12/28 Feast Day of the Holy Innocents

Micah 5:2 :  “And thou Bethlehem Ephrata, art a little one among the thousands of Judah, out of thee shall He come forth unto Me that is to be the ruler in Israel: and His going forth is from the beginning, from the days of Eternity.”

S_holy innocents
Holy Innocents

The Twenty-four Hours of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ

Eleventh Hour:  From 3 to 4 AM
Jesus in the house of Caiaphas

The Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta the Little Daughter of the Divine Will:

… My Love, You (Jesus) are before Caiaphas as the most guilty, in the act of being condemned.  Indeed, Caiaphas asks the witnesses what Your crimes are.  Ah, he should rather have asked what is Your Love!  And some accuse You of one thing, some of another, speaking nonsense and contradicting themselves.  As they accuse You, the soldiers who are near You tear Your hair, and unload horrible slaps on Your Most Holy Face, such as to resound through the whole room; they twist Your lips, they hit You, while You remain silent and suffer.  And if You look at them, the light of Your eyes descends into their hearts, and unable to sustain it, they move away from You.  But others take their place, to make of You a greater slaughter.

… I see that Your Love is so great that You anxiously await what Your enemies are doing to You, and You Offer it for our salvation.  And in total calm, Your Heart repairs for slanders, hatred, false witnessings, and for the evil done to innocents with premeditation; and You Repair for those who offend You upon the instigation of leaders, and for the offenses of the ecclesiastics.  … I (Luisa)  am united with You (Jesus), following Your own Reparations

12/12 Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe

Preparation for Holy Christmas
The Nine Excesses of Love in the Incarnation of the Word

The Church of the Nativity, Bethlehem
The silver star in the Grotto of the Nativity marks the spot of Jesus’ Birth

Book of Heaven
The Call of the Creature to the Order, the Place and the Purpose
for which He was Created by God
Volume 15 – December 8, 1922

The first word that Adam pronounced.  What the First Lesson that God gave him was.  The Divine Will Operating in man.

Our Lord Jesus Christ to the Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta the Little Daughter of the Divine Will:

… “Here, then, is the reason why We (the Most Holy Trinity) constituted Her (Our Lady, the Blessed Mother Mary) Queen of all; because when We operate, We do it with reason, wisdom and justice:  She (Our Lady) never gave life to Her human will, but Our (God’s) Will was always intact in Her.  How could We say to another creature:  ‘You are Queen of the heavens, of the sun, of the stars, etc.’, if instead of having Our Will as dominion, she were dominated by her human will?  All of the elements, the heavens, the sun, the earth, would have withdrawn from the regime and dominion of this creature.  All would have cried out in their mute language:  ‘We do not want her, we are superior to her, because we have never withdrawn from your eternal Volition – as You created us, so we are’.  So would the sun have cried out with its light, the stars with their glittering, the sea with its waves, and everything else.  On the contrary, as soon as they (all of the elements, the heavens, the sun, the earth) all felt the dominion of this excelling Virgin (Our Lady) who, almost as their sister, never wanted to know Her own will, but only That of God, not only did they make feast, but they (all of the elements, the heavens, the sun, the earth) felt honored to have their Queen (Our Lady), and they ran around Her to form Her cortege and to pay obsequies to Her – the moon, by placing itself as footstool at Her feet; the stars as crown, the sun as diadem, the Angels as servants, and men as though in waiting.  Everyone – everyone paid Her honor and rendered their obsequies to Her.  There is no honor and glory which cannot be given to our Will – whether acting within Us, in Its own center, or dwelling in the creature.  …

12/6 Today is the Feast Day of St. Nicholas

Preparation for Holy Christmas
The Nine Excesses of Love in the Incarnation of the Word


The Church of the Nativity, Bethlehem
The silver star in the Grotto of the Nativity marks the spot of Jesus’ Birth

Today is the Feast Day of St. Nicholas

St. Nicholas of Bari
(also known as St. Nicholas of Myra) 

When the Saracens invaded Myra (part of modern day Turkey) the relics of St. Nicholas were moved to Bari in Italy. The Archbishop for Corato has jurisdiction over the provinces of Trani, Bari, and Bisceglie. The Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta, the Little Daughter of the Divine Will, was born and lived her whole life in Corato, the province of Bari.

