9/12 Feast of the Most Holy Name of Mary

This feast is a counterpart to
the Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus (January 3)

Eight days after the birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary, according to the custom of the Jews, Her holy parents gave Her the name of Mary.  During the Octave of Her Nativity, the liturgy keeps a feast in honor of this Holy Name.

The feast of the Most Holy Name of Mary began in Spain, with the approval of Rome,  in 1513, and in 1671 it was extended to all of Spain and the Kingdom of Naples.

In 1683 this feast was extended to the whole Church by Pope Innocent XI to thank the Blessed Virgin Mary for the victory which John Sobieski, king of Poland, had just gained when the king brought an army to the outskirts of beseiged Vienna to stop the advance of Muslim armies loyal to Mohammed IV in Constantinople.

After Sobieski entrusted himself to the Blessed Virgin Mary, he and his soldiers thoroughly defeated the Muslims who were besieging Vienna.  Sobieski had planned to attack on September 13th, but with the Turks close to breaching the Vienna’s walls he ordered a full attack on September 12th. At 5:30 p.m. that day, Sobieski entered the deserted tent of Kara Mustafa and the battle of Vienna ended.


The Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will
Day Eleven

The Queen of Heaven in the Kingdom of the Divine Will, 
in the first Years of Her Life down here, forms a Most Refulgent Daybreak,
 to make the longed for Day of Light and of Grace rise in the hearts.


The soul to the Little Baby Queen:

Here I am again near Your cradle, Celestial Little Mama. My little heart feels charmed by Your Beauty and I am unable to detach my gaze from a Beauty so rare. How Sweet is Your Gaze; the motion of Your little hands calls me to embrace You and to cling to Your Heart, which is drowned with Love. Holy Little Mama, give me Your Flames, that they may Burn away my human will, and so I can make You content, Living of Divine Will together with You.


Lesson of the Queen of Heaven:

My daughter, if you knew how My Maternal Little Heart rejoices in seeing you near My cradle to listen to Me! I feel Myself, with facts, Queen and Mother, because in having you near Me, I am not a sterile Mother or a Queen without a people, but I have My dear daughter who loves Me very much, and who wants Me to do for her the Office of Mama and of Queen. Therefore, you are the bearer of Joy to your Mama; more so, since you come onto My lap to be taught by Me how to Live in the Kingdom of the Divine Will. To have a daughter who wants to Live together with Me in this Kingdom so Holy is the Greatest Glory, Honor and Feast for your Mama. Therefore, pay attention to Me, My Dear daughter, and I will continue to narrate to you the Wonders of My Birth.

My (Blessed Mother Mary) cradle was surrounded by Angels, who competed among themselves in singing lullabies to Me, as to their Sovereign Queen. And since I was endowed with Reason and with Science, Infused in Me by My Creator, I did My First Duty to Adore, with My Intelligence, and also with My babbling little voice of a baby, the Most Holy Adorable Trinity. And the Ardor of My Love for a Majesty so Holy was so Great that, feeling Myself languishing, I was delirious for wanting to be in the Arms of the Divinity, to receive Their Embraces, and to give Them My own. And so the Angels, for whom My Desires were Commands, picked Me up, and carrying Me on their wings, brought Me into the Loving Arms of My Celestial Father. O! With how much Love They awaited Me. I was coming from the exile, and the brief pauses of separation between Me and Them were the cause of New Fires of Love; they were New Gifts that They prepared for Me, to give them to Me; and I would find New Devices to ask for Pity and Mercy for My children who, living in the exile, were under the lash of Divine Justice.

And dissolving Myself all in Love, I said to Them: “Adorable Trinity, I feel Happy—I feel Myself Queen, nor do I know what unhappiness and slavery is. On the contrary, because of Your Will Reigning in Me, the Joys, the Happinesses, are so Great and so many that, little as I am, I cannot embrace them all. But in so much Happiness, there is a vein of intense bitterness in My little Heart: I feel in It My children unhappy, slaves to their rebellious will. Have Pity, Holy Father have Pity. Make My Happiness whole—make Happy these unhappy children, whom I carry, more than Mother, within My Maternal Heart. Let the Divine Word descend upon earth, and everything will be granted. And I will not come down off of Your Paternal knees if You do not give Me the Deed of Grace, that I may bring to My children the Good News of their Redemption.”

