1/31 The anniversary of the passing of Father Bucci’s sister Luisa Bucci in 2016

The Kingdom of the Divine Will
An Inrtroduction to the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta
The Little Daughter of the Divine Will

11/21/26 – Vol. 20
Tenderness of Jesus at the moment of death. 

I was feeling all afflicted because of the sudden death of one of my sisters. The fear that my lovable Jesus might not have her with Himself tormented my soul; and as my highest Good, Jesus, came, I told Him of my pain, and He, all goodness, said to me: “My daughter, do not fear, is there perhaps not My Will that makes up for everything, for the very Sacraments and for all the helps that can be given to a poor dying one? Much more so, when there is not the will of the person of not wanting to receive the Sacraments and all the helps of the Church that, like mother, She gives at that extreme moment.

You know, in kidnapping her suddenly from the earth, My Will made Me surround her with the tenderness of My Humanity. My Heart, human and Divine, placed My most tender fibers into the field of action, in such a way that her defects, her weaknesses, her passions, have been looked upon and weighed with such finesse of tenderness—infinite and Divine. And when I place My tenderness into the field, I cannot help having compassion and letting her pass into a safe harbor, as triumph of the tenderness of your Jesus. And besides, don’t you know that where human helps are lacking, Divine helps abound?

“You fear that there was no one around her, and that if she wanted help, she had no one from whom to ask for it. Ah! My daughter, in that moment the human helps cease; they have neither value nor effect, because the dying enter into the sole and Prime Act with their Creator, and to no one is it given to enter this Prime Act. And then, for one who is not perverted, a sudden death serves in order to prevent the diabolical action from entering the field—his temptations, and the fears that, with so much art, he strikes into the dying, because he feels them being snatched from him, without being able to tempt them or follow them. Therefore, what by men is believed to be disgrace, many times is more than grace.”…

1/29 Letter #25 from the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta

25.  To Mrs. Mazari from Bari


Fiat – In Voluntate Dei!

My dearest and good daughter in the Divine Volition,

First of all I thank you for all your attentions.  I don’t know how to thank you, but Dear Jesus Himself will take on the commitment to reward you for so much goodness by making of you a saint and by calling you to Live in His Fiat.  Greater Grace He cannot give you, because, as we decide to always Do His Will and to Live in It, sweet Jesus covers all our past miseries in order to let us begin the New Life, all Holy, and all of Heaven.  He makes us feel the Heartbeat, the Breath of the Fiat, forming His word in our voice, harmonizing us with Him, squeezing us in His Arms, so tightly that we can’t help feeling the Life of the Divine Will… My daughter, for one who Lives in It, Heaven is always open and Graces descend in torrents upon our heads.  In the secret of our heart, Jesus Says to us:  “My daughter, if you do what I Want, I will take on the Commitment of All your things.  I can do them Better than you, do not worry about anything; let Me Do and you’ll see.  You, instead, think of not losing Peace, and enjoy the life of My Will.  Let Me extend My Kingdom in each one of your acts, in such a way that you may feel, see and touch nothing but My Will…”  How Happy will you be with such a Great Good, and I, your poor mother, will be pleased with your lot and will rejoice at your Happiness.

I beg you to let yourself always be found in the Royal Palace of the Divine Will.  With my sister and Mother Superior, I send you the greetings of the Fiat.

The little daughter of the Divine Will

1/28 Feast Day of St. Thomas Aquinas, Priest and Doctor of the Church

Book of Heaven
1/10/11 – Vol. 10

Continuing in my usual state, as I was praying my always lovable Jesus to dissolve the obstacles which prevented these reunions, and to manifest to us the way which best pleased Him, blessed Jesus came for a little while and told me: “My daughter, the point which I most care about and which I cherish the most is to detach the priest perfectly from his family. Let them give everything they have to their families, keeping for themselves only that which is personal. And since they (priests) are to be maintained by the Church, justice demands that things must end up there where they come from – that is, everything which they may have must serve to maintain themselves and to expand the works for my glory and for the good of the people. Otherwise, I will not render the peoples generous toward them; not only this, but they themselves will separate from their families with their bodies, but not with their hearts; and therefore, a thousand avidities…, who can make more profit…, and huffiness among them if one is assigned a more lucrative position than someone else, so as to be able to give to their families…. They themselves will see, in practice, how many evils will come if they touch this most essential point. How many disunions, jealousies, rancors, and the like…

I am content with having fewer of them, rather than having this work, so much wanted by Me, ruined. Ah! my daughter, how many Hananiahs [Jer. 28] will come out! And how well they will know how to defend, to support, to excuse this so well-liked idol of interest. Ah! only with those who consecrate themselves to Me do I have this misfortune – that instead of caring about Me, about my honor and my glory, and about the sanctification which befits their state, they use Me only as a cover, while their purpose is to care about their families and grandchildren. Ah! it is not so for those who give themselves to the world; rather, they try to strain their families; and if they cannot pull, they arrive at denying their own parents. But when the priest does not occupy himself only with my glory, and with the offices pertaining to the priestly ministry alone, he is nothing but a dislocated bone which gives pain to Me, pain to himself, and pain to the people, and renders his vocation a frustrated one. And since when a bone is not in its place it always gives pain, and by not participating in the humors of the body, with time withers and it is necessary to sever it because of its uselessness, as much as because it gives pain to the other members – the same with priests: when they do not occupy themselves with Me alone, being like a bone dislocated from my body, they become withered, because they do not participate in the influence of my grace. And I hold them and hold them, but if I see their hardness, I cast them away from Me. And do you know where? Into the deepest hell.”

Then He added: “Write this; let them tell the father to whom I entrust this mission for priests to remain firm on this point, and to make it untouchable. Tell him also that I want him on the cross – always crucified with Me.”

1/27 The more the soul humiliates herself and knows herself, the closer she draws to the truth.

Book of Heaven
1/1/00 – Vol. 3

Being very afflicted because of the privation of my highest and only Good, after much waiting and waiting, finally I saw Him come out from within my heart, crying, and making me understand with His eyes that He was hurting from the wound received in the Circumcision.  So He cried and expected me to dry the blood that was pouring from that wound, and to sweeten the pain of the cut.  I felt all compassion and confusion together, so much so that I did not dare to do it; however, drawn by love, I don’t know how I found a little cloth in my hand, and I tried as much as I could to dry the blood of Baby Jesus.  While doing this, I felt I was all full of sin, and I thought that I was the cause of that pain of Jesus.  Oh, how sorry I felt for Him!  I felt absorbed in that bitterness; and the blessed little Baby, compassionating my miserable state, told me:  “The more the soul humiliates herself and knows herself, the closer she draws to the truth; and being in the truth, she tries to push herself along the path of virtues, from which she sees herself very far away.  And if she sees herself on the path of virtues, immediately she realizes how much there is left for her to do, because virtues have no end – they are infinite, as I am.  So, being in the truth, the soul always tries to perfect herself, but she will never arrive at seeing herself perfect.  And this serves her, and it will make her work continuously, striving to perfect herself more, without wasting time in idleness.  And I, pleased with this work, keep retouching her little by little, in order to portray my likeness in her.

This is why I wanted to be circumcised – to give an example of highest humility, which rendered the very Angels of Heaven stunned.”

1/26 Feast Day of Sts. Timothy and Titus, Bishops

Excerpt from the Book of Heaven; Volume 31 – 2/24/33

     My sweet Jesus remained silent, and I continued to think of the impossibility that the Divine Will might Reign on earth as It does in Heaven; and Jesus, sighing, added: “Blessed daughter, what is impossible for men is all possible for God; and if it were impossible for My Will to Reign on earth as It does in Heaven, My Goodness, all Paternal, would not have taught the prayer of the ‘Our Father’.  Indeed, to have others pray for impossible things, I would neither have recited it Myself with so much Love as the first, placing Myself at the Head of all, nor would I have taught it to the Apostles so that they would teach it to the whole world as the Most Beautiful and Most Substantial Prayer of My Church. Impossible things I do not want, nor do I demand of the creature; nor do I Myself do things that are impossible. Therefore, had it been impossible for My Divine Will to Reign on earth as It does in Heaven, I would have taught a useless prayer and without effect, and useless things I know not how to do; at most, I wait even for centuries, but I must make arise the Fruit of the Prayer that I taught.  More so since, freely, without anyone telling Me to give this Great Good that My Will be done on earth as It is in Heaven, I Myself, as in a Second Creation, just as I stretched out the heavens, created the sun and everything without anyone praying Me to – the same with My Will:  in all spontaneity I said:  ‘Pray that My Will be done on earth as It is in Heaven.’  And when spontaneously it is said ‘pray for this to happen’, without anyone importuning Me, it means that first I looked at everything in My All-Seeingness, I pondered things well, and when I saw that it was possible, then did I make up My mind to teach the ‘Our Father’, wanting the human will united to Our own, longing for It to come and Reign on earth as It does in Heaven.  So, everything I have manifested on My Will is enclosed in those mere words:  ‘Your Will be done on earth as It is in Heaven.’  In these few words are enclosed Abysses of Graces, of Sanctity, of Light, and Abysses of Divine Communications and Transformations between Creator and creature. My daughter, this was the Gift that your Jesus was giving to the human generations as the Fulfillment of My Redemption.  My Love was not yet content, My Pains had not yet completely satiated Me; I wanted – I wanted to give yet more; I wanted to see My Heaven upon earth in the midst of My children.  Therefore, a few days before departing for Heaven, first I decided to give My Will on earth as It is in Heaven, and then I taught the ‘Our Father’, in which I Myself remained Engaged to Giving this Great Gift; and when your Jesus is Engaged, He never falls short.  Therefore, do not put doubts; and if others doubt, let them do it – what do they know about how I must carry things out?  I (Jesus) have Power and Will in My Hands, and this is enough for Me.  And you, remain at Peace, and always follow My Will. Trust your Jesus, and you will see.”

The Divine Will

Power point Presentation for Bishops, Priests and Deacons: https://luisapiccarreta.me/divine-will-presentation-for-bishops-priests-and-deacons

Titles of Luisa with audio. Will be adding audio as it come through: https://luisapiccarreta.me/the-titles-of-luisa

This also on divinewill.life at: https://divinewill.life/the-titles-of-luisa/


Below are two formats of the Presentation: direct links to the audios and the upload on the YouTube Channel, Fiat Luisa.  

The same presentation in PowerPoint Show format contains an Appendix and Reference section.

Part 1 – https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GcjXvCBY90opzmTPG2yuRDtGau834ggZ/view?usp=drive_link

Part 2 – https://drive.google.com/file/d/13QUnaz1JlowaFeBadOfisY5rUTTrHJmv/view?usp=drive_link

Part 3 – https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bYss06VdfHzysZv6o54Psw3wz7zfQ6jB/view?usp=drive_link

YouTube link:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=w29kRnqOVg4