1/3 Feast of the Most Holy Name of Jesus

What a beautiful time to pray the Rosary!

Joyful Mysteries
Luminous Mysteries
Sorrowful Mysteries
Glorious Mysteries 

The Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will
Day Twenty-Three:

The Blessed Mother to the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta, the Little Daughter of the Divine Will:

… Now, dear daughter (Luisa), you must know that the eighth day arrived after the Celestial Baby (Jesus) had been Born to the light of the day, and the Divine Fiat sounded the hour of sorrow, commanding us (the Blessed Mother and St. Joseph) to circumcise the charming Little Baby (Jesus). It was a most painful cut which Little Jesus was to undergo. It was the law of those times that all the firstborn had to undergo this painful cut. It can be called the law of sin, but My (the Blessed Mother’s) (Son (Jesus) was Innocent and His Law was the Law of Love; but in spite of this, because He (Jesus) came to find, not the man-king, but the man degraded, in order to make Himself his brother and to elevate him, He wanted to lower Himself, and He submitted Himself to the law.

My daughter, Saint Joseph and I felt a shiver of pain, but intrepid and without hesitating, we called the minister and we had Him circumcised with a most painful cut. At the bitter pain, Baby Jesus cried and flung Himself into My arms, asking for My Help. Saint Joseph and I mixed our tears with His; we (the Blessed Mother and St. Joseph) gathered the First Blood shed by Jesus for Love of creatures, and we gave Him the Name of Jesus—Powerful Name, which was to make Heaven and earth tremble, and even hell; a Name which was to be Balm, Defense, Help for every heart. …

The Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will
Meditation Two:

The Blessed Mother to the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta, the Little Daughter of the Divine Will:

Now, you must know that only eight days had passed from the Birth of the Divine Infant. Everything was Feast and Happiness; the very Creation, taking a festive attitude, celebrated the Baby Creator. But duty interrupted Our Joys, because in those times there was a law that all firstborn sons were to undergo the harsh cut of circumcision. My Heart of Mother bled with Sorrow in having to submit My Dear Son, My Life, My own Creator, to such a Bitter Pain. O! How I would have wanted to take His place. But the Supreme Volition imposed Itself on My Love, and giving Me Heroism, Commanded Me to circumcise the Baby God. My daughter, you cannot comprehend how much it cost Me; but the Divine Fiat won, and I obeyed, united with Saint Joseph. In mutual agreement, we had My Dear Son circumcised. At the painful cut, I felt My Heart being torn, and I cried. Saint Joseph cried, and My Dear Baby sobbed, and His Pain was such that He shivered, and looking at me, He sought help in Me. What an hour of Pain and of spasm for the three of us. It was such that, more than sea, it engulfed all creatures, to bring to them the First Pledge and the very Life of My Son, in order to place them in safety.

Now, blessed daughter, you must know that this cut enclosed Profound Mysteries: first, it was the Seal that impressed in the Little Humanity of the Celestial Baby His brotherhood with the whole human family; and the Blood that He Shed was the first disbursement before Divine Justice in order to Ransom all human generations. The Dear Baby was Innocent, He was not obliged to the law; but He wanted to submit Himself—first, to give the example; and then, to infuse Trust, Courage, and say to all: “Do not fear; I am a Little Brother of yours, similar to you. Let us Love one another, and I will place you all in safety; I will bring you all to My Celestial Father, as My dear brothers.”

My daughter, what an example the Celestial Baby gives: He, who is the Author of the law, Obeys the law. He is Born only eight days ago, and He makes it a duty for Himself, and submits Himself to the harsh cut of circumcision; an indelible cut—as indelible as the Union He came to form with degraded humanity. This says that Sanctity is in doing one’s own duty, in the observance of the laws, and in fulfilling the Divine Will. Sanctity without duty does not exist. It is duty that places Order, Harmony, and the Seal on Sanctity.

Furthermore, My daughter, you must know that as Adam withdrew from the Divine Will, after his brief Life of Innocence, his human will remained wounded, more than by a deadly knife, and through this wound entered sin and passions. He lost the Beautiful Day of the Divine Will, and degraded himself so much as to arouse pity. And My Dear Son, after the Joys of His Birth, wanted to be circumcised, so that this, His Wound, might heal the wound that Adam did to himself by doing his own will; and with His Blood, He prepared for him the Bath to Wash him of all his sins, to Fortify him, to Embellish him, in such a way as to render him Worthy to receive again that Divine Will he had rejected, which formed his Sanctity and his Happiness. Daughter, there was not one Work or Pain that He suffered, which did not seek to Reorder again the Divine Will in the creatures.

