6/4 How the Divine Will forms the Most Holy Trinity in the creature who Lives in It. The Wonders of Its Acts. How True Love begins from oneself. The Divine Will fecundates and sows Divine Life within the souls.

Book of Heaven
10/19/37 – Vol. 35

The Divine Volition keeps investing me.  I feel Its Motion within me speaking as It moves, but with such an eloquence that, if It didn’t perform a miracle to make Itself understood, I would not be able to repeat what It says.  Even more, It adapts Itself to my capacity, because when It Speaks—Its Word being a Creative Word—It wants to Create the Good contained in Its Word; and if I were unable to understand, I couldn’t make that Good my own, or even less, give it to others, as property of the Supreme Fiat.  So I felt concerned thinking:  How is it that Its Motion is Word?

And my sweet Jesus, visiting my poor soul, all Love told me:  “Blessed daughter of the Divine Volition, know that where My Will Reigns with Its Creative Power, Its Motion and Its Word, It Speaks in the works, in the steps, in the mind, in the breathing…. Wanting to establish Its Kingdom, My Will Speaks in order to Create Its Divine Life in each one of the acts of the creature.  Therefore, it takes the greatest attention to sense where It wants to begin Its Teachings.

“By the Power of Its Word, Its Will Invests the human act—the breathing, the heartbeat, the thinking and the human word; and forms within it, Its Divine Work—the Breathing, the Heartbeat, the Thinking and the Divine Word.  These Acts rise up to Heaven and present themselves before the Most Holy Trinity.  Our Divinity looks at them, and what do We find?  We find Ourselves, Our Life and even the Most Holy Trinity reproduced in these Acts.  We look at the Prodigy of Our Will that overwhelmed the creature with Its Power, making of her the repetition of Our Own Life.  O, how Happy, how enraptured We remain, because We find in her the Sanctity that resembles Us, Our Love that Loves Us, the Intelligence that understands Us, Our Power and Goodness that move Us to Love mankind through the bonds of Our Sweetness.  We recognize Ourselves in her, finding the Work of Creation as We want It to be.

“A single one of these Acts contains such Wonders that they just can’t find enough room in which to place themselves, such is their Greatness.  Only in Our Immensity can they find the place in which to stay, remaining Fused with Our Acts.  What will Our Glory and the glory of the creature not be, since her acts, by virtue of Our Fiat, have their place within the Acts of her Creator?  O, if all knew what it means to Live in the Divine Will, to let It Reign, they would compete with each other to be invested by It and become repeaters of Divine Life.”

Beloved Jesus kept silent.  I remained immersed in the Sea of the Divine Volition, saying, as if stupefied:  My God, what a great extent can be reached by one who Lives in Your Will…!  And a crowd of thoughts, like many voices, were saying and saying… but I am unable to repeat them.  Maybe I will be able to repeat them when I will be in the Heavenly Fatherland and possess the same language as up there.

So, feeling concerned, my Highest Good Jesus continued:  “My daughter, don’t be surprised.  Everything is possible to My Will.  True Love, when It is Perfect, begins from oneself.  The true model is the Most Holy Trinity.  My Celestial Father Loved Himself, and in His Love He Generated His Son; so He Loved Himself in His Son.  I, His Son, Loved Myself in the Father, and from this Love the Holy Spirit proceeded.  By this Loving of Himself, the Heavenly Father Generated One Single Love, One Single Power, Sanctity, and so forth.  He tied the inseparable Union of the Three Divine Persons.

“When We Created the Creation We Loved Ourselves.  We Loved Ourselves in laying Heaven and in Creating the sun; it was the Love for Ourselves that moved Us to Create many beautiful things Worthy of Us and inseparable from Us.  When We Created man the Love of Ourselves became more intense, and as We Loved Ourselves in him Our Love reproduced Our Life and Image in the depth of his soul.  One can give nothing other than what he possesses.  So, since Our Love was Perfect, as We Loved Ourselves, We could not separate Ourselves from what was coming from within Us.

