the Father Himself.

“You did not choose me; I chose you… ”
(John – 15,16)

It proceeds in the name of unity, determined in its specific ideal and
purpose: to reach a growing stability of life in the FIAT VOLUNTAS TUA. This
begins with a Divine call which associates people to re-build and establish an
intimate and intense relation of life between God and the creature, between
Heaven and earth: “On earth as it is in Heaven.”

It is a supernatural reality with a deep and intimate participation that does
not obstruct the bonds of the human family, rather, it strengthens them. From
here an exclusive and real interest arises for the Lord and for the glory of His
Kingdom in the world. By living this purpose, we can reach Unity, and Unity
leads to the Kingdom.

It is a link between the Will of God and the human will of each one so that,
as a consequence, the relation with God and fecundity of spirit within the
associative family are reinforced. So, the Association becomes a channel
which originates from God, to grant and bestow Divine enlightenment and Divine
gifts on the work started, embracing all those who feel interested in working,
living and calling the Kingdom of the Divine FIAT upon earth.

Our Lord did not want a single religious institution; rather, He wanted
“the Association” of the Kingdom of the Divine Will, the one that was
inside His Heart and His mind when man, because of the original sin, lost the
Divine sonship and the Will of God as life.

The Association “Luisa Piccarreta L.C.D.W.” is the direct channel that
starts in the Heart of the Father, surpassing laws and means, to re-establish
that bond, broken in Eden, between the Will of God and the human will.

“…Now, in order to tie again these two wills, One was needed Who  contained in Himself a Divine Will…

…Who could take the human flesh to come and save man, and to retie the  two broken wills…”


After the fall, the Divine Decree was instantaneous: the promise of the
Redemption. The second Adam, Jesus. The second Eve, Mary.
Jesus,  associated to the Will of the Father. Mary, associated to the Will of
the Father and to the Redemptive work of the Son, to become Co-Redemptrix of  mankind.

“…The Virgin Mary, appearing with the image of Her Son Crucified, makes  us understand that She too is associated to the work of salvation, and She is close to Her children immersed in the proves…”

(From the Letter of Pope John Paul II, on the 150th anniversary of the La Salette Apparition)

And the Father manifested His Will by associating to Himself and in
Jesus and Mary, man, only for love of him, and to dissociate the enemy
and his followers, casting them in the infernal regions.

“I will make you and the woman hate each other; her offspring and yours  will always be enemies. Her offspring will crush your head and you will bite
her offspring’s heal”

(Genesis 3,15)

This is the Association which takes origin in that Divine project to
restore the most beautiful work of Creation: man, this creature provided with
memory, intelligence and will.

This was the plan of God manifested to humanity, to bring the lost man back
to His Fatherly Heart, restored, saved, and sanctified again. Mary was the first
creature to be directly associated to this Divine Plan.

“…Because when God decides and proposes, He will not be moved, no matter
how many the opposing events…”


Luisa too, and with Her all of us and the whole of humanity, were called to
be associated for the fulfillment of this project of Love, which leads to the
completion of the Kingdom of God on earth; but the time appointed by Him had to
come first.

“Soul, do you want to give me a hand?” My Redemption is certainly enough,  but I need more souls to be associated with Me in this Calvary, in this  immolation, because man never gets tired of offending God…”

(From the homely of S.E.R. Mons. C. Cassati,

Every congregation, each institution or religious order works with specific
and different activities, a different charisma, but always to reach a single
general purpose: charity (from the theology of the religious life), and always
through direct communication with the Will of God which wants to fulfill Its
restoration plan in the decayed man.

It is a channel of light which descends from God and goes back to Him, to
strengthen more and more that relation which was broken by the first sin. It is
an elevation from earth into Heaven.

FROM VOLUME 19, 3-2-1926

“…Since My Will is in you, it was convenient for you to bring the earth
to Heaven, in order to give, in the name of all and together with the Celestial
Court, that glory which will never end, for ever and ever…”


“…with your help, today I won’t do anything but fly from earth to
Heaven, to carry in me the life of Jesus, preventing Justice from hurling Its
just lightning upon the poor creatures. Then, I will fly from Heaven unto earth
to bring to all graces, pardon and love.

And You, my Angel, seal with your blessing the Will and the whole life of
Jesus in me…”

In sum, it is like forming a chain, with the links well secured among
themselves; it is as though throwing the anchor which hooks the Will of the
Father together with the son which was lost but now is found.