Therefore, in all circumstances, even painful and humiliating, may you take to heart doing the Divine Will in everything, because they are the raw material in which It hides in order to Operate in the creature, so as to let her acquire Its Life Acting in the creature.

Now, dearest daughter (Luisa), in so much Sorrow, the Most Beautiful Joy arises, such as to stop our tears. As He (Jesus) was circumcised, we (the Blessed Mother and St. Joseph) gave Him the Most Holy Name of Jesus, wanted by the Angel. In pronouncing this Most Holy Name, the Joy, the Contentment, was such as to sweeten our Sorrow. More so, since in this Name (Jesus), whoever wanted to, would find Balm for his pains, the Defense in dangers, the Victory in temptations, the Hand so as not to fall into sin, the Medicine for all his evils. This Most Holy Name of Jesus makes hell tremble; the Angels revere It, and It sounds Sweet to the ear of the Celestial Father. Before this Name, all bow down and adore. Powerful Name, Holy Name, Great Name; whoever invokes It with faith will feel the Marvels, the Miraculous Secret of the Virtue of this Most Holy Name.

Now, My daughter, I (the Blessed Mother) recommend to you (Luisa): always pronounce this Name, “Jesus.” When you see that your human will, weak, vacillating, hesitates in doing the Divine, the Name of Jesus will make it Rise Again for you in the Divine Fiat. If you are oppressed, call upon Jesus; if you work, call upon Jesus; if you sleep, call upon Jesus; and when you wake up, may your first word be “Jesus.” Call Him always; it is a Name that contains Seas of Grace, but which He gives to those who call Him and love Him.


Book of Heaven
The Call of the Creature to the Order, the Place and the Purpose
for which He was Created by God
Volume 30 – January 3, 1932

Certainty of the coming of the Kingdom of the Divine Will upon earth.  How all difficulties will melt like snow before a burning sun.  The human will is the dark room of the creature.

The Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta the Little Daughter of the Divine Will:

My abandonment continues in the Divine Fiat, but I felt worried by the thought:  “How will this Kingdom of the Divine Will ever be able to come?  Sin abounds, evils get worse, it seems to me that the creatures are not disposed to receive such a great Good; so much so, that there is not a soul, as good as they may be, who truly wants to occupy himself with making known what regards the Divine Will.  If God does not operate a prodigy of His Omnipotence, the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat may be in Heaven, but as for the earth, it is useless to think about it.”

But while I was thinking of this and other things, my beloved Jesus, making His usual visit to my soul, told me:  “My daughter (Luisa), everything is possible for Us (God).  The impossibilities, the difficulties, the insurmountable obstacles of creatures melt before Our Supreme Majesty like snow in front of a burning sun.  Everything is in whether We want it; all the rest is nothing.  Did the same not happen in Redemption?  Sin abounded more than ever; only a small group of people was awaiting the Messiah, and in the midst of this group, how many hypocrisies, how many sins of all kinds—they were often idolatrous.  But it was decreed that I was to come upon earth.  In the face of Our (Triune God) Decrees, all evils cannot prevent what We (God) want to do.  We (God) are glorified more by one act alone of Our Will than We are offended by all the evils and sins committed by creatures, because Our Act of the Will is Divine and immense, and in its Immensity it embraces all eternity, all centuries, it extends to all.  Therefore, it is not of Our infinite Wisdom not to give Life to even just one act of Our Will because of the evils of creatures.  We place Ourselves on Our Divine Side, and We do what We have to do; and the creatures We leave by their human side; and acting as Sovereigns, We lord it over everything and everyone, even over evil, and We put out Our Decrees.

“Now, just as My (Jesus’) Coming upon earth was Our (Triune God) Decree, so is Our (God’s) Decree the Kingdom of Our Will upon earth; even more, it can be said that one and the other are one single Decree, and having carried out the first act of this Decree, We are to carry out the second.  It is true that We pace Ourselves according to the good disposition of the creatures in order to give the great Good that an Act of Our Will can produce, and therefore at most We take time, and We make Our Way in the midst of their evils in order to dispose them.  It is true that the times are sad; the peoples themselves are tired, they see all the ways closed to them, they can find no way out even for the necessary natural means; the oppressions, the demands of the leaders are unbearable—just penalty, since they have elected as leaders godless men, of evil life, without a just right to be leaders, who deserved a prison more than the right of regime.  Many thrones and empires have been overthrown, and those few that are left are all vacillating and about to be overthrown.  So, the earth will remain almost without kings, in the hands of iniquitous men.

