2/22 Feast of the Chair of St. Peter

S_St Peter bronze statue RomeSt. Peter’s statue, Vatican City, Rome


S_Chair-of-St-Peter1 The Chair of St. Peter, Vatican City, Rome

The “cathedra” (chair) is the throne established where the bishop resides, hence the name cathedral, given to the church where his seat is placed. Metaphorically, it represent the episcopal authority itself.  “The Chair of St. Peter” means, therefore, a memory of St. Peter’s episcopate, and his primacy as head of the Church.

To honor the dignity of the “Prince” to whom Jesus committed the power of the keys, the Church instated the Feast of the “Chair of St. Peter”, which is found in the Roman calendar at this date since the year 336.  


Book of Heaven
Volume 2 – May 2, 1899
How all Heaven is veiled in the Church.

… He (Jesus) made me (Luisa) see the Church, telling me these exact words: “All Heaven is veiled in my Church. Just as in Heaven one is the head, which is God, and many are the saints, of different conditions, orders and merits, so in my Church, in which all Heaven is veiled, one is the head, which is the Pope, and the Sacrosanct Trinity is veiled even in the triple tiara that covers his head; and many are the members that depend on this head – that is, different dignities, various orders, superior and inferior, from the littlest to the greatest, they all serve to embellish my Church. Each one, according to its degree, has the office entrusted to it, and by the exact fulfillment of the virtues it comes to give from itself a splendor so very fragrant to my Church, that the earth and Heaven are perfumed and illuminated, and the people are so drawn by this light and by this fragrance, that it is almost impossible for them not to surrender to the truth. I leave it to you, then, to consider those infected members which, instead of shedding light, cast darkness. How much torment they cause in my Church.” …


Excerpt from the Third Appeal
by the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta, the Little Daughter of the Divine Will

… Therefore, I appeal to all; and I make this appeal together with Jesus, with His own tears, with His ardent sighs, with His Heart that burns, that wants to give Its “FIAT.”..From within the “FIAT”  we have come forth; It has given us life.  It is just, it is our obligation and duty to return into It, into our dear and interminable heritage.

And in the first place, I appeal to the Highest Hierarch, to the Roman Pontiff, to His Holiness, to the representative of the Holy Church, and therefore the representative of the Kingdom of the Divine Will.   At his holy feet, this little, tiny child places this Kingdom, so that he dominate It and make It known, and with his paternal and authoritative voice, call his sons to live in this Kingdom so holy.

May the Sun of the Supreme “FIAT”  invest him and form the first Sun of the Divine Volition in Its Representative on earth; and forming Its (Divine Will’s) primary Life in him (the Pope) who is the Head of all, It will spread Its interminable rays in all the world; and eclipsing all with Its Light, It will form one flock and one Shepherd.

2/21 Movable and Immoveable Feasts

What are the Moveable Feasts?

In the church Calendar we have feasts that do not occur on the same day of the month every year, but which occur sometimes sooner and sometimes later.  The reason for this is that the time and day of the their celebration depends on the feast of the Pasch (Easter) which has no fixed date.  The feast of Easter can occur on any one of the Sundays between the 22nd of March and the 25th of April.  Hence, those feasts that have no fixed date are called moveable feasts.  The center of all the moveable feasts is Easter, therefore, the whole list of Sundays, festivals and sacred seasons which are dependent on Easter form the cycle of feasts called the Easter cycle.

What are the Immovable Feasts?

Besides the moveable feasts which change their date each year, we have numerous feasts which never change, but which fall every year on the same day of the month.   For example, Christmas always occurs on the 25th of December, and the feast of the Assumption of the Mother of God on the 15th of August.  These feasts that never change their date are called immovable feasts.   The cycle of immovable feasts begins with the Ecclesiastical New Year on the 1st of September and ends on the 31st of August.

While the center of the moveable feasts is Easter, the center of the immovable feasts is the Nativity (Christmas), although not all immovable feasts are dependent on this feast.  These immovable feasts, dependent on the Nativity, constitute the Christmas cycle.


Letter #80  to Sister Remigia
by the Little Daughter of the Divine Will, Luisa Piccarreta

My good daughter, Sister Remigia,

Thank you for your wishes for Easter and for St. Aloysius; but what I recommend is that you never lose peace, and that do not think of your miseries and weaknesses.  The more you think about them, the more you will feel them, and you will really make Jesus cry.  On the other hand, by not thinking of them, dear Jesus will cover them with His Love, and the Light of His Will will change them into fortitude and divine riches.  Oh, how I wish you would occupy yourself with nothing but living from the Divine Will, to let sweet Jesus live always together with you.  Never lose sight of Him, my daughter; never leave Him alone in your heart.  May everything you do serve to court and love Jesus.  He looks at everything you do, whether they are things directed to love Him and keep Him company within your heart.  Oh, how embittered He remains when your external acts do not echo in your interior, bringing Him your kisses, your love, your longed for company… If you want to be a saint, live always with Jesus.  He takes on the commitment to make of you His faithful copy, to the extent of being able to say:  “Jesus has made of me another Jesus.”  These are His aims.  My daughter, make Him content.

Pray for me; and leaving you in the arms of the Divine Will, like a baby who lets her mama to everything to her, I say,

Your most affectionate aunt,

2/9 Hours of the Passion

Excerpt from Fourth Hour: From 8 to 9 PM

My Heart and my Life, Jesus, this appearance of Yours, never before seen, draws the attention of all the apostles. They are caught by a sweet enchantment and do not dare even to breathe. Your Sweet Mama runs in spirit to the foot of the altar, to admire the portents of Your Love. The Angels descend from Heaven, asking themselves, “What is this? What is this? These are true follies, true excesses! A God who Creates, not heaven or earth, but Himself. And where? In the most wretched matter of a little bread and a little wine.”

But while they are all around You, O insatiable Love, I see that You take the bread in Your hands; You offer it to the Father, and I hear Your most sweet voice say, “Holy Father, thanks be to You, for always answering Your Son. Holy Father, concur with Me. One day, You sent Me from Heaven to earth to be Incarnated in the Womb of My Mama, to come and save Our children. Now, allow Me to be Incarnated in each Host, to continue their salvation and be Life of each one of My children. Do You see, O Father? Few hours of My Life are left; who would have the heart to leave My children orphaned and alone? Many are their enemies—the obscurities, the passions, the weaknesses to which they are subject. Who will help them? O please, I supplicate You to let Me stay in each Host, to be Life of each one, and therefore put to flight their enemies; to be their Light, Strength and Help in everything. Otherwise, where shall they go? Who will help them? Our Works are Eternal, My Love is irresistible—I cannot leave My children, nor do I want to.”

The Father is moved at the tender and affectionate voice of the Son. He descends from Heaven; He is already on the altar, and united with the Holy Spirit, concurs with the Son. And Jesus, with sonorous and moving voice, pronounces the words of the Consecration, and without leaving Himself, Creates Himself in that bread and wine.

Then You communicate Your apostles, and I believe that our Celestial Mama did not remain without receiving You. Ah, Jesus, the Heavens bow down and all send to You an act of adoration in Your new state of profound annihilation.