It is one knot after the other, which decreases the distance between
the Creator and the creature through the acts repeated in the life of man in the
Will of God; it’s strengthening our human wills in the Will of the Father,
through the immolation of our wills in Jesus Himself.

“…Your will must not have life in you; and by making yours all the  acts of My Will in every creature…”



As the members of this family grow and strengthen more and more the bond with
the Will of God, just as between Father and son, so they also reinforce the
tight relation of charity and union of wills among themselves.

This happens in a real way for those who, disinterested and in
pure faith, become members of this family, holding the certainty
of having found the keys of the Kingdom, the precious stone: the
Divine Will as life.

He or she will find the lost coin, the one which was rejected by our father
Adam. God placed it in His Fatherly Heart, in His Will, which contains the
creative and preserving power and, after many centuries, He wants to give it
back to the human generations, after having conducted humanity along the path of

“…For Us giving is delighting and making happy those who receive from  Us; it is enriching without losing anything of Ourselves; it is giving what We  are by nature, forming it in the creature by grace; it is getting out of
Ourselves to give all that We possess…”


Those who have opened their hearts to this Gift, kept by God in spite of
human ingratitude, just need to cherish the desire of living it, saying together
with Nathaniel to his brother Peter: “Come, we have found the Lord.”

Come, we have found the treasure given to our First Father Adam, and that has
been given to us as heritage, thanks to all of Adam’s acts done in the Divine
Will before the sin; because God does not withdraw His gifts, but He preserves
them and He gives them, at the appointed time, to those who appreciate them and
make of them their own lives, for the glory of God and for our eternal

We extend this announcement of the apostle to all those who are in love with
the Divine Will and want to live in It.

At this point we can say: come, we have found Luisa, the woman, through whom
Blessed Jesus gave us the bread of the Divine FIAT and the Light to understand
the greatness and the importance of the knowledge to possess the Kingdom of the
Divine Will.

“…Come with me in Eden, where you were originated, where the Supreme  Being looked for man and made him king, by giving him a reign to  dominate; this reign was the whole universe, but his scepter, his crown, his  empire were to be found in the depth of his soul, in which the Divine  Fiat resided, as the true dominating King, constituting the true
royalty of man…”

(From the Appeal of Luisa for the Kingdom of the Divine Will on earth)

But in order to rise to such a height it is necessary to become very small,
also because the gate is small and the thorns of the human will may give more
pains than joys.

We can find the living model of littleness in the Blessed Virgin Mary, our
Mother. She is the pillar of salvation, the Queen of the Divine FIAT, because
she is small; who is smaller than She and who is more active than She in the
spirit? Could we ever find on earth a life more simple and, at the same
time, more profound than Hers? Mary, the hidden worker, who, like a
Divine bee, drew sanctity from the Divine Will, giving back in return with the
same generosity, allowing God to accomplish in full His Divine Design, in the
name of all of us. Mary is the Tabernacle of the Divine Will, the living “Yes”;
the growing FIAT; the creature who made possible the accomplishment of the
associative plan of God together with His Son, for the salvation of

“…The little ones are more attentive in listening to me, because they  don’t have their minds filled with other things; they are as if ignorant of  all…”


Being little means remaining newborn.

“…Do you want to know the reason why I call you the little newborn?
Newborn means being in the act of receiving birth, and since you have to be born
again in every act in My Will, and furthermore, since My Will wants to be repaid
from all the oppositions of the human wills, I want to call you in My Volition
to make you be reborn for as many human wills as are opposed Mine; therefore it
is necessary to keep you always as a newborn…”

(Vol.19, 2-23-1926)


The key to live this associative life is faith, pure, stable,
disinterested, which leads to the possession of God; the humility which brings
the awareness of our nothingness before God and before man.

God chooses whoever He wants. He calls, He invites, and if the soul is
disposed to renounce her own human will, cause of all evils, and to orient her
freedom toward His Most Holy Will, she has solved the problem of her own
sanctity and of her life, therefore becoming Apostle of the Kingdom and also a
pillar of the Association.

In this Association littleness is indispensable, and this is even in
our name: Little Children of the Divine Will.

In order to be little one needs to be empty of oneself, and God will fill the
soul with the Divine Will.