“Poor peoples, poor children of Mine—under the regime of men without pity, without heart, and without the grace to be able to act as guides for their subjects.  Indeed, the epoch of the Jewish people is being repeated, as they remained without a king when I was near to coming upon earth, and were under the dominion of an alien empire, of barbarous and idolatrous men who did not even know their Creator.  Yet, this was the sign of My nearing Coming into their midst.  That epoch and this one hold hands in many things, and the disappearance of thrones and empires is the announcement that the Kingdom of My Divine Will is not far.  It having to be a Universal, pacific Kingdom, there will be no need of kings to dominate It—each one will be king to himself.  My Will will be for them Law, Guide, Support, Life and absolute King of all and of each one; and all the arbitrary and rightless leaders will be shattered like dust in the wind.  The nations will continue to fight against one another—some by war, some by revolution, among themselves and against My Church.  They have a fire in their midst that devours them, that gives them no peace, and they can give no peace.  It is the fire of sin, and the fire of acting without God that gives them no peace; and they will never make peace if they do not call God into their midst, as regime and bond of Union and of Peace.  And I let them do, and I will make them touch with their own hands what it means to act without God.

“But this does not prevent the Kingdom of My Supreme Fiat from coming; this is all creature’s stuff, of the low world, that My Power knocks down and disperses whenever it wants, and it makes the most serene sky and the most refulgent sun arise from the storm.  On the other hand, the Kingdom of My Divine Will is from on high, from the Heavens, formed and decreed in the midst of the Divine Persons—no one can touch It or disperse It.  First We will deal about It with one creature alone, forming the first Kingdom in her; then with few; and then, making use of Our Omnipotence, we will divulge It everywhere.  Be certain, do not worry because evils get worse; Our Power, Our winning Love that has the Virtue of always winning, Our Will that can do everything and, with invincible Patience, knows how to wait even for centuries—but what It wants and has to do is worth more than all the evils of creatures—in the face of Its invincible Power and Its infinite Value, their evils will be like little drops of water, like many trifles that will serve for the Triumph of Our Love and for the greater Glory of Our fulfilled Will.

“And then, when We have the great Glory of forming this Kingdom inside one creature alone, she will be like sun, such that all have the right to enjoy and possess its Light.  More than sun, she will give to all creatures the right to possess a Kingdom so holy; and We, with infinite Wisdom, will abound with Graces, with Light, with Helps, with surprising Means, so that they may let the Kingdom of My Will reign in their midst.  Therefore, let Me do; when it is your Jesus that has told you this, that’s enough—it is as though already done.  All evils and all creatures together have no power and no right over Our Will, nor can they prevent a single Act of Our Will, wanted by Decrees of Our Wisdom.”

Then, I continued to think about the Divine Fiat, and my sweet Jesus added:  “My daughter (Luisa), My (God’s) Will is Light, the human will is the dark room in which the poor creature lives.  As My (God’s) Will enters into this dark room, it remains all invested by this Light that illumines everything, even the most remote and little hiding places of the soul.  It makes Itself Light of the thought, of the word, of the works, of the steps—but with a marvelous variety.  The thought takes on a variety of colors animated by the Light; the word takes on another variety of colors; the action, the step, other varieties of colors.  And as she (the soul) repeats the thought, the word, the action, the step, animated by the Light of My (God’s) Will, so are the hues of the Divine Colors formed; and the beauty of it is that they are all colors animated by Light.

O! how beautiful it is to see the creature animated by the Rainbow of Our (Triune God’s) Divine Colors—it is one of the most beautiful scenes that she (the creature) presents to Us (God) and makes Us enjoy.  We look at her and We see that those are nothing other that the reflection of Our Thoughts, of Our Actions, and so forth, that has formed that variety of Our Divine Colors; and Our Will makes display of Light in the acts of the creature who, with her sweet enchantment, enraptures Us and makes Us the Spectators of Our Acts; and—O! how We await with all Love the repetition of these scenes so beautiful and delightful.”