The Archbishop of Trani also has  the title of Bishop of Nazareth, because when Palestine was lost in 1190 the title of that see was transferred to Barletta (the ancient Barduli), a seaport on the Adriatic, a little south of Trani, to which diocese it then belonged.

Book of Heaven
The Call of the Creature to the Order, the Place and the Purpose
for which He was Created by God
Volume 6 – December 6, 1904

The beginning of Eternal Beatitude is to lose every taste of one’s own.

The Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta the Little Daughter of the Divine Will:

As I continued struggling, blessed Jesus came for just a little, and I saw myself as naked, stripped of everything – perhaps a soul more miserable than I am cannot be found, so extreme is my misery.  What a dismal change!  If the Lord does not make a new miracle of His omnipotence to make me rise again from this state, I will certainly die of misery.

Then blessed Jesus told me:  “My daughter, courage, the beginning of Eternal Beatitude is to lose every taste of one’s own.  In fact, as the soul keeps losing her own tastes, the Divine Tastes take possession of her, and the soul, having undone and lost herself, no longer recognizes herself; she finds nothing else of her own – not even spiritual things.  Seeing that the soul has nothing else of her own, God fills her with all of Himself and replenishes her with all the Divine HappinessesOnly then can the soul truly be called blessed, because as long as she had something of her own, she could not be exempt from bitternesses and fears, nor could God communicate His Happiness to her.  No soul that enters the port of Eternal Beatitude can be exempted from this point – painful, yes, but necessary; nor can she do without it.  Generally they do it at the point of death, and Purgatory does the last job; this is why, if creatures are asked what God’s taste is, what Divine Beatitude means, these are things unknown to them and they are unable to articulate a word.  But with the souls who are My beloved, since they have given themselves completely to Me, I do not want their Beatitude to have beginning up there in Heaven, but to have beginning down here on earth. I (Jesus) want to fill them (souls who have given themselves completely to Our Lord Jesus Christ) not only with the Happiness, with the Glory of Heaven, but I want to fill them with the goods, with the sufferings, with the virtues that My Humanity had upon earth; therefore I strip them, not only of material tastes, which the soul considers as dung, but also of spiritual tastes, in order to fill them completely with My Goods and give them the beginning of True Beatitude.”


10/16 Today is the Feast of the Purity of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Anniversary of the Mystical Marriage (on earth) of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta with Our Lord Jesus Christ

Feast of the Purity Of The Blessed Virgin Mary

Today is also the Anniversary of the Mystical Marriage (on earth)
of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta with Our Lord Jesus Christ

Short excerpt from Our Lord Jesus Christ to the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta from the “Book of Heaven, The Call of the Creature to the Order, the Place and the Purpose for which He was Created by God – Volume One”.  Longer excerpt follows:

On the morning of the aforementioned day (Feast of the Purity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, October 16, 1888), Jesus made Himself seen again all affable, sweet and majestic, together with His Most Holy Mother and Saint Catherine. First, the angels sang a hymn, while Saint Catherine assisted me (Luisa), Mama (the Most Holy Virgin Mary) took my hand, and Jesus put the ring on my (Luisa’s) finger. Then, we embraced and He kissed me, and so did Mama also. Then we (Jesus and Luisa) had a conversation, all of love – Jesus told me of the great love He had for me, and I also told Him of the love I had for Him. The Most Holy Virgin made me (Luisa) comprehend the great grace I had received, and the correspondence with which I was to correspond to the love of Jesus.


Excerpt from the Book of Heaven
The Call of the Creature to the Order, the Place and the Purpose
for which He was Created by God
Volume One

Our Lord Jesus Christ to the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta:

. . . “See, it will not be only for the good of creatures that I (Jesus) want these continuous sufferings, but also for your (Luisa’s) good. In this state of sufferings I (Jesus) will purify your (Luisa’s) soul thoroughly, in such a way as to dispose you (Luisa) to form a mystical marriage with Me (Jesus); and after this, I (Jesus) will make the last transformation, in such a way that both of us (Jesus and Luisa) will become like two candles placed on the fire – one is transformed into the other and they form a single one. In this way I (Jesus) will transform Myself in you (Luisa), and you  (Luisa) will remain crucified with Me (Jesus). Ah! would you not be happy if you could say: ‘The Bridegroom is crucified, but the bride also is crucified? Ah! yes, there is nothing that renders me dissimilar from Him.’ . . .