“…This Gift was given to man in the beginning of his creation, but,
ungrateful, he threw it back to Us by doing his will. Now that he disposes
himself to do Our Will, he is preparing himself to receive again this Gift so
great and infinite”

(Vol.30, 4-30-1932)


This is the fundamental aspect that fills and strengthens the word:

If we cultivate our littleness, humility, nothingness, the lady obedience, as
Luisa called it, we will become stronger in the spirit and we’ll enjoy our
littleness within the greatness of God.

The little ones delight when they are in the arms of their parents, while
they try to run away from those arms when they grow up.

The same thing happen with our Heavenly Father.

Pride swells, producing the illness of the soul, pushing us away from

Littleness purifies the spirit, freeing it and placing it inside the Heart of
God the Father, because only to the little ones is it given to enter the Kingdom
of Heaven; and this, also being on earth, by growing in the Light of the Divine

The gate of the Kingdom of God is narrow because it implies a sanctity
through personal purification, to give God the space to reign in us and we in

It is very important to cultivate and evaluate this aspect in the
Association L.C.D.W. But so much trust, faith and constancy are also
necessary. All this is obtained just by feeling little, becoming little like
babies, empty of human reason, of human will, and with a free life oriented
toward the One who gave that life as a gift.

“…Therefore, let me reign and give me full freedom”

(Vol.13, 12-3-1921)

The growing aspect of the Association is the constant “Yes”
which takes life from the unity of wills. This can be accomplished if each
member is committed to knowing the spirit of the Association: the spirit which
unites two wills, the will of man and the Will of God to make one single Will.
This round, this exchange of wills is transmitted also through the members,
forming one way of life between God and the neighbors.


The Mercy of God invites all His children to live in His Will, putting them
in direct communication with Him because, through His direct intervention,
Divine Will and human will can communicate.

This means having a reciprocal exchange of life with the Divine Will, which
gradually absorbs all the life of man. It is a Divine sonship that starts
from the Heart of God the Father and comes directly back to Him as return and
answer to all it has received.

The Kingdom of the Divine Will can not be complete on earth without a growing
spiritual association in the knowledge and the diffusion, ordered and
, of the writings of Luisa.

Only knowledge leads to possession.

If there’s no concordance of ideas, culture, dispositions etc., the relation
with God and with fellow creatures is dissolved, weakened, and the “Our Father”,
and more precisely the “On earth as it is in Heaven” cannot be lived or

“…It is true that, humanly speaking, the creature, surrounded by evils
as she is, cannot conceive yet how to live in my Will and how Its Kingdom can be
formed on earth; it is for her as if touching Heaven with her finger; but what
is impossible for men, is possible to God…”

(Vol.30, 4-30-1932)



Now, let’s go to the part that involves the associated member, also in the
exterior life, without ever losing sight of the starting point, which is

Great and common responsibility among all the associates is:

– To live the spirituality of Luisa
– To make a commitment to know it
– To read the writings of Luisa, only source of that knowledge
– To
be disposed to live this spirituality, always gradually and in its
– To be disposed and opened more and more to the Light that
transmits this great

Gift of God, remaining always aware of our nothingness

“…To live in Our Will is a Gift, which Our Magnanimity wants to give to
the creature; and with this gift she will feel transformed…”.

(Vol.30,  4-30-1932)


There are also some responsibilities at the juridical level and various tasks
depending on the circumstances which involve all the groups spread throughout
the world. Everyone can cooperate with the Association, but always
letting the life of the Divine Will flow, uniting Heaven and earth and involving
all the brothers and sisters in God. This represents the unity of the apostolic

The Association intends to walk along the ways of the world to spread the
truths of the Kingdom; and as it grows with the diffusion of the knowledge of
the Divine Will, at the same time, it must get stronger in the unity of all its
members, near and far. However, the diffusion is not intended to bring the news
to humanity through bureaucratic organizations. All is based on the life of
prayer and in the union of wills in God the Trinity. The rest comes by itself.
To live in the Divine Will is more an interior activity than an exterior one.
Let’s take as our model the Holy Family in Nazareth.

So, many little coordinated cells contribute also to strengthen the
spirituality and the commitment of wills in each member of the associative
, towards God as well as the others.

Those who work with constant commitment and sincerity of heart acquire a
spirit of joyful charity and submission which, together with humility, form that
vacuum within oneself, allowing God to fill it with His Sanctity: this means
letting the Divine Will reign.