The Divinity was moved at My Prayers, and filling Me with New Gifts, They said to Me: “Return to the exile and continue Your Prayers. Extend the Kingdom of Our Will in all Your Acts, for at the appropriate time We will make You content.” But They did not tell Me either when or where He would descend.

So I would depart from Heaven only to do the Divine Will. This was the Most Heroic Sacrifice for Me, but I did it gladly, so that the Divine Will alone might have Full Dominion over Me. Now listen to Me, My daughter. How much did your soul cost Me, to the point of embittering the Immense Sea of My Joys and Happinesses. Every time you do your will, you render yourself a slave, and you feel your unhappiness; and I, as your Mama, feel in My Heart the unhappiness of My daughter. O! How sorrowful it is to have unhappy children. And how you should take to heart doing the Divine Will, since I reached the point of departing from Heaven so that My will might have no life in Me.

Now, My daughter, continue to listen to Me (Blessed Mother Mary): in each one of your acts, may your First Duty be to Adore your Creator, to Know Him and to Love Him. This places you in the Order of Creation, and you come to recognize He who Created you. This is the Holiest Duty of each creature: to recognize her Origin.

Now you must know that My bringing Myself to Heaven, descending, praying, formed the Daybreak around Me, which, spreading in the whole world, surrounded the hearts of My children, so that, from the Dawn, the Daybreak might rise, to make arise the Serene Day of the awaiting of the Divine Word upon earth.


The soul:

Celestial Little Mama, in seeing You, just Newly Born, giving me Lessons so Holy, I feel enraptured and I comprehend how much You Love me, to the point of rendering Yourself unhappy because of me. O please! Holy Mama, You who Love me so much, let the Power, the Love, the Joys that inundate You, descend into my heart, so that, filled with them, my will may find no room to live in me, and may freely give up the place to the Dominion of the Divine Will.


Little Sacrifice:

Today, to honor Me, you will do three acts of adoration to your Creator, reciting three Glory Be’s to thank Him for the many times I received the Grace to be admitted to Their Presence.


Ejaculatory Prayer:

Celestial Mama, make the Daybreak of the Divine Will rise within my soul.

9/10 Notes on Luisa’s Life and Forty

L_outside rosary chair

The Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta was born in Corato in the Province of Bari, on April 23 A.D.1865 and died there in the odor of sanctity on March 4 A.D. 1947. For four days her mortal remains were exposed for the veneration of an immense throng of the faithful, including over forty priests, who went to her house to have a last look at Luisa the Saint, so dear to their hearts.

One day Luisa asked the confessor permission to suffer in bed for a certain time, about forty days. “If this is the Will of God, stay”, Don Michele said; but the bed was never again abandoned by Luisa, who was then, in 1888, 23 years old, and remained, always sitting, nailed to the bed, for the fifty-nine years until her death, which occurred on March 4, 1947.

Luisa started writing Volumes I and II from Feb 28, to Oct 30 A.D. 1899 and the final Volume XXXVI from Apr 12 to Dec 28 A.D. 1938 – a period of forty years. September 1939 was the start of WWII. Rosaria Bucci, “Luisa’s faithful and silent confidant”, who lived with her and assisted her for forty years. On October 7 A.D. 1928, (forty years after the gift of the Divine Will in September 8, 1889), when the house of the sisters of the Congregation of Divine Zeal in Corato was ready, Luisa was taken to the convent in accordance with the wishes of Saint Annibal. Blessed Annibal had already died in the odor of sanctity in Messina. In 1938, a tremendous storm was unleashed upon Luisa Piccarreta: she was publicly disowned by Rome and her books were put on the Index. At the publication of the condemnation by the Holy Office, she immediately submitted to the authority of the Church. A priest was sent from Rome by the ecclesiastical authorities, who asked her for all her manuscripts, which Luisa handed over promptly and without a fuss. Thus all her writings were hidden away in the secrecy of the Holy Office. On October 7 A.D. 1938, because of orders from above, Luisa was obliged to leave the convent and find a new place to live. She spent the last nine years of her life in a house in Via Maddalena, a place which the elderly of Corato know well and from where, on March 8 A.D. 1947, they saw her body carried out.
Forty days
after Luisa’s death, on April 12, 1947, the Virgin of the Revelation appeared to Bruno Cornacchiola in the Roman Apparition of Tre Fontane.