1/8 Feast of the Epiphany of The Lord

(Click the following link for Home Blessing on Epiphany)

Epiphany, the 12th day after Christmas, celebrates the visit of the three kings or wise men to the Christ Child, signifying the extension of salvation to the Gentiles.
Traditionally celebrated on January 6th, In some dioceses it is celebrated this Sunday, January 8, 2017

What a beautiful time to pray the Rosary!

The Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will
Day Twenty-Three 

The Blessed Mother to the Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta the Little Daughter of the Divine Will:

Now, My daughter, another Surprise: a new star shines under the vault of the heavens, and with its light, it goes in search of adorers, to lead them to recognize and adore Baby Jesus. Three individuals, each distant from the other, are struck by it, and invested by Supreme Light, they follow the star, which leads them to the grotto of Bethlehem, to the feet of Baby Jesus. What was not the astonishment of these Magi Kings, in recognizing in that Divine Infant the King of Heaven and earth—He who had come to Love and Save all? In fact, in the act in which the Magi were adoring Him, enraptured by that Celestial Beauty, the Newborn Baby made His Divinity Shine forth from His Little Humanity, and the grotto changed into Paradise; so much so, that they were no longer able to detach themselves from the feet of the Divine Infant—not until He again withdrew the Light of the Divinity within His Humanity. And I, exercising the Office of Mother, spoke at length of the Descent of the Word, and fortified them in Faith, Hope and Charity, symbolized by their gifts offered to Jesus; and, full of Joy, they withdrew into their regions, to be the first propagators.

The Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will
Meditation Four

The Blessed Mother to the Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta the Little Daughter of the Divine Will:

… Now, My blessed daughter, the Divinity, which can deny nothing to the one who Loves It, makes a New Star, more beautiful and luminous, arise under the azure heavens; and with its light, it goes in search of adorers, to say to the whole world, with its mute twinkling: “He who has come to Save you is Born. Come to adore Him and to know Him as your Savior.”

But—human ingratitude!—among many, only three individuals paid attention, and heedless of the sacrifices, put themselves on the way to follow the Star. And just as a star guided their persons along the journey, so did My Prayers, My Love, My Yearnings, My Graces—for I wanted to make known the Celestial Baby, the Awaited One from all centuries—descend into their hearts like many Stars, illumine their minds, guide their interiors, in such a way that, without yet knowing Him, they felt that they loved Him whom they were looking for, and they hastened their steps in order to reach and see Him whom they so much loved.

My dearest daughter (Luisa), My Heart of Mother (the Blessed Mother) rejoiced at the faithfulness, correspondence and sacrifice of these Magi Kings, to come to know and adore My Son (Jesus). But I cannot hide from you a secret Sorrow of mine: among many, only three. And in the history of the centuries, how many times is this Sorrow of mine and this human ingratitude not repeated! My Son (Jesus) and I (the Blessed Mother) do nothing but make Stars arise, one more Beautiful than the other, to call some to know their Creator, some to sanctity, some to rise again from sin, some to the heroism of a sacrifice. But do you want to know what these Stars are? A sorrowful encounter is a Star; a truth that one comes to know is a Star; a love unrequited by other creatures is a Star; a setback, a pain, a disillusion, an unexpected fortune, are as many Stars that shed light in the minds of creatures. And caressing them, they want to make them find the Celestial Infant, who fidgets with Love, and shivering with cold, wants a refuge in their hearts to make Himself known and loved. But, alas, I who hold Him in My arms, wait in vain for the Stars to bring Me creatures, in order to place Him in their hearts, and My Maternity is constrained, hindered. And while I am the Mother of Jesus, I am prevented from being the Mother of all, because they are not around Me, they do not look for Jesus; the Stars hide, and they remain in the Jerusalems of the world, without Jesus. What Sorrow, my daughter, what Sorrow! It takes correspondence, faithfulness, sacrifice, to follow the Stars; and if the Sun of the Divine Will rises in the soul—how much attention does it not take. Otherwise, one remains in the darkness of the human will.