. . . My sweet Jesus would do nothing but dispose me (Luisa) to that mystical marriage which He (Jesus) had promised me (Luisa). When I was in that state (Luisa’s state of victimhood), He (Jesus) would make Himself seen sometimes three times a day, sometimes four, as He pleased; and sometimes it was a continuous coming and going. He seemed to be a sweetheart who cannot be without his spouse. This is how Jesus was with me, and sometimes He reached the point of telling me: “You see, I love you so much that I cannot be without coming. I feel almost restless, thinking that you are there suffering for Me, and you are alone; this is why I have come – to see if you need something.” . . .

. . . Now, while seeing Jesus or the priest celebrating the Divine Sacrifice, Jesus would make me (Luisa) understand that in the Mass there is all the depth of our Sacrosanct Religion. Ah! yes, the Mass tells us everything and speaks to us about everything. The Mass reminds us of our Redemption; It speaks to us, step by step, about the pains that Jesus suffered for us; It also manifests to us His immense love, for He was not content with dying on the Cross, but He wanted to continue His state of victim in the Most Holy Eucharist. The Mass also tells us that our bodies, decayed, reduced to ashes by death, will rise again on the day of the judgment, together with Christ, to immortal and glorious life. Jesus made me comprehend that the most consoling thing for a Christian, and the highest and most sublime mysteries of our holy religion are: Jesus in the Sacrament and the resurrection of our bodies to glory. These are profound mysteries, which we will comprehend only beyond the stars; but Jesus in the Sacrament makes us almost touch them with our own hands, in different ways.

First, His Resurrection; second, His state of annihilation under those species, though it is certain that Jesus is there present, alive and real. Then, once those species are consumed, His real presence no longer exists. And as the species are consecrated again, He comes again to assume His sacramental state. So, Jesus in the Sacrament reminds us of the resurrection of our bodies to glory: just as Jesus, when His sacramental state ceases resides in the womb of God, His Father, the same for us – when our lives cease, our souls go and make their dwelling in Heaven, in the womb of God, while are bodies are consumed. So, one can say that they will no longer exist; but then, with a prodigy of the omnipotence of God, our bodies will acquire new life, and uniting with the soul, will go together to enjoy the eternal beatitude. Can there be anything more consoling for a human heart than the fact that not only the soul, but also the body will be beatified in the eternal contentments? It seems to me that on that day it will happen as when the sky is starry and the sun comes out. What happens? With its immense light, the sun absorbs the stars and makes them disappear; yet the stars exist. The sun is God, and all of the blessed souls are the stars; with His immense light, God will absorb us all within Himself, in such a way that we will exist in God and will swim in the immense sea of God. Oh! how many things Jesus in the Sacrament tells us; but who can tell them all? I would really be too long. If the Lord allows it, I will reserve saying something else on other occasions.

Now, during these exits that the Lord would make me (Luisa) do, sometimes He (Jesus) would renew the promise of the marriage, which I already mentioned. Who can tell the ardent yearnings that the Lord infused in me for this mystical marriage to take place? Many times I would solicit Him, telling Him: “Most sweet Spouse, hurry, no longer delay my intimate union with You. O please! let us bind each other with stronger bonds of love, so that no one may ever again be able to separate us, even for simple instants.”

And Jesus would correct me now about one thing, now about another. I remember that one day He said to me: “Everything that is of the earth, everything – everything you (Luisa)  must remove, not only from your heart, but also from your body. You cannot understand how harmful are the slightest earthly shadows, and how much they hinder love.”

Immediately I said to Him: “If I have something else that must be removed, tell me, for I am ready to do it.” But as I was saying this, I myself realized that I had a gold ring at my finger, portraying the image of the Crucifix; and immediately I said to Him:”‘Holy Spouse, do you want me to take it off?”

And He told me: “Since I Myself will give you a more precious, more beautiful ring, which will have my living image impressed on it, and every time you will look at it your heart will receive new arrows of love – this one is not necessary.” And I promptly removed it.

The longed for day finally arrived, after not a little suffering. I (Luisa) remember that it was almost one year that I had been continuously in bed – it was the day of the purity of Mary Most Holy (October 16th). On the night before that day (October 15th), my lover Jesus made Himself seen all festive. He drew near me, took my heart in His hands, and He looked at it over and over again; He dusted it, and then He gave it back to me. Then He took a garment of immense beauty, whose background seemed to be a surface of gold streaked with various colors, and He clothed me with that garment. Then He took two gems, as if they were earrings, and He bejewelled my ears. Then He adorned my neck and my arms, and surrounded my forehead with a crown of immense value, all enriched with precious stones and gems, all refulgent with light; and it seemed to me that those lights were as many voices which resounded among themselves, speaking in clear notes of the beauty, the power, the fortitude, and of all the other virtues of my spouse Jesus. Who can tell what I comprehended, and in what sea of consolation my soul was swimming? It is impossible to say it.

Now, while He (Jesus) was crowning my (Luisa’s) forehead, Jesus told me (Luisa): “Most sweet spouse, I (Jesus) place this crown upon you (Luisa) so that nothing may be missing in order to make you (Luisa) worthy of being My spouse; but then, after our wedding is finished, I (Jesus) will take it with Me to Heaven, to keep it for you (Luisa) at the moment of your death.” Finally, He took a veil and covered me completely with it, from head to foot; and He left me in that way. Ah! it seemed to me that there was a great meaning in that veil, because the demons, in seeing me all covered with that veil, were so frightened and had such fear of me, that they fled, terrified. The very angels were around me with such veneration, that I myself was confused and all full of blushing.

On the morning of the aforementioned day (Feast of the Purity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, October 16th), Jesus made Himself seen again all affable, sweet and majestic, together with His Most Holy Mother and Saint Catherine. First, the angels sang a hymn, while Saint Catherine assisted me (Luisa), Mama took my hand, and Jesus put the ring on my (Luisa’s) finger. Then, we embraced and He kissed me, and so did Mama also. Then we (Jesus and Luisa) had a conversation, all of love – Jesus told me of the great love He had for me, and I also told Him of the love I had for Him. The Most Holy Virgin made me (Luisa) comprehend the great grace I had received, and the correspondence with which I was to correspond to the love of Jesus.

10/7 Feast Day of Our Lady of the Rosary

The Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta the Little Daughter of the Divine Will
Outside the House of the Sisters of the Congregation of Divine Zeal
in Corato, Italy
(Notice the rosary in Luisa’s left hand)

The following excerpts are from
A Collection of Memories of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta by Fr. Bucci.

…On October 7, 1928, when the house of the Sisters of the Congregation of Divine Zeal in Corato was ready, Luisa was taken to the Convent in accordance with the wishes of Saint Annibale Di Francia. Saint Annibale had already died in the odor of sanctity in Messina.
(Saint Anniable Maria Di Francia died on June 1, 1927 A.D., comforted by a vision of the Blessed Virgin Mary, whom he so dearly loved. On October 7, 1990 he was declared “Blessed” by Pope John Paul II. He was canonized on May 16, 2004, by Pope John Paul II.)

… On October 7, 1938, because of orders from above, Luisa was obliged to leave the convent and find a new place to live. She spent the last nine years of her life in a house in Via Maddalena, a place which the elderly of Corato know well and from where, on
March 8, 1947, they saw her body carried out.


Luisa, the terror of demonic forces

… One lady said that she had gone to live in a house at Rotondella in the Province of Matera, where she had been appointed to teach at an elementary school. However, she had felt very ill at ease in that house because there was frequently a man in it with a terrible look who would try to grab her; but the lady defended herself by holding up the rosary she had in her hands; at the sight of it he would flee. The distraught lady left everything and returned to Corato with her children. No one believed the poor soul and she was thought to be out of her mind, especially by her husband who had Masonic leanings. Completely at a loss as to what she should do, she went to see Luisa, who listened to her kindly, comforted her, told her not to be frightened because the devil had no power over her, and urged her to return to her work. The lady took her advice, but wanted to take a photograph of Luisa with her: she had it framed and put it on her bedside table. One evening, while she was reciting the Holy Rosary with her children, she saw the man again. He approached the bed, took the picture of Luisa, threw it on the floor and fled shrieking. From that moment nothing further happened; peace and serenity returned to the house. The photograph of Luisa which had been violently thrown on the floor was not damaged, indeed the glass did not even break. This framed photograph is now in the house of the lady’s daughter-in-law, on her bedside table. …


Luisa Piccarreta; “The Person”
(Excerpt from Fr. Bucci’s Bucci Family Album)

… After dinner, Luisa would retire to meditate and pray for about three hours. In the late afternoon several pious women, among whom were the sisters Cimadomo, and they began to pray the holy Rosary in its entirety, with meditations that Luisa had on the Divine Will.

After everyone had left, Luisa would close herself in prayer. Her little room was closed and during this time she daily, in obedience to the directives of her confessor who had ordered her to write everything down without neglecting a single detail, she would write down that which occurred between herself and Our Lord.


Book of Heaven
The Call of the Creature to the Order, the Place and the Purpose
for which He was Created by God

Excerpt from Volume 25 – October 7, 1928

Then, the evening came of this day consecrated to the Queen of the Rosary (October 7, 1928), Queen of Victories and of Triumphs.  And this is another Beautiful Sign that, just as the Sovereign Lady (the Blessed Virgin Mary) conquered Her Creator, and bejeweling Him with Her chains of love, She drew Him from Heaven to earth, to make Him form the Kingdom of Redemption, so will the sweet and powerful beads of Her Rosary make Her Victorious and Triumphant again before the Divinity, conquering the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat, to make It come into the midst of creatures


Circle of García de Bouzas, 18th century
Oil on canvas
Museum  of the Church of San Paio (Pelagius)
Santiago de Compostela,  Spain

OUR LADY OF THE ROSARY – (New/Trad) – instituted by Pope Gregory XIII in 1571 – “When the wicked heresy of the Albigensians was growing…St. Dominick implored with earnest prayers, the aid of the Blessed Virgin, Whose Dignity these errors shamelessly attacked and to Whom it is given to Destroy all heresies…She Instructed Dominic to preach the Rosary…Gregory XIII decreed that thanks should always be offered everywhere throughout the world to the Blessed Virgin under the title of the Rosary…and other Popes granted innumerable indulgences, added a Feast, added to the Breviary, Litanies, Special Office… ” Roman Breviary – Lessons iv, v, vi – Oct. 7. “In Me is All Grace of the Way and of the Truth;” – Ecclus. 24:25

Luisa enters St. Anthony’s orphanage 1928 – House of the Daughters of Divine Zeal and House of the Divine Will, built by St. Annibale Maria di Francia; and ten years later leaves because of orders from above 1938.

  • “…here in Corato a House has been founded, which was wanted and started by the venerable memory of Father Canonical Annibale Maria di Francia, and which his children, faithful to the will of their founder, have executed and given the name of House of the Divine Will, as the venerable father wanted. And he wanted me to enter this House; and on the first day of its opening, by their goodness, his sons and daughters, the reverend mothers, came to take me and brought me into a room which is such that, as the door of this room is opened, I can see the Tabernacle, I can listen to Holy Mass, I am just under the Gazes of my Jesus in the Sacrament.  O! how happy I feel, that from now on, if Jesus wants me to continue to write, I will write always keeping one eye on the Tabernacle and the other on the paper I write on.  Therefore, I pray You, my Love, to assist me and to give me the strength to make the sacrifice that You Yourself Want.” V25 – 10.7.28

(click here for more)

10/4 Feast Day of St. Francis of Assisi (1181 – 1226)

St. Francis loved God, all creatures – great and small, and all God’s Creation

Book of Heaven
The Call of the Creature to the Order, the Place and the Purpose
for which He was Created by God

Volume 17 – April 15, 1925

The mission of the Divine Will is Eternal, and it is precisely the mission of Our Celestial Father.

I [Luisa] write only to obey, and to my great repugnance.  After a holy priest had read my writings, he had let me know that in certain chapters blessed Jesus was exalting me too much, to the point of telling me that He placed me near His Celestial Mama, that She be me my model.  On hearing this, I felt confused and troubled; I remembered that I had written this only to obey, and to my great repugnance, and that I was connected to the mission of making the Divine Will known.  And I lamented to my Jesus for having told me this, while I
am so bad, and He alone knows all my miseries.  This confused me and humiliated me so much, as to give me no peace.  I felt such distance between me and the Celestial Mother, as if there was an abyss of distance between me and Her.  Then, while I was so troubled, my lovable Jesus came out from within my interior, and clasping me tightly in His arms to infuse peace in me, told me:  “My daughter, why do you trouble yourself so much?  Don’t you know that peace is the smile of the soul, it is the azure and serene sky in which the Divine Sun makes Its light blaze more vividly, in such a way as to let no cloud arise above the horizon, which might occupy the light?  Peace is the beneficial dew which vivifies everything and bejewels the soul with an enrapturing beauty, and attracts the continuous kiss of my Will upon her.  And besides, what is it that opposes the truth? Where is this exalting you too much?  Only because I told you that I placed you near my Divine Mother; because, She having been the depository of all the goods of my Redemption, as my Mother, as Virgin, as Queen, I placed Her at the head of all the redeemed ones, giving Her a distinct, unique and special mission, which no one else will be given.  The very Apostles and the whole Church depend upon Her and receive from Her; there is no good which She does not possess – all goods come from Her; it was right that, as my Mother, I was to entrust everything and everyone to Her maternal Heart.  Embracing everything, and being able to give everything to everyone, was only of my Mother.

Now, I repeat to you that just as I placed my Mama at the head of all, and I deposited in Her all the goods of Redemption, so I chose another virgin, whom I placed near Her, giving her the mission of making my Divine Will known. And if Redemption is great, my Will is even greater; and just as for Redemption there was a beginning in time, not in eternity, in the same way, for my Divine Will, though It is eternal, there was to be the beginning in time of Its making Itself known.  Therefore, because my Will exists in Heaven and on earth, and is the sole and only one which possesses all goods, I was to choose a creature to whom I was to entrust the deposit of the knowledges about It, making known to her, as to a second mother, the qualities, the value, the prerogatives of It, that she might love It and jealously keep the deposit of It.  And just as my Celestial Mother, true depository of the goods of Redemption, is generous with whomever wants of them, so will this second mother be generous in making known to all the deposit of my teachings, the sanctity of it and the good that my Divine Will wants to give, how It lives unknown in the midst of creatures, and how, from the beginning of the creation of man, It years, It prays, It supplicates that man return to his origin – that is, into my Will – and that the rights of Its sovereignty over creatures be given back to It.  My Redemption was one, and I made use of my dear Mother in order to carry It out.  My Will also is one, and I was to make use of another creature; and placing her as though at the head, and forming the deposit in her, she was to serve Me to make my teachings known and to fulfill the designs of my Divine Will.  So, where is this exalting you too much?  Who can deny that the Redemption and the fulfillment of my Will are two unique and similar missions, such that, as they hold each other’s hand, my Will will make the fruits of Redemption be completed, and the rights of Creation be given back to Us, placing the seal on the purpose for which all things were created? This is why this knowledge of the mission of Our Will interests Us so much – because nothing else will do so much good to creatures as it will; it will be the fulfillment and the crowning of all Our works.

Furthermore, of David it was said that he was an image of Me, so much so, that all of his psalms reveal my person; of Saint Francis of Assisi, that he was a faithful copy of Me.  It is said in the Holy Gospel:  ‘Be perfect as your Father in Heaven is perfect’ – no less; it is also added that no one will enter the Kingdom of Heaven if he is not similar to the image of the Son of God; and many other things.  About all these, no one says that they have been exalted too much, and that these are things not conforming to truths spoken by my very mouth.  Only because to you I said that I wanted to compare you to the Virgin – to make you Her faithful copy, I have exalted you too much?  So, comparing those to Me was not exalting them, nor did anyone raise any doubt or difficulty; but then, comparing to the Virgin – that’s too much exaltation.  This means that they have not understood well the mission of the knowledge of my Will.  Indeed, I repeat to you that I not only place you near Her as Her little daughter, on Her maternal lap, that She may guide you, instruct you on how you must imitate Her, to become Her faithful copy by always doing the Divine Will; so that, from Her lap, you may pass onto the lap of the Divinity.  In fact, the mission of my Will is eternal, and it is precisely the mission of Our Celestial Father, who wants, commands, expects nothing else but that His Will be known and loved, that It be done on earth as It is in Heaven.  So you, making this eternal mission your own and imitating the Celestial Father, must want nothing else for yourself and for all but that my Will be known, loved and fulfilled.  And besides, when it is the creature who exalts herself, one should think about it; but when she remains at her place and I exalt her, all is permissible to Me – making one reach wherever I want, and the way I want.  Therefore, trust Me and do not be concerned.”


Volume 29 – February 13, 1931

How the Creation is mute, while the creature is speaking creation.

… Then, I [Luisa] was continuing my little acts of adorations, of love, of praises, of blessings in the Divine Fiat for my Creator; and as I emitted my acts, the Divine Volition extended them everywhere and in every place where the Divine Will was present, which is such that there is not one point in which It is not present. And my always lovable Jesus added: “Dearest daughter of My Will, you must know that My Volition knows not how to do acts by half, but complete ones, and with such fullness as to be able to say: ‘Wherever there is My Will there is My Act.’ And Our Divinity, seeing the adoration, the love of Its creature laid within Our Divine Will, finds Its support within Its Immensity, at whatever point It wants to lean. So, We feel Our profound adoration that the creature has placed for Us in Our Will, and We lean upon it and We rest; We feel that she loves Us everywhere, and We lean within her love; and so with her praises and blessings. So, the creature in Our Will becomes Our support and Our rest; and there is nothing that delights Us more than finding Our rest in Our creature—symbol of the rest that We took after having created the whole Creation.

 Furthermore, Our Divine Will is present everywhere, and Heaven and earth, and everything, are filled with It up to the brim. So, all are veils that hide It, but mute veils; and if in their muteness they eloquently speak of their Creator, it is not them, but My very Divine Will, hidden in the created things, speaks by way of signs, as if It did not have speech. It speaks in the sun by way of signs of light and of heat; in the wind, giving penetrating and ruling signs; in the air It gives mute signs, such as to make Itself breath of all creatures. Oh! if the sun, the wind, the air and all other created things had the good of the word, how many things they would say to their Creator. But, who is the speaking work of the Supreme Being? It is the creature. In creating her, We loved her so much, that We gave her the great good of the word. Our Will wanted to make Itself word of the creature, It wanted to leave the muteness of created things, and forming in her the organ of the voice, It formed the word so as to be able to speak. Therefore, the voice of the creatures is speaking veil in which My Will speaks eloquently, wisely; and since the creature does not say or do always the same thing—as the created things, that never change their action; they are always at their place, doing that same action that God wants from them—therefore My Will maintains the continuous attitude of the multiplicity of the ways that are in the creature. So, it can be said that It speaks not only in the voice, but It renders Itself speaking in the works, in the steps, in the mind and in the heart of creatures. But what is not Our sorrow in seeing this speaking creation making use of the great good of the word to offend Us; making use of the gift to offend the giver and prevent the great prodigy that I can make, of graces, of love, of Divine Knowledges, of the sanctity that I can form in the speaking work of the creature? But for one who lives in My Will, I am voice that speaks, and—oh! how many things I keep manifesting to her; I am in continuous motion and attitude, I enjoy the full freedom to do and say surprising things, and I perform the prodigy of My Will speaking, loving and operating in the creature. Therefore, give Me full freedom, and you will see what My Will can do in you.” …

9/23 Tomorrow is the Feast Day of Our Lady of Ransom (Our Lady of Mercy)

Tomorrow is the Feast Day of

Our Lady of Ransom
(also known as Our Lady of Mercy)

Please check out the following web sites here and here
for more information on today’s Feast 


Volume 16 – January 14, 1923

The Divine Will was everything for man, and with It he needed nothing. Before the scourging, Jesus wanted to be stripped, in order to give back to the creature her royal garments.

The Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta the Little Daughter of the Divine Will:

I was contemplating the mystery of the Scourging, compassionating my sweet Jesus in the moment when He saw Himself so confused in the midst of enemies – stripped of His garment, under a storm of blows. And my adorable Jesus, coming out from my interior in the state in which He found Himself when He was scourged, told me: “My daughter, do you want to know the reason for which I was stripped when I was scourged? In every mystery of My Passion, first I occupied Myself with adjusting the fracture between the human will and the Divine, and then with the offenses which this fracture produced.

“When man in Eden broke the bonds of the union between the Supreme Will and his will, he stripped himself of the royal garments of My Will, and clothed himself with the miserable rags of his will – weak, inconstant, incapable of doing any good. My Will was a sweet enchantment for him, which kept him absorbed within a most pure light, which made him know nothing but His God, from Whom he came, and which gave him nothing else but immeasurable happiness. And he was so absorbed by all that his God gave him, that he gave no thought to himself. Oh, how happy man was, and how the Divinity delighted in giving him so many particles of His being for as many as the creature can contain, in order to render him similar to Himself. So, as soon as he (Adam) broke the union of Our Will with his, he lost the royal garment; he lost enchantment, light, happiness. He looked at himself without the light of My Will, and in looking at himself without the enchantment which kept him absorbed, he knew himself and felt ashamed. He was afraid of God, to the extent that nature itself felt its sad effects: he was cold, felt his nakedness, and felt the strong need to cover himself. And just as Our Will kept him in the harbor of immense happinesses, so did his will put him in the harbor of miseries.
Our Will was everything for man, and in It he found everything. It was fair that, having been delivered by Us and living in Our Will as Our tender child, he would live of It. And this Will was to make up for all that he needed. Therefore, when he wanted to live of his will, he needed everything because the human will does not have the power to make up for all needs, nor does it contain the source of good within itself. So, he was forced to earn with hardship the necessary things of life.

See, then, what it means not to be united with My Will! Oh, if all knew It, how they would have one single yearning: that my Will come to reign upon earth!

Therefore, had Adam not withdrawn from the Divine Will, also his nature would have had no need of clothing; he would not have felt the shame of his nakedness, nor would he have been subject to suffer cold, heat, hunger, weakness. But these natural things were almost nothing; they were, rather, symbols of the great good which his soul had lost.

So, My daughter (Luisa), before being tied to the column to be scourged, I (Jesus) wanted to be stripped in order to suffer and repair the nakedness of man, when he stripped himself of the royal garment of My Will. I felt such confusion and pain within me in seeing Myself stripped in the midst of enemies who were making fun of Me, that I cried over the nakedness of man and I offered my nakedness to My Celestial Father, so that man might be clothed once again with the royal garment of My Will. And as ransom, so that it would not be denied to Me, I offered My Blood, My flesh torn to shreds, and I let Myself be stripped not only of my garment, but also of My flesh, to be able to pay the price and satisfy for the crime of nakedness of man. I poured so much Blood in this mystery that in no other did I pour so much of it – so much as to be enough to cover him with a second garment, a garment of Blood; to cover him again and therefore warm him and wash him, to dispose him to receive the royal garment of My Will.”

On hearing this, surprised I said: “My beloved Jesus, how can it be possible that, because he withdrew from Your Will, man felt the need to clothe himself, was ashamed, was afraid…? And then, You always did the Will of the Celestial Father, You were One with Him, and your Mama never knew her Will – yet, You felt the needed of clothing, of food, and You suffered cold and heat…”

And Jesus added: “Yet, My daughter, it is exactly so. If man felt ashamed of his nakedness and was subject to many natural miseries, it was exactly because he lost the sweet enchantment of My Will; and even though the evil was done by his soul, not by his body, the body, however, was an indirect accomplice in the bad will of man. His nature remained as though profaned by the bad will of man; therefore both one and the other had to feel the pain of the evil done. As far as Myself, indeed I always did the Supreme Will, but I did not come to find an innocent man, a man before sin; rather, I came to find a man sinner and with all his miseries. And so I had to join him, taking upon Myself all the evils of man, and subjecting Myself to all the necessities of life, as if I were one of them. However, in Me there was this prodigy: if I wanted, I would need nothing, either clothing, food or other things. But I did not want to use it out of love for man. I wanted to sacrifice Myself in everything, even in the most innocent things created by Me, in order to prove him My ardent love. Even more, this served to beseech My Divine Father, so that, out of regard for Me and for My will completely sacrificed to Him, He would give back to man the noble royal garment of Our Will.”