“Now, Our Will, in wanting the creature to Live in It in order to form Its Kingdom, Loves Itself, and Loving Itself, wants to give what It possesses.  Our Will is Happy only when It forms the repetition of Our Life, and when It Operates in the acts of the creature.  Then, Triumphant and Victorious, and with Highest Glory and Honor for Us, It brings them into Our Divine Womb, so that We may Recognize Our own Life in the acts of the creature who Lives in Our Will.  This is the meaning of Loving Itself in all that It wants to do and produce:  giving Itself in order to form another being similar to Itself.

“Our Will is the fecundator and the sower of Our Life.  Where It finds souls disposed It Loves Itself, fecundating them with Its Love—sowing in them Its Divine Acts, that, united together, form the Great Prodigy of the Divine Life in the creature.  Therefore, abandon yourself completely in My Will.  Let It make of you whatever It wants, and we’ll be Happy—you and Us.

6/3 The cross destroys three evil kingdoms and constitutes three good Kingdoms in the soul.

Book of Heaven
6/3/04 – Vol. 6

This morning, since Blessed Jesus was not coming, I felt all oppressed and tired.  Then, when He came, He told me:  “My daughter, do not want to become tired in suffering, but rather, act as if at each hour you were just beginning to suffer.  In fact, if the soul lets herself be dominated by the Cross, the Cross destroys three evil kingdoms in her, that are the world, the devil and the flesh, and it constitutes in her three more Good Kingdoms:  the Spiritual, the Divine and the Eternal Kingdom.”  And He disappeared.

6/2 In 1997 Fr. Professor Antonio Resta, of the Pontifical Theological Institute, found nothing contrary to the Faith and Morals in his evaluation of Luisa Piccarreta’s writings

Cause of Beatification of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta

Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta
Secular, Third Order Dominican

“Most dear ones, even now we are the sons of God, but that which we will be has not yet been revealed. We know then that when He will be manifested, we will be similar to Him because we will see Him as He is.”
I John 3:2

Archdiocese of Trani – Barletta – Bisceglie
Diocesan Ecclesiastical Tribunal
Archepiscopal Curia
Via Beltrani, 9
70059 TRANI (Bari) Italy

On December 18, 1997, Rev. Cosimo Reho, Professor of Dogmatic Theology, tendered his theological evaluation of the writing of the Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta, to the Diocesan Tribunal responsible for her Cause of Beatification.

Rev. Father Reho has determined that the writings of Luisa Piccarreta contained nothing contrary to Catholic faith or morals.

His findings, therefore, concur with the findings of Rev. Antonio Resta, Rector of the Pontifical Theological Institute of Southern Italy, who submitted his report to the same Tribunal on June 2, 1997. He also found nothing in Luisa Piccarreta’s writings contrary to Catholic faith or morals.

These two independently commissioned theologians have arrived at the same conclusion of other esteemed theologians who have evaluated Luisa’s writings at previous occasions during this century. It should be recalled that Blessed Hannibal Di Francia, who was  Luisa’s extraordinary confessor for 17 years, and was appointed by the Church to be the censor of her writings, also, found nothing contrary to Catholic faith or morals and granted the “Nihil Obstat” to the first 19 of her Volumes in 1926, shortly before his death, Archbishop Joseph Leo granted the Imprimatur to those Volumes, also in 1926.

6/2 Feast of Corpus Christi (where celebrated on Sunday)

Click here for more information on the Feast of Corpus Christi


(Click here for more on the Feast of Corpus Christi)

Book of Heaven; Volume 24 – June 12, 1928
it was the Feast of Corpus Domini, I was thinking to myself that this day was the feast of the marriage which blessed Jesus did with souls in the Most Holy Sacrament of love.
  And my beloved Jesus, moving in my interior, told me:  “My daughter, the true marriage with humanity was done in Creation.  Nothing was lacking either to the soul or to the body; everything was done with royal sumptuousness.  An immense palace was prepared for the human nature, such that no king or emperor can have one similar to it, which is the whole Universe:  a starry heaven and its vault, a Sun which would never extinguish its light; flourishing gardens in which the happy couple, God and man, was to stroll, amuse itself and maintain the continuous, uninterrupted feast of our marriage; and garments, woven not with matter, but formed of purest light by Our power, as befitted royal persons…  Everything was beauty in man, soul and body, because the One who prepared the marriage and formed it was of unreachable beauty.  So, from the external sumptuousness of the so many enchanting beauties present in the whole of Creation, you can imagine the interior seas of sanctity, of beauty, of light, of science, etc., which the interior of man possessed.  All the acts of man, interior and external, were as many musical keys which formed the most beautiful melodies, sweet, melodious, harmonious, that maintained the joy of the marriage.  And each additional act that he would dispose himself to do, was a new little sonata that he would prepare, to call his spouse to delight with him.

