4/14 Holy Thursday, Oil of Healing

Praying one with Luisa in the Divine Will, to repair and redo for all souls, past, present and future, echoing the Prayers of Luisa, especially in the 20th Hour of Our Lord’s Passion, Hanging on the Cross, all in +Jesus+

Twentieth Hour 12-1 p.m.

(and Twenty-Second Hour 2-3 p.m.)


  1. Your Adorable Head – 

the Drops of Blood Shed by It, the blows You received on It, the Hair they tore; we have Crowned You with Thorns. 

I ask Your Forgiveness in the name of all, O my Jesus, for all the times we have crowned You with thorns; for all the drops of Blood we made You shed from your most Sacred Head; for all the times we have not corresponded to Your Inspirations.


  1. Your Most Holy Eyes – 

the Tears and Blood They Shed, the Cruel Pricks

I ask Your Forgiveness for all those who use their sight to offend You and insult You, asking You, for the sake of the pains suffered in Your Most Sacred Eyes, to give us the Grace that no one may ever again offend You with evil gazes.


  1. Your Most Holy Ears – 

the shouts and mockeries, evil discourses

I ask Your Forgiveness in the name of all for all the evil discourses which are listened to, and I pray that the ears of all men may be opened to the Eternal Truths, to the Voices of Grace, and that no one may offend You, ever again, with the sense of hearing.


  1. Your Most Holy Face – 

the spit, slaps, mockeries, trampling

I ask Your Forgiveness in the name of all, for all the times we have dared to offend You, asking You, for the sake of these slaps and this spit, to let Your Divinity be Recognized, Praised and Glorified by all.


  1. Your Most Holy Mouth – 

The bitterness of the gall, Ardent Thirst, Prayers Raised to the Father, for gossip, evil and mundane discourses, blasphemies, tastes and uses of tongue

I ask Your Forgiveness for all the gossip and the evil and mundane discourses made by the creatures, and for all the blasphemies they utter.


  1. Your Most Holy Person 

fire that burns all of Your Most Holy Person. (from 3rd Hour)

Your Divine Person, trembling from head to foot  (from the 5th hour)

Your Most Holy Person is all beaten up, and You cannot even help Yourself and clean Yourself, because You are bound. (from 13th Hour)

irreverences to your Most Holy Person (from 18th Hour)

I intend to offer You everything You have suffered in Your Most Holy Person, to give You all the glory that the creatures would have given You, had they conformed their lives to Yours.


  1. Your Most Holy Shoulders – 

for all the blows You have received, for all the Wounds You have allowed them to open on Your Most Sacred Body, and for all the Drops of Blood You have shed.

I ask Your Forgiveness in the name of all, for all the times in which, for love of comforts, they have offended You with illicit and evil pleasures.  I ask Your Forgiveness for the many illicit satisfactions; Forgiveness for the many sins committed with the five senses of our body.


  1. Your Left Foot – 

for all the times You tired Your poor Limbs, going in search of souls to lead to Your Heart.

I ask Your Forgiveness for those who do not operate with righteous intention…


  1. Your Right Foot – 

for all You have Suffered and do Suffer for me, especially in this hour, in which You are hanging on the Cross. …for the excruciating crafting that the nails are making in Your Wounds, which rip open more and more at the weight of Your Most Sacred Body. 

I ask Your Forgiveness for all the rebellions and disobediences committed by the creatures…


  1. Your Most Holy Left Hand –

for all that You have suffered for me, for all the times You have placated the Divine Justice, Satisfying for everything!


  1. Your Right Hand –

for all the good You have done, and You do, for all…for the works of Creation, of Redemption and of Sanctification.

I ask Your Forgiveness in the name of all, for all the times we have been ungrateful at Your Benefits, for our many works done without upright intention.


  1. Your Most Sacred Heart –

for all You have Suffered, Desired and Yearned for, for Love of all and for each one in particular. 

I ask Your Forgiveness for the many evil desires, and for the affections and tendencies which are not good – Forgiveness, O Jesus, for many who place Your Love after the love of creatures.


  1. Most Holy Neck –

chains and ropes which have oppressed You.

Forgive me for the many bonds and many attachments of the creatures, which have increased the ropes and chains around Your Most Holy Neck.


  1. Most Holy Shoulders –

Forgive me for the many illicit satisfactions; forgiveness for the many sins committed with the five senses of our body.


  1. Most Holy Breast –

Forgive me for all the coldness, indifference, lukewarmness and horrendous ingratitude.


  1. Most Sacred Hands –

I ask Your Forgiveness for all the evil and indifferent works; for many acts rendered malicious by love of self and self-esteem.


  1. Most Sacred Feet –

Forgive me for the many steps, the many paths covered without righteous intentions; and for the times I move away from You and go in search of the pleasures of the earth.


All with, in, and through Luisa the 3rd Eve, the Reformer and the Restorer

– V26 – 4.7.29





4/13 Spy Wednesday

Spy Wednesday

Spy Wednesday is the name given to Wednesday of Holy Week.  It marks the fact that on this day, Judas Iscariot agreed with Jewish officials to betray our Lord, for the price of 30 pieces of silver.


Excerpt from the Hours of the Passion
Third Hour:  From 7 to 8 PM

O Jesus, You now arrive at the cenacle together with Your beloved disciples and You begin Your supper with them.  How much Sweetness, how much Affability You show through all Your Person, as You lower Yourself to taking material food for the last time!  Everything is Love in You.  Also in this, You not only repair for the sins of gluttony, but You impetrate the sanctification of food.

Jesus, my Life, Your sweet and penetrating gaze seems to search all of the apostles; and also in this act of taking food Your Heart remains pierced in seeing Your dear apostles still weak and listless, especially the perfidious Judas, who has already put a foot in hell.  And You, from the bottom of Your Heart, say bitterly, “What is the usefulness of My Blood?  Here is a soul so favored by Me—yet, he is lost!”

And You look at him with Your eyes refulgent with Light and Love, as though wanting to make him understand the great evil he is about to commit.  But Your Supreme Charity makes You bear this sorrow and You do not make it manifest even to Your beloved disciples.

And while You grieve for Judas, Your Heart is filled with joy in seeing, on Your left, Your beloved disciple John; so much so, that unable to contain Your Love any longer, drawing him sweetly to Yourself, You let him place his head upon Your Heart, letting him experience Paradise in advance.

And it is in this solemn hour that the two peoples, the reprobate and the elect, are portrayed by the two disciples:   the reprobate in Judas, who already feels hell in his heart; the elect in John, who rests and delights in You.

4/11 Meaning and effects of the three hours of imprisonment of Jesus.

Book of Heaven

Volume 13; October 29, 1921
Meanings and effects of the imprisonment of Jesus.

I spent last night in vigil, and my mind would often fly to my Jesus, bound in prison. I wanted to embrace those knees that staggered for the painful and cruel position in which the enemies had tied Him; I wanted to clean Him of that spit with which He was smeared. But while I was thinking of this, my Jesus, my Life, made Himself seen as though within thick darkness, through which one could barely see His adorable Person; and, sobbing, He told me: “Daughter, the enemies left Me alone in prison, horribly bound and in the dark. Everything around Me was thick darkness. Oh! how this darkness afflicted Me. My clothes were wet from the filthy waters of the stream. I could smell the stench of the prison and of the spit with which I was smeared. My hair was disheveled, without a pitying hand that would move it away from my eyes and from My mouth. My hands were bound by chains, and the darkness did not allow Me to see My state – alas, too painful and humiliating. Oh! how many things did my state, so painful, tell in this prison.

“I remained in prison for three hours. With this I wanted to rehabilitate the three ages of the world: that of the law of nature, that of the written law, and that of the law of Grace. I wanted to unprison all, reuniting them all together, and give them the freedom of My children. By remaining there three hours I wanted to rehabilitate the three ages of man: childhood, youth and old age. I wanted to rehabilitate him when he sins out of passion, out of his will, and out of obstinacy. Oh! how the obscurity that I saw around Me made Me feel the thick darkness which sin produces in man. Oh! how I cried over him, and said to him: ‘Oh! man, it is your sins that have thrown Me into this thick darkness, which I suffer in order to give you Light. It is your evils that have smeared Me like this, and their darkness is such as to prevent Me even from seeing them. Look at Me – I am the image of your sins. If you want to know them, look at them in Me!’

“Know, however, that on the last hour that I spent in prison the dawn broke, and a few glimmers of light entered through the fissures. Oh! how My Heart breathed in being able to see My state, so painful. But this signified when, man being tired of the night of sin, Grace, like dawn, draws around him, sending him glimmers of light to call him back. So, My Heart heaved a sigh of relief; and in this dawn I saw you, My beloved prisoner, whom My Love was to bind in this state, and who would not leave Me alone in the darkness of the prison, waiting for the dawn at My feet; and following My sighs, you would cry with Me over the night of man. This relieved Me, and I offered My imprisonment to give you the grace to follow Me.

“But this prison and this darkness contained another meaning. This was the long stay of My imprisonment in the Tabernacles; the loneliness in which I AM left, such that many times I have no one to whom to say a word, or send a gaze of love. Other times, I feel in the Holy Host the impressions of unworthy touches, the stench of rotten and muddy hands; and there is no one who touches Me with pure hands and perfumes Me with his love. And how many times the human ingratitude leaves Me in darkness, without even the miserable light of a lamp! So, My imprisonment lasts, and will still last. And since both of us are prisoners – you, prisoner in bed, only for love of Me; I, Prisoner for you, and with My Love I want to bind all creatures with the chains that keep Me bound – we will keep each other company, and you will help Me to extend the chains in order to bind all hearts to My Love.”