The spirit of service and charity must prevail, always keeping in mind the
sweetness of the service of Jesus with the apostles and all other souls.

“The Son of man did not come to be served, but to serve”

(Matthew 20,28)


“The greatest one among you must be like the youngest, and the leader must be like the servant”

(Luke 22,26)

We pray that the Lord will call in this family associated in His Will, little
souls like Luisa, simple souls, empty of human wisdom but rich in His Divine

Dear brothers and sisters, you who live nearby or far away in various parts
of the world, let’s not keep anything for ourselves; rather, let us give what we
have received, because this Kingdom is coming soon.

“Go and sell all you have and give the money to the poor,and you will have
riches in Heaven; then come and follow me.”

(Matthew 19,21)

Let us ponder well the meaning and all the aspects of this Association: its
importance, need for commitment, pure disposition, personal disinterest, the
tasks relative to the exterior life, and also the international vision. So, we
can feel the hand of God extending over the whole world to enrich humanity with
the Gift of His Most Holy Will.

“…To live in Our Will is a Gift…This Gift was given to man at the  beginning if his creation, but man, ungrateful, threw it back to Us by doing his will. Now that he disposes himself to do Our Will, he is preparing himself to receive again this Gift so great and infinite. Our knowledge of the Fiat will help and prepare the creature in a surprising way to receive this gift; and all that she has not obtained until now, she will be able to obtain tomorrow…”

(Vol.30, 4-30-1932)


We cannot remain passive in the face of this Gift. It is necessary to
ponder the choice of God and His specific call to each and every one of us. It
is really a matter of defending and securing the plan of God, established since
the foundation of the world.

Our miseries and limitations must not suffocate the so many graces received.
The darkness of our human will must not obscure the Light emanated by the Divine
Will, and cannot stop the course of our self-offering.

Even Luisa, while reflecting upon the great Mission that Jesus was gradually
manifesting to Her, often said:

“Lord, You know how bad and incapable I am…; and Jesus: “The greater is the Work I want to do, the more I choose miserable, poor, ignorant souls, with
no outward appearance.”

(Vol.13, 1-17-1921)


She was a creature like us. She was chosen from a common birth so that she
could be an accessible model to be imitated, only and always for the
glory of the Kingdom of God “on earth as it is in Heaven”.

So, we can call the association, “The Association of the united wills”, but
not merely in the sense of volunteering activity, rather, as fully disposed to
the Gift received from God, and with the commitment and freedom to live
our will in Him.

The infrastructures belong to the work, the spirituality belongs to the
life of the work

This is why this Association is not limited by excessive formality or
excessive initiatives, but does only what is needed to regulate the path.

“The Pious Association has a minimal organization, recognizing that some infrastructures approved by Ecclesiastical Authority are indispensable for an
ordered associative life.”

(Statute, art.10)


Together with Luisa, we too are involved in the coming of the Kingdom, by
witnessing with our lives and works, and let God reign and reside within our
souls. This is why it is necessary to live in the Association with a spirit of
community, regardless of the activities. This internal communion will be the
little cornerstone which will hold the Association of the Kingdom and the
Apostle souls of the Kingdom
. Little by little, these souls will become the
flames shining in the darkness, to show the way of peace and happiness, which
leads to the possession of the Kingdom of the Divine Will.

“Oh, man, go back into yourself, call back in you that Will which you rejected; It wants to return to destroy all your evils; and if you invite It, It is ready to take possessionand form Its Kingdom within you; Its dominion of
peace, happiness, glory and victory, for me and for you. Please, do not choose
to be slave any more, or to live in the maze of your evils and miseries; remember that I did not created you so, rather, I created you king of yourself, king of all. Therefore, call my Will as your life, and It will make you know
your nobility and the height of the place in which you were placed by God. Oh,
how happy you will be, and how happy you will make your Creator.”

(Vol.30, 5-8-1932)



Lord Jesus, with our souls full of gratitude, we want to thank You for the
immense gifts You bestowed on this family, associated in Your Most Holy

Your eyes rested on us and You called us.

Thank You Jesus, for having confirmed our Association with the
special blessing of the Ecclesiastical Approval.

Please, make this family follow You, within the great family of the Holy
Church, with loyalty and disposition, according to Your Divine Plan.

O Lord, Thank You for Luisa, Your Little Daughter of the Divine Will. You
filled her with so many gifts and blessings; You chose her as Messenger of the
Divine Will, and now, through her, You choose us too, to follow her in the Light
of the “Fiat Voluntas Tua”.