Now, my daughter (Luisa), as the holy Magi Kings entered Jerusalem, they lost the Star, but in spite of this they did not stop looking for Jesus. However, as they (the Magi Kings) went outside the city, the Star reappeared and led them, festive, into the grotto of Bethlehem. I (the Blessed Mother) received them (the Magi Kings) with Love of Mother, and the Dear Baby looked at them with Great Love and Majesty, letting His Divinity shine forth from His Little Humanity. And so, bowing down, they knelt at His feet, adoring and contemplating that Celestial Beauty; they recognized Him as True God, and remained enraptured, ecstatic, while enjoying Him; so much so, that the Celestial Baby had to withdraw His Divinity into His Humanity, otherwise they would have remained there, without being able to move from His Divine Feet.

Then, as they (the Magi Kings) came round from their rapture, in which they offered the gold of their souls, the incense of their belief and adoration, the myrrh of their whole being and of any sacrifice He might want of them, they added the external offering and gifts, symbol of their interior acts: gold, incense and myrrh. But My Love of Mother was not yet content; I wanted to place the Sweet Baby in their arms, and—O! With how much love they kissed Him and pressed Him to their breasts. They felt Paradise in advance within them. With this, My Son bound all the gentile nations to the knowledge of the True God, and placed the Goods of Redemption, the return to Faith of all peoples, in common for all. He constituted Himself King of the rulers; and with the weapons of His Love, of His Pains and of His Tears, Ruling over everything, He called the Kingdom of His Will upon earth. And I, your Mama, wanted to be the first Apostle. I instructed them, I told them the story of My Son—His Ardent Love; I recommended that they make Him known to all, and taking the first place of Mother and Queen of all the Apostles, I blessed them, I had them Blessed by the dear Baby, and, happy and in tears, they departed again for their regions. I did not leave them; I accompanied them with Maternal Affection, and to repay them, I let them feel Jesus in their hearts. How Happy they were! You must know that only when I see that My Son has the Dominion, the Possession, and forms His Perennial Dwelling in the hearts that search for Him and love Him—then do I feel a True Mother.

Now a little word to you, My daughter: if you want Me to act as your True Mother, let Me place Jesus in your heart. You will make Him Happy with your love; you will nourish Him with the Food of His Will, because He takes no other food; You will clothe Him with the sanctity of your works. And I will come into your heart, I will raise My Dear Son again together with you, and will perform the Office of Mother for you and for Him; in this way I will feel the Pure Joys of My Maternal Fecundity. You must know that anything which does not begin from Jesus, who is inside the heart — be they even the most beautiful external works—can never please Me (the Blessed Mother), because they are empty of the Life of My dear Son.

The soul to her Celestial Mother:

Holy Mama, how I must thank You for wanting to place the Celestial Baby into my heart—how happy I am. O please! I pray You to hide me under Your mantle, that I may see nothing but the Baby who is inside my heart; and forming of all my being one single act of Love of Divine Will, I may make Him grow so much, to the point of filling myself completely with Jesus, and nothing may be left of me but the veil that hides Him.

Little Sacrifice:

Today, to honor Me (the Blessed Mother), you will come three times to kiss the Celestial Little One (Jesus), giving Him the gold of your will, the incense of your adorations, the myrrh of your pains; and you will pray Me (the Blessed Mother) to enclose Him (Jesus) in your heart.

Ejaculatory Prayer:

Celestial Mama, enclose me within the wall of the Divine Will, that I may nourish my dear Jesus.

1/1 Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God

What a beautiful time to pray the Rosary!

Joyful Mysteries
Luminous Mysteries
Sorrowful Mysteries
Glorious Mysteries 

Mary, Mediatrix of All Grace

Book of Heaven
The Call of the Creature to the Order, the Place and the Purpose
for which He was Created by God
Volume 17 – May 4, 1925 

(Continuation of the previous chapter: which is May 1, 1925)  The mission of the Divine Will reproduces on earth the image of the Most Holy Trinity.

The Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta the Little Daughter of the Divine Will:

After writing what is written above, I began to do the adoration to my Crucified Jesus, fusing all of myself in His Most Holy Will; and my beloved Jesus came out from within my interior, and placing His Most Holy Will close to mine, all tenderness, told me: “My daughter, did you write everything on the mission of My Will?”

And I: “Yes, yes, I wrote everything.”