Then, afterwards, I thought to myself: ‘How few are the things that are Known about Jesus, while He has done so much. Why have they spoken so little about all that my Jesus has done and suffered?” And coming back again, He added: “My daughter, everyone is stingy with Me; even the good – how much stinginess they have toward Me, how many restrictions; how many things they do not manifest of what I tell them and they comprehend about Me! And you, how many times are you not stingy with Me? Each time you either do not write what I tell you, or do not manifest it, is an act of stinginess that you use with Me, because each additional Knowledge that one acquires about Me is one more Glory and one more Love that I receive from creatures. Therefore, Be Attentive, and be More Generous with Me, and I will be More Generous with you.”

4/8 – Book of Heaven – Volume 6; April 11, 1905

On Wall In Chapel at St. Anthony’s Orphanage in Corato, Italy
(“Soul, Help Me”)


Book of Heaven
Volume 6; April 11, 1905

How perseverance is seal of eternal life and development of divine life.

Being very afflicted because of the privation of my adorable Jesus, I was saying to myself:  “How cruel He has become with me – I myself cannot understand how His good Heart can reach the point of doing this.  And then, if persevering pleases Him so much, yet, my persevering does not move His good Heart.”

While I was saying this and other nonsense, all of a sudden He came and told me:  “Indeed, that of the soul which pleases Me (Jesus) the most is perseverance, because perseverance is seal of Eternal Life and development of Divine Life.  In fact, just as God is ever old and ever new and immutable, in the same way, through perseverance, by having exercised it always, the soul is old, and by her attitude of exercising it, she is ever new; and each time she exercises it she is renewed in God, remaining immutable, and without realizing it.  Since through perseverance she continuously acquires Divine Life within herself, by acquiring God she is sealed with Eternal Life.  Can there be a seal safer than God Himself?


Divine Mercy Novena

4/7 Feast of St. John Baptist de la Salle, Priest

S_John Baptist de la Salle

St. John Baptist de la Salle

St. de la Salle was a profound thinker, a genius in the work of popular education. He embraced all classes, all conditions of society. By making the free schoolspopular, he grasped the growing needs of society in his own day and for all times. No phase of the educational problem escaped his penetrating vision.


Excerpt from Letter #19 written on May 7, 1935 to Mrs. Antonietta Savorani, a widow from Faenza, by the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta the Little Daughter of the Divine Will:

Fiat – In Voluntate Dei!

My good daughter in the Divine Volition,

Your letter brought me great contentment, especially in hearing that you want to strip yourself of the mourning clothes of the human will; and I briefly answer to your difficulties.  To live in the Divine Will is not so difficult as you and others believe, nor does sweet Jesus want impossible things, nor can He teach difficult things; rather, in all He teaches, His love is so great that not only does He facilitate His Teachings, but in order to make all that He wants and teaches easier, He puts Himself at our disposition, doing together with us all that He wants and teaches.  My daughter, everything is in a strong, firm, constant resolution to deliver our will into the hands of Jesus, so that His Will may underlie each one of our acts. Therefore, in all our being, in the most natural acts of life – in food, in sleep, in sufferings, in prayer, and also in legitimate pleasures, the Divine Will must have Its royal place, Its field of action, and our will must be the ground in which to receive these divine acts, and the footstool on which the Divine Will must place these acts; and these acts, united together, will form Its Life.  Life cannot be formed with one single act, but with many acts, repeated and incessant.

Moreover, the love of Jesus, His sighs and also His tears for desire that His Will reign in us as life, are such that He never leaves us alone; He Himself descends into the depth of our will; He molds it, strengthens it, purifies it, prepares it, and does all that we do together with us.  So, if we want it, everything is done; however, it is not that we must no longer feel our will:  to operate on a dead will would be neither ours nor Jesus’ victory.  The dead are buried.  Therefore Jesus wants our will alive, so that it may feel all the good, as His operating Will lays Its acts in it.  The human will becomes the residence of the Divine, and gives It all the freedom to dominate and to do whatever It wants.

Do you see, then, how easy it is?  Nor does one have to be a religious to do this.  The Sanctity of living in the Divine Will is for all; or rather, to tell the truth, It is for all those who want It.  Therefore, get down to work; tell Jesus from the heart:  “I firmly want it, I continuously want it; I want it!”, and Jesus will make wonders, and will use everything you do and suffer as raw material so that you may ask for His Will and let It operate with Its creative virtue.