My Divine Will which dominated humanity, brought him the new continuous act and the likeness to the One who had created him and married him.  But in such a great feast man broke the strongest bond, in which lay the whole validity of our marriage and through which it had been in force:  he withdrew from Our Will.  Because of this, the marriage was broken, and since all the rights were lost, only the memory of it was left, but the substance, the life, the effects no longer existed.  Now, the Sacrament of the Eucharist in which my Love overabounded in all possible imaginable ways, cannot be called either the first or the true marriage of Creation, for I do nothing but continue what I did when I was on earth.  According to the needs of souls, with some I make Myself a compassionate doctor in order to heal them, with some a teacher to instruct them, with some a father to forgive them, with some light to give them sight.  I give strength to the weak, courage to the timid, peace to the restless – in sum, I continue my redemptive life and virtue; however, all these miseries exclude the true marriage.  No young man marries a young woman who is ill – at most, he waits for her to recover; or a young woman who is weak and who offends him very often.  And if the groom is a king and loves her, at most he waits for the bride to get well, to love him, and for her condition to become somehow satisfactory, and not so inferior to his.  Now, the condition in which poor humanity finds itself is still that of a poor ill one, and I am waiting for my Will to be known and to reign in the midst of creatures, for It will give them true health, royal garments, and a beauty worthy of Me.  Then will I form again the true and original marriage.”

6/1 Saint Annibale Di Francia 7/5/1851 – 6/1/1927

S_St Annibale Harvest_Jesus

Saint Annibale

Saint Annibale Maria Di Francia died on June 1, 1927
comforted by a vision of the Blessed Virgin Mary, whom he so dearly loved. 

Saint Annibale was born in Messina on 05 July 1851. His parents were Francesco Di Francia and Anna Toscano. The third of four children, his father died when he was two years old.

When he was eighteen he felt called by the Lord to the priesthood. “My calling was sudden, irresistible yet sure…” He was ordained priest on 16 March 1878 in the Church of the Holy Spirit. While still a deacon he met a poor blind man called Francesco Zancone. For Fr Annibale this meeting was providential. He discovered the Avignone district, the poorest in Messina, and he remained there. His charity transformed that place into a holy land and that populace into a people of God.

Love of God and Neighbor

Love for God and love for one’s neighbor became the norm that ruled his Christian and priestly life to the point of heroism. He loved children and the poor but he discovered another and greater poverty as well. It was the lack of good workers. This caused him such pain that he spent his whole life countering it.

“Who will evangelize the poor”, thought Father Annibale, “if there are no evangelizers? Who will lead the people in God’s ways, if there are no pastors?”

Discovery of the Rogate

Delving into the inexhaustible richness of the Gospel he found a pearl of great price. It was the Rogate pearl. It means “…pray therefore to the Lord of the harvest to send workers into his harvest.” (Mt 9:37-38; Lk 10:2).
It seemed that these words of Jesus had always been part of him. The Lord had etched them in his heart and attuned it to his own Heart.

From then on this confident and unceasing prayer to God the Father, the Lord of the harvest, became his “obsession”, and the “secret of salvation” for so many men and women who would come to know the joy of the Gospel.

Foundation of Two Congregations

But who could Annibale share this discovery with?
Where could he find women with a motherly instinct for abandoned children, women who would work for the Church? Where could he find women whose lives of prayer would obtain from God’s heart apostles to proclaim the Gospel? Captivated by Fr Annibale’s untiring service in the infamous Avignone area of Messina, a number of young women, moved by love of God, resolved to serve the downcast and to tirelessly implore God for workers for the harvest. Hence the Daughters of Divine Zeal congregation was born with Madre Maria Nazarena Majone as co-founders.