Carata, on March 4 A.D. 1987, recognized canonically the Pious Association “Luisa la Santa” (Piccoli Figli della Divina Volonta’) founded by Padre Bucci

Book of Heaven – October 3, A.D. 1928

…Now there will be an exchange: if Jerusalem gave to Rome the life of religion and therefore of Redemption, Rome will give to Jerusalem the Kingdom of the Divine Will. This is so true, that just as I chose a Virgin from the little town of 


Nazareth for the Redemption, so I have chosen another virgin in a little town of Italy belonging to Rome, to whom the mission of the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat has been entrusted. And since this must be known in Rome just as my coming upon earth was known in Jerusalem, Rome will have the great honor of requiting Jerusalem for the great gift received from her, which is Redemption, by making known to her the Kingdom of my Will. Then will Jerusalem repent of her ingratitude, and will embrace the life of the religion which she gave to Rome; and, grateful, she will receive from Rome the life and the great gift of the Kingdom of my Divine Will. And not only Jerusalem, but all of the other nations will receive from Rome the great gift of the Kingdom of my Fiat, the first criers of It, Its gospel – all full of peace, of happiness and of restoration of the creation of man. And not only will my manifestations bring sanctity, joys, peace and happiness, but the whole of Creation, competing with them, will unleash from each created thing each of the happinesses It contains, and will pour them upon the creatures.
1967 (Forty years after Luisa entered the Congregation of Divine Will in Corato in 1928) the holy city of Jerusalem was restored to Jewish control for the first time in almost 2,000 years, a sign that the time of the Gentiles was coming close to fulfillment and that the Kingdom of God on earth was at hand. In the United States the Rogationists established their first community in 1967 assuming parish work in Mendota, California. Forty years after 1967 on March 7th A.D. 2006 three days after the 59th anniversary of Luisa’s passage to Heaven Luisa’s cause was officially opened in RomeNov 20 A.D. 1994 – Feast of Christ the King: Archbishop Cassati officially opened the beatification cause of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta in the principal church of Corato. The year 2033 will follow 40 years after the opening of Luisa’s cause and two-thousand years after the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ and the first Pentecost.

Pray for a second Pentecost!


J_Sacred Heart of Jesus

The number forty has always signified a sacred period of time: the rains during the time of Noah lasted 40 days and nights; the Jews wandered through the desert for 40 years, our Lord fasted and prayed for 40 days before beginning His public ministry.

Book of Heaven – September 8, 1927

… My daughter, the number forty is symbolic and significant in my life down here. When I was born, for forty days wanted to remain in the grotto of Bethlehem – symbol of my Divine Will which, while being present in the midst of creatures, was as though hidden and outside of the city of their souls. And I, in order to repair for the forty centuries of human will, wanted to remain outside of the city for forty days, in a miserable hut, crying, moaning and praying, to callback my Divine Will into the city of souls, so as to give It Its dominion. And after forty days I went out to present Myself to the temple, and reveal Myself to the holy old Simeon. He was the first city I was calling to the knowledge of my Kingdom; and his joy was so great, that he closed his eyes to the earth to open them to eternity. Forty days I spent in the desert, and then, immediately, I did my public life, to give them the remedies and the means in order to reach the Kingdom of my Will. For forty days I wanted to remain on earth after my Resurrection, to confirm the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat

and Its forty centuries of Kingdom which It was to possess. So, in everything I did down here, the first act was the restoration of the Kingdom; all other things entered into the secondary order, but the first link of connection between Me and creatures was the Kingdom of my Will. Therefore, when it is about my Will, I hold nothing back, neither light, nor sacrifices, nor manifestations, nor happiness – they are seas that I release from Myself so as to make It known, to make It reign, and to make It loved.”


Book of Heaven – October 10, 1928

… “My daughter, do you think that my keeping you imprisoned for forty years and more has been by chance, without agreat design of mine? No! no! The number forty has always been significant and preparatory to great works. For forty years the Jews walked in the desert without being able to reach the promised land, their fatherland; but after forty years of sacrifices they had the good of taking possession of it. But, how many miracles, how many graces, to the point of nourishing them with the celestial manna during that time. A prolonged sacrifice has the virtue and strength to obtain great things from God. I Myself, during my life down here, wanted to remain in the desert for forty days, away from all, even from my Mama, to then go out in public to announce the Gospel which was to form the life of my Church – that is, the Kingdom of Redