3/25 The first apparition of Mary as the Lady of All Nations took place in Amsterdam on March 25, 1945


Ida Peerdeman Amsterdam, Holland

The first apparition of Mary as the Lady of All Nations took place in Amsterdam on March 25, 1945, the Feast of the Annunciation. Her coming was an event that occurred in all silence and simplicity, hidden from the eyes of the world. In that year the Annunciation coincided with Palm Sunday. World War II was still going on in the Netherlands, and Amsterdam was living through a horrible period in its history. A woman, Ida Peerdeman, and her three sisters were at home, seated around a pot-bellied stove. A priest, a friend of the family, stopped by for a visit. While they were engaged in lively conversation, something extraordinary happened. Ida, the youngest of the four sisters, noticed something in the adjoining room. She got up and saw an immense light appearing, and her surroundings seemed to fade away. From the light she saw a female figure come forth, dressed in white, who began to speak to her. This was the first of a series of fifty-six apparitions which have become known as ‘The Messages of the Lady of All Nations’. The last message, a majestic farewell-vision, would be received fourteen years later, on May 31, 1959.

The week of obedience: February 28 – March 4, 2018 “When the soul presents herself before the throne of God she carries with her all the humanity, all Creation, all works, all that exists”

Sunday, March 4, 2018
at Church of Santa Maria Greca, Corato, Italy

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Sunday, on March 4, the Eucharistic Celebration in the Church of Santa Maria Greca, concluded the week of spirituality that was entirely dedicated to the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta, on the 71th anniversary of her departure to Heaven. The Holy Mass was concelebrated by don Sergio Pellegrini, don Marco Cannavò and Father Thomas Celso who was in Corato with our other brothers of the Divine Will, coming from the United States.

The week of obedience is very dear to the AssociationLuisa Piccarreta and it has the merit of having organized it. The numerous moments of prayer and meditation happened in the places where Luisa lived or where, from now, her name will return to resonate stronger than ever and, who knows, to burn in the hearts the divine fire that characterized the whole life of the little daughter of the Divine Will.

In his homily, don Sergio began with the Gospel of John (Jn 2: 13-25) in which Jesus overturned the tables of the money changers. They turned the Temple, His Father’s house of prayer, into a market, and deformed, for their interests, the true nature of that holy place.

Then don Sergio immediately referred to a passage written by Luisa, in which the human will is symbolized by a rotten seed,  and how the Divine Will has the virtue of restoring the original life of that seed.

The Divine Will has the virtue of purifying, clearing up, embellishing and changing nature itself. The human will is like a seed which is rotten inside, while on the outside it appears to be good. The clothing that covers the seed seems to be in good conditions, but if the clothing is removed, one finds that the seed is, in some half putrefied, in some empty. Others, then, while the seed possesses life, do not expose it to the sun or to the wind, and so it will end up rotting completely. But if it is exposed to the sun and to the wind, through light, heat and wind, they will rip the rotten part off, they will purify it, and give it new life.

Such is the human will – a rotten seed, full of smoke, of rot, and half putrefied. However, not all seeds are completely dead – some have a thread of life; and if these seeds which possess this thread of life are exposed to the Sun of the Divine Will, Its light, Its heat and Its penetrating and ruling wind will invest the seed of the human will, and the light and heat will clear up the seed, removing what is rotten. They will fill it with life, and the ruling wind of the Fiat will play with it, raising it so high as to enclose it in that Fiat from which it came out; and with Its virtue, It will change the nature of the seed, giving it its original life. Everything is in exposing oneself to the Sun of the Divine Will and to the burning and refulgent rays of Its knowledges, letting oneself be invested by them, caressed by Its light, warmed by Its heat, so that the Kingdom of the Divine Will may come upon earth.

In those days we prayed a lot in the places that are dear and familiar to Luisa. First of all, the Church of Saint Joseph where don Gianni Cafagna (parish priest of the Church of Saint Joseph in Corato) and don Sergio concelebrated the Mass on February 28. They recalled the figure of don Gennaro de Gennaro, the second confessor of Luisa, who played a decisive role in the development of Luisa’s specific mission. On February 28, 1899 Luisa began to write the first pages of her diary, to obey her new confessor don Gennaro.

In the homily of that day, don Sergio referred to the state of victim of Luisa. She was a voluntary victim, she was a soul that wished to suffer like her Lord, because she loved Him and also because she wanted to redeem and repair for those souls who live detached from the mystical body of our Lord.

The next day, in the morning, we lived the second moment of prayer with the Eucharistic Celebration broadcast on Radio Maria in the Church of St. Maria Greca, where Luisa’s remains lie. On March 2, we went to the Institute of The Daughters of Divine Zeal, the house where Luisa spent 10 years of her life. In that context, don Sergio inevitably referred to Saint Hannibal Mary of France as another attentive and zealous figure who accompanied Luisa. Don Sergio also spoke of the profound friendship between Saint Hannibal and Luisa: “It is a divine friendship that is not human, it is a friendship that sparkles, it is a friendship between two holy souls – he reiterated – because they know what they are talking!”

It is a relationship that is guided from On High.; it has inside it not a human love, but the unconditional love of God. This love is not preferential, it makes no difference. «If God loves unconditionally, even in the face of evil, – as shown by the Gospel – so we also ought to love one another – don Sergio continued – the “loop” is not formed by God and me, but God → me →  my brother → God … And this means merging into the Divine Will – the message that Luisa left to us – … my will merges with that of Godthe soul enters the Divine Will, she presents herself before the throne of God and carries with her all the humanity, all Creation, all works, all that exists. Then she moves away from God to bring the grace of God to all people so that God can be loved in each creature with His own love. Merging involves others. How can we merge into the Divine Will if we do not bring all of us? The love of God is for everyone, so everything must return to God. God does not favor some at the expense of others – this should be our love – This is the love that exists between the Saints, and that’s what happened between Luisa and the Saint from Messina, but also between Luisa, her confessors her disciples“.


2/26 The Archbishop opens the Holy Door in the city of Corato

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On Thursday February 22, the Association Luisa Piccarreta joyfully joined the celebrations of the Saint Dominic church parishioners for the opening of the Parish Jubilee and of the Holy Door. It is a time of grace that has been offered to the entire city of Corato, to remember the five hundred years of the presence of the Dominican friars in the city. The Church of San Domenico is one of the oldest religious structures in Corato; It was born in the early 1200s as a Benedictine monastery, then it underwent a transformation in the sixteenth century when, thanks to the support of the Marquis Ladislao D’Aquino, in 1518, it passed to the Dominicans.

Luisa Piccarreta is the link between the Dominicans and the Little Children of the Divine Will. We should remember that Luisa became a Dominican tertiary taking the name of Magdalene and embraced Saint Dominic’s ideal of life: love for the salvation of souls through the gift of Truth.

The Jubilee Year was officially opened by His Excellency Monsignor Leonardo D’Ascenzo who presided over the Solemn Eucharistic Celebration .

«This Jubilee year begins during the Lent – the Archbishop commented in his homily – and as Pope Francis said it is a period that gives us so many opportunities to start loving again, and reminds us that the heart of God is always open to us to give goodness, mercy and forgiveness … This is my wish for this parish jubilee: to open our hearts to the love of God to receive it and then to give it to each other.

The Holy Door is Jesus – Monsignor D’Ascenzo highlighted – and all of us, when we…through the Holy Door, want to say that we want to go through Jesus, we want to follow Him. Jesus Himself, in the Gospel of John, identifies with the door (John 10: 9): “I am the door. If anyone enters by me, he will be saved. And it is Jesus Himself who in the writings of Luisa defines His Humanity and the knowledge on the Divine Will as the Door that opens the Kingdom of the Divine Will and allows us to live in it.

The first door I will open will be my Will”  (Vol.17- May 30, 1925) and “just as the human will has its doors, its stairways in order to descend into the abyss of evils, so the Divine Will has Its doors, Its stairways in order to ascend, Its heavens, Its immense goods…Each knowledge that regards It is a door that is opened, it is a way that opens before us, which we must travel. See then, the great good of the many knowledges I have manifested to you – Jesus said to Luisa- they are as many doors that facilitate for you the entrance into Its Kingdom; and in each door I placed an Angel as guard, that he may hold your hand and lead you safely into the regions of the Divine Will. (Vol. 32.- May 28 1933)


• The next appointment with the community of San Domenico will be on March 3, in the context of the celebrations for the week of obedience (28 February – 4 March) when the Association Luisa Piccarreta attends the conference held by the Dominican father Francesco Giacomo Maria on importance of the Dominican laity.