The name “Daughter of Divine Zeal” (FDZ) expresses the ardent love (zeal) of Christ when “seeing the crowds he was filled with compassion, for they were harassed and helpless like sheep without a shepherd” (Mt 9:36).

With this name Fr Annibale encapsulated the ideal and the mission of each FDZ and of the whole Institute.
Fr Annibale also founded the Rogationist Fathers, entrusting both congregations with the mission to pray, to spread prayer for vocations and to be good workers themselves first of all.

A Life in the Service of God and Neighbor

On the occasion of Fr. Annibale’s beatification on 07 October 1990, Pope John Paul II described Fr Annibale as “an anticipator and precursor of the modern pastoral care of vocations”. He was canonized a saint in Rome, Italy on 16 May 2004.
St Annibale’s response to the poverty of human beings was his prayer and charity. He became a symbol of Christ’s compassion and tenderness for all humans.

A.D. 1906 In an issue of “Queen of All Hearts” (the magazine of the Montfort Fathers), Fr. Annibale had discovered the True Devotion of St. Louis de Montfort in 1906 (four years before his first meeting with the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta) and had practiced it in all of his institutes.

From a 2015 Newsletter from The Association Luisa Piccarreta

Perhaps not everybody knows the strong bond between Saint Annibale Maria di Francia, founder of the Daughters of Divine Zeal and the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta, the mystic from Corato. This is what happened to the representative of the group of voluntary Association PADIF (Father Annibale di Francia) that works inside the Institute at Altamura. She told us that several months ago, while she was doing her volunteer service in the library of the Institute, she discovered some books concerning our Luisa and her exchange of letters with Father Annibale. She was so astonished that she wanted to inaugurate the social year 2015 in the place where you can still feel the presence of the two figures: the Institute of the Daughters of Divine Zeal in Corato where, last March, during the Lenten retreat, the first meeting with the Association Luisa Piccarreta – Little Children of the Divine Will took place. On that occasion, Don Sergio spoke about the birth and publication of The Twenty-Four Hours of the Passion that Father Annibale wanted. (He wrote the Preface to the text and added a Treatise on the Divine Will.) This year marks the 100th anniversary of publication of the book.

This aroused in all present and especially in the group from Altamura a new thirst for knowledge about Luisa’s spirituality and they expressed the desire to spread this knowledge to others. So they invited the Association Luisa Piccarreta – Little Children of the Divine Will to give a testimony in their town.

5/31 Nine Day Novena to the Immaculate Heart of Mary in the Most Holy Divine Will

Novena to the Immaculate Heart of Mary in the Most Holy Divine Will



Day 1

V19 – 6.20.26 – “…if I came in Redemption, I came to realize My Ideal and My Primary Purpose – that is, the Kingdom of My Will in souls.  This is so True, that in order to come, I formed My First Kingdom of the Supreme Volition in the Heart of My Immaculate Mama – outside of My Kingdom I would never have come upon earth.”

Prayer:  Holy Mama…I want to tell You many things; I want to enclose my pains, my fears, my weaknesses, and all my being in Your Maternal Hjeart, as the place of my Refuge – I want to Consecrate my will to You. O Please! My Mama, accept it; make of it a Triumph of Grace, and a Field upon which the Divine Will may extend Its Kingdom!

Day 2

V21 – 4.8.27 – “All the prophets symbolized the Grace, the Communications, the Intimacies with God which, more than they did, the Children of My Divine Fiat would possess.

See, all these were but symbols – images of them; what shall happen when the lives of these symbols shall come out?  After all these came the Celestial Lady, the Sovereign Empress, the Immaculate, the Spotless – My Mother.  She was not symbol or image, but the reality – the True Life, the First Privileged Daughter of My Will; and in the Queen of Heaven I looked at the generation of the Children of My Kingdom.  She was the First Incomparable Creature, Who Possessed, intact, the Life of the Supreme Volition, and therefore She deserved to Conceive the Eternal Word, and to Mature within Her Maternal Heart the generation of the Children of the Eternal Fiat.”


Prayer:  Holy Mama…I want to tell You many things; I want to enclose my pains, my fears, my weaknesses, and all my being in Your Maternal Heart, as the place of my Refuge – I want to Consecrate my will to You. O Please! My Mama, accept it; make of it a Triumph of Grace, and a Field upon which the Divine Will may extend Its Kingdom!


Day 3

V24 – 8.15.28 – “My daughter, the Glory of the Mama of Heaven is Insuperable.  No one else in the Celestial Regions Possesses Seas of Graces, of Light, Seas of Beauty and of Sanctity, Seas of Power, of Science and of Love; and what is more, She Possesses these Seas within the Endless Sea of Her Creator.  The other inhabitants of the Blessed Fatherland possess, at most, some, little rivulets, some, little drops, some, little fountains.  She is the only One, because She alone Lived Life in the Divine Fiat.  Never did the human volition take place in Her – Her Life was all of Divine Will; and by Virtue of It, She Centralized all creatures within Herself, Conceiving them in Her Maternal Heart, and Bilocating Her Son Jesus as many times, to give Him to each creature whom She had Conceived within Her Virginal Heart.  This is why Her Maternity is extended to all, and all can boast and say:  ‘The Mother of Jesus is my Mother, and this Mother so Sweet, Lovable, Loving, gives Her Beloved Son to each one of us as Pledge of Her Maternal Love.’

Prayer:  Holy Mama…I want to tell You many things; I want to enclose my pains, my fears, my weaknesses, and all my being in Your Maternal Heart, as the place of my Refuge – I want to Consecrate my will to You. O Please! My Mama, accept it; make of it a Triumph of Grace, and a Field upon which the Divine Will may extend Its Kingdom!

Day 4

V26 – 9.8.29 – “This Celestial Baby Girl, by keeping Our Divine Will intact within Her soul, without ever doing Her own, reacquired all the Rights of Adam Innocent before Her Creator, and the Sovereignty over all Creation.  Therefore, all felt themselves being Reborn in Her, and We saw in this Holy Virgin, in Her little Heart, all the seeds of the human generations.  So, through Her, humanity reacquired the Rights lost, and this is why Her Birth was the most Beautiful, the most Glorious Birth.  From Her very Birth, She Enclosed within Her Maternal little Heart, as though in-between Two Wings, all generations, as Children Reborn in Her Virginal Heart, so as to Warm them, keep them Sheltered, and Raise them and Nourish them with the Blood of Her Maternal Heart.  This is the reason why this Tender Celestial Mother Loves creatures so much – because all are Reborn in Her, and She feels the Life of Her Children within Her Heart.  What can Our Divine Will not do wherever It Reigns and has Its Life?  It Encloses everything and everyone, and makes one the Provider of Good to all.  So, all feel, under Her Blue Mantle, the Maternal Wing of their Celestial Mother, and they find in Her Maternal Heart their little place in which to take cover.”


Prayer:  Holy Mama…I want to tell You many things; I want to enclose my pains, my fears, my weaknesses, and all my being in Your Maternal Heart, as the place of my Refuge – I want to Consecrate my will to You. O Please! My Mama, accept it; make of it a Triumph of Grace, and a Field upon which the Divine Will may extend Its Kingdom!


Day 5

V33 – 2.4.34 – “Now, the Celestial Queen Enraptured Us with Her Beauty, and Our Love ran and ran; with Her Love She Wounded Us, and Our Love, Overflowing, hid within Her; and looking at all creatures through Her Beauty and Her Love, Our Love Poured Itself out, and We Loved all creatures with Love Hidden in this Celestial Queen.  So, We Loved all in Her; seen through Her Beauty, they no longer seemed ugly to Us; Our Love was no longer restricted within Us, but Diffused in the Heart of a Creature so Holy.  And by Our Communicating to Her Our Divine Paternity and Loving everyone in Her, She acquired the Divine Maternity, to be able to Love all as Her Children, Generated by Her Celestial Father.  As She felt that We Loved all creatures in Her, so She felt that Our Love Formed the New Generation of all mankind within Her Maternal Heart.”

Prayer:  Holy Mama…I want to tell You many things; I want to enclose my pains, my fears, my weaknesses, and all my being in Your Maternal Heart, as the place of my Refuge – I want to Consecrate my will to You. O Please! My Mama, accept it; make of it a Triumph of Grace, and a Field upon which the Divine Will may extend Its Kingdom!

Day 6

V33 – 2.4.34 – After this, I continued to think about the Divine Will.  The thought that my Celestial Mama Possessed in Her Maternal Heart the Hidden Love with which my Creator Loved me Filled me with Joy, thinking that I was looked upon by God from within my Dear Celestial Mother, through Her Sanctity and Her Enrapturing Beauty.  Oh! how Happy I felt, and all Trust, for I no longer was to be Loved and Gazed upon by myself, but Loved and Gazed upon together with my Mama.  Oh! She – to make me Loved more by my Jesus – shall Cover me with Her Virtues, She shall Clothe me with Her Beauty, and shall hide my miseries and my weaknesses.

Prayer:  Holy Mama…I want to tell You many things; I want to enclose my pains, my fears, my weaknesses, and all my being in Your Maternal Heart, as the place of my Refuge – I want to Consecrate my will to You. O Please! My Mama, accept it; make of it a Triumph of Grace, and a Field upon which the Divine Will may extend Its Kingdom!

Day 7

V33 – 2.4.34  – “…the Sovereign Lady, in Heaven, still Possesses Our Hidden Love toward each creature; even more, feeling Her Creator loving all creatures from within Her Maternal Heart is Her greatest Contentment; and She, Acting as True Mother, how many times She Hides them inside Her Love, to make them Loved; inside Her Sorrows, for them to be forgiven; inside Her Prayers, to obtain for them the Greatest Graces.  Oh! She is the Coverer Who Knows how to Cover and Excuse Her children before the Throne of Our Majesty.  Therefore, let yourself be Covered by your Celestial Mama, Who shall take care of the needs of Her daughter.”


Prayer:  Holy Mama…I want to tell You many things; I want to enclose my pains, my fears, my weaknesses, and all my being in Your Maternal Heart, as the place of my Refuge – I want to Consecrate my will to You. O Please! My Mama, accept it; make of it a Triumph of Grace, and a Field upon which the Divine Will may extend Its Kingdom!


Day 8

V34 – 12.8.35 – “…by Possessing Our Will as Life, the Sovereign Queen, had always something to give Us, always something to say; She kept Us always occupied, and We had always something to Give, and always Our Loving Secrets to Communicate to Her, So Much So, that We do nothing without Her:  We deal with Her First, then We Deposit that Good in Her Maternal Heart, and from Her Heart it descends into the Fortunate one who must receive that Good.  Therefore, there is no Grace that Descends upon earth, there is no Sanctity that is Formed, there is no sinner that is converted, there is no Love that Departs from Our Throne, which is not Deposited in Her Heart of Mother First; and She forms the Maturation of that Good, She fecundates it with Her Love, She enriches it with Her Graces and, if needed, with the Virtue of Her Sorrows; and then She Deposits it in the one who must receive it, in such a way that the creature who receives it feels the Divine Paternity and the Maternity of her Celestial Mother.  We can do it without Her, but We don’t want to.  Who would have the Heart to put Her aside?  Our Love, Our Infinite Wisdom, Our very Fiat impose Themselves on Us and don’t let Us do anything that would not Descend through Her.”

Prayer:  Holy Mama…I want to tell You many things; I want to enclose my pains, my fears, my weaknesses, and all my being in Your Maternal Heart, as the place of my Refuge – I want to Consecrate my will to You. O Please! My Mama, accept it; make of it a Triumph of Grace, and a Field upon which the Divine Will may extend Its Kingdom!

Day 9

V34 – 4.21.36 – “See the great difference:  for one who Lives in My Will the Prodigies of the Immaculate Conception were unheard-of; My Will – which Animated this Conception and from which no one can escape – called all creatures to be present, that they might remain Conceived within Her Virginal Heart, and receive Her Maternity, Her Help, Her Defense, and find Refuge and the Support of this Celestial Mother.  Now, one who Lives in Our Will finds herself in this Act of Conceiving; she is the daughter who, spontaneously, of her own human will, seeks Her Mama and takes her place, Enclosing herself in Her Maternal Heart, to let the Celestial Queen be her Mama.  This creature shall take part in the Riches of the Sovereign Lady, in Her Merits, in Her Love; she shall feel within herself Her Nobility, Her Sanctity, because she Knows to Whom she belongs, and God shall let her participate in the Infinite Goods and Exuberant Love He had in the Conception of this Holy Creature.

Prayer:  Holy Mama…I want to tell You many things; I want to enclose my pains, my fears, my weaknesses, and all my being in Your Maternal Heart, as the place of my Refuge – I want to Consecrate my will to You. O Please! My Mama, accept it; make of it a Triumph of Grace, and a Field upon which the Divine Will may extend Its Kingdom!

Feast Day of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

V36 – 12.28.38 – I could always feel my mind as if it was hidden under her Maternal Wings, which never left me alone; each one of my thoughts was kept by my Loving Mother, Who gave me all her Maternal Attentions.  Her Maternity was placed in each one of My Breaths and Heartbeats; and if My Mreath and Heartbeats felt smothered by My Love and Suffering, She would Run with Her Maternity to free Me from My Suffocating Love and put Balm on My Pierced Heart.  If She Looked, Spoke, Worked and Walked – She Ran, as a Mother, to receive in Her Maternal Love My Glances, Words, Works and Steps, Investing them with Her Love and Hiding them in Her Heart.  She would also make Her Maternal Love Flow in the food She prepared for Me, so that while eating it, I could feel Her Loving Maternity.  How much more could I tell you of the expression of Her Maternity in My Sufferings?  There was not a Pain, not a Drop of the Blood I shed that was not felt by My Mother.  But after doing these things as My Mother, She would then take all My Pains and My Blood, and Hide them inside Her Maternal Heart to Love Them and continue Her Maternity.

“…I shall give My own Place in Her Maternal Heart to those who Live in My Will.  She shall Raise them for Me, Guiding their steps and Hiding them in Her Maternity and Sanctity.  Her Maternal Love and her Sanctity shall be Impressed in all their acts; they shall be Her True Children, being like Me in everything.  Oh!  how I would Love everyone to Know that if they want to Live in My Will, they have a Queen and a Powerful Mother Who shall Compensate for all they lack.  She shall Raise them on Her Maternal Lap, being with them in everything they do, Molding their acts as Her own; to the extent that they shall be Known as the Children Grown, Kept and Educated by the Loving Maternity of My Mama.  These shall be the ones who shall Make Her Happy, the ones who shall be Her Glory and Honor.”

Little Sacrifice: – Today, to Honor Me, you shall give Me your will, your pains, your tears, your anxieties, your doubts and fears, into My Maternal Hands, so that, as your Mama, I may keep them in Deposit within My Maternal Heart, as pledges of My child. And I shall Give you the Precious Pledge of the Divine Will.

“Know that I shall go all over the world; I shall go to each individual, to all families, to religious communities, to every nation, to all peoples, and if needed, I shall go about for entire centuries until, as Queen, I have Formed My People, and as Mother, My Children, who would Know the Divine Will and let It Reign everywhere. …and with Gold Characters I shall write their names in My Maternal Heart.” – Maternal Appeal of the Queen of Heaven – Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will




5/31 “Whomever my Celestial Mama touched, the scourges had no power to touch those creatures.”

The Blessed Mother


Volume 33; June 6, 1935
Luisa:  …my dear Jesus showed me, with facts, how the Sovereign Queen descended from Heaven with an Unspeakable Majesty, and a Tenderness Fully Maternal; and She went around in the midst of creatures, throughout all nations, and She marked Her dear children and those who were not to be touched by the scourges.  Whomever my Celestial Mama touched, the scourges had no power to touch those creatures.  Sweet Jesus gave to His Mama the Right to bring to Safety whomever She pleased.  How moving it was to see the Celestial Empress going around to all places of the world, taking creatures in Her maternal hands, holding them close to Her breast, hiding them under Her mantle, so that no evil could harm those whom Her maternal goodness kept in Her Custody, Sheltered and Defended.  O! if all could see with how much Love and Tenderness the Celestial Queen performed this Office, they would cry of consolation and would love She who so much Loves us.