And He, again: “What if I told you that you did not write everything? Rather, you have left out the most essential thing. So, continue to write, and add: The mission of My Will will conceal the Most Holy Trinity upon earth. Just as in Heaven there are the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, inseparable but distinct among themselves, Who form all the beatitude of Heaven, in the same way, on earth there will be three persons who, because of their missions, will be distinct and inseparable among themselves: the Virgin, with Her Maternity which conceals the Paternity of the Celestial Father and encloses His power in order to fulfill Her mission of Mother of the Eternal Word and Co-Redemptrix of mankind; My Humanity, for the mission of Redeemer, which was enclosed in the Divinity of the Word, without ever separating from the Father and from the Holy Spirit, in order to manifest My Celestial Wisdom, adding the bond of becoming inseparable from My Mama; and you (Luisa), for the mission of My Will, as the Holy Spirit will display His Love in you (Luisa), manifesting to you (Luisa) His secrets, the prodigies of My Will, the goods It contains, in order to make happy those who will give themselves to knowing how much good this Supreme Will contains, to love It and to let It reign in their midst, offering their souls to let It dwell within their hearts, that It may be able to form Its Life in them. And the bond of inseparability will be added, between you (Luisa), the Mother and the Eternal Word.

These three missions are distinct and inseparable. The first two have prepared the graces, the light, the work, and everything, with unheard-of pains, for the third mission of My Will, in order to be all fused in It without leaving their office, so as to find rest, because My Will alone is Celestial rest. These two missions will be repeated, because their exuberance of grace, of light, of knowledge, is so great that all human generations can be filled with them; even more, they will not be able to contain all the good which they contain. These two missions are symbolized by the Sun, since, in creating it, I filled it with so much light and heat, that all human generations can enjoy it in superabundance. Nor did I take into account that, since in the beginning of creation there were only Adam and Eve on earth, I could have placed in the Sun enough light as to be sufficient only for the two of them, making it then grow, in proportion to the growth of the human generations. No, no – I made the Sun full of light, just as it is now, and will be. For the decorum and the honor of Our Power, Wisdom and Love, Our works are always made with the fullness of all the good which they contain; nor are they subject to increase or decrease.

So I did with the Sun: I centralized in it all the light which it was to serve, up to the last man. But how much good does the Sun not do to the earth? What glory does it not give to its Creator, with its mute light? I can say that, for the immense good it does to the earth, with its mute language, the Sun glorifies Me and makes Me known more than all other things together; and this, because it is full in its light, and stable in its course. When I looked at the Sun which, with so much light, only Adam and Eve could enjoy, I also looked at all the living; and in seeing that that light was to serve all, My Paternal Goodness exulted with joy, and I remained glorified in My works.

So I (Jesus) did with My dear Mama (the Blessed Mother): I filled Her with so much grace, that She can give graces to all without ever exhausting even one of them. So I (Jesus) did with My Humanity: there is no good which It does not possess – and the very Divinity, to be able to give It to whomever wants It. So I (Jesus) did with you (Luisa): I enclosed in you My Will, and with It I enclosed Myself. I enclosed in you Its knowledges, Its secrets, Its light. I filled your soul up to the brim; so much so, that what you write is nothing other than the outpouring of what you contain of My Will. And even though it now serves you alone, and a few glimmers of light serve some other souls, I am content, because being light, it will make its way by itself, more than a second Sun, in order to illuminate the human generations and to bring about the fulfillment of Our works: that Our Will be known and loved, and that It reign as Life within the creatures. This was the purpose of Creation – this was its beginning, this will be its means, and end.

Therefore, be attentive, because this is about rescuing that Eternal Will which, with so much love, wants to dwell in the creatures. But It wants to be known, It does not want to be like a stranger; rather, It wants to give out Its goods and become life of each one, but It wants Its rights whole – Its place of honor. It wants the human will to be banished – the only enemy for It, and for man.

The mission of My Will was the purpose of the creation of man. My Divinity did not depart from Heaven, from Its Throne; My Will, instead, not only departed, but descended into all created things and formed Its Life in them. However, while all things recognized Me, and I dwell in them with majesty and decorum, man alone drove Me away. But I want to conquer him and win him; and this is why My mission is not finished. So I called you, entrusting to you My own mission, that you may place the one who drove Me away on the lap of My Will, and everything may return to Me, in My Will.

Therefore, do not be surprised at the great and marvelous things I may tell you for the sake of this mission, or at the many graces I may give you; because this is not about making a saint, but about saving the generations. This is about rescuing a Divine Will, for which everything must return to the beginning, to the origin from which everything came, so that the purpose of My Will may have its complete fulfillment.’”