Praise to You, Father, for having created us; to You, Son, for having
redeemed us; to You, Holy Spirit, for our Sanctification. Please, let Your
sanctifying work continue within our souls, until the last Fiat.

Sister Assunta
Corato, Pentecost 1997

May 18

Pious Association
Via Nazario
Sauro, 25
70033 Corato (Bari) – Italy
Tel. 39-80-8982221 / 39-80-8987344


The decree of March 3,1987 issued by Archbishop Mons. Giuseppe Carata, allowing the association to spread the figure of Luisa and her doctrine in its integrity (Note:  it’s in Italian):

And the English translation:



We consider as a perennial and authentic gift of the Holy Spirit
to the Church of Christ, the rising and the spreading, according to the time’s
needs, of Movements, Groups and Associations, which identify and appreciate the
various charisms poured for the benefit of the community, and which contribute
to the perfection of the Christian life, as well as to an authentic and ever
growing witnessing in the world, to the most humble and charitable service, and
to the most fraternal communion.

With highest gratitude to God our Father, We note a special
abundance of this gift of the Holy Spirit in Our beloved Church Community in the
period after the Vatican Council, which We undoubtedly define as “a Spring for
the Church”, observing—as the fruit of a deeply lived experience within the
Church according to the dictates of the Second Vatican Council—the blooming of
Pious Associations and Movements, of certain Christian-catholic inspiration,
through which the faithful live more visibly the mystery of the communion with
Christ, participate responsibly in the life of the Church, and perform functions
and ministries with awareness and competence, and in the harmony of unity and

Among these Associations, the one called “LITTLE CHILDREN of the
DIVINE WILL” was recently established in Corato. Its main purpose is the
Christian education and the ascetic perfection, in the spirit and with the
practice of a community prayer of Its members, in the light of the example, the
teachings and the writings of the Dominican Tertiary LUISA PICCARRETA, who died
in odor of sanctity in Corato, in 1947.

Therefore, having examined the request, which We received by the
promoter Sister Assunta Marigliano, in the name of all the supporters, on
February 15, 1987;

Having examined and approved ad experimentum the Statute
containing the purpose of the Association, the instruments for the education,
the organisms of direction and other basic norms, as well as the apostolic
projection of the Association;

As laid down by cann. law 299, §§ 2 and 3; 300 etc.;


with center in Corato (Archdioceses of
in via Nazario Sauro n.25.

The established Association will be ruled by the general norms
of CJC (cann. 321-326) and by the above mentioned Statute which We

In full uniformity and submission to the Divine Volition, which
appears to Us clear in this, through the signs of the times, through the fervor
of the supporters and their beneficial fruits in the apostolic field, We
encourage and exhort all to continue in their good intentions of sanctity and
ministry for the Church, sustained by copious celestial blessings.

Given in Trani, from Our Archbishop’s Palace, on the 4th of
March of 1987, on the fortieth anniversary of the pious transit of Luisa


For more information, please write to:

Pious Association Luisa Piccarreta, Little Children of the Divine Will
Via Nazario Sauro, 25
70033 Corato (BA)


The Pious Association Luisa Piccarreta was created on March 4, 1987 in Corato and has its seat at the Servant of God’s ex-home in via Luisa Piccarreta (the name was changed from via Nazario Sauro [Nazario Sauro Street], to the current via Luisa Piccarreta)

Two front exterior views of
via Luisa Piccarreta
civici: 25/27
Corato (BA) – Italia 



Pia Associazione Luisa Piccarreta
di Diritto Diocesiano

Main residance:
via Luisa Piccarreta
civici: 25/27
Corato (BA) – Italia



By train:
Get off in BARI (for those coming from the South of Italy), or in BARLETTA (for those coming from the North), and proceed to CORATO by BARI-NORD Railways (Ferrovia BARI-NORD)

By airplane:
ROMA-BARI Palese; Then, CORATO can be reached by train, by taxi, by bus or rental car.
By train: take Ferrovia BARI-NORD from Palese-Airport stop, and proceed to CORATO   .

By public Bus :
as you reach PiazzaCesare Battisti in Corato, use private transportation for your destination

By private Bus :
park on Via P. Rosa, in Corato, and then walk to your destination.

By car :
Highway A14, exit Trani, proceed to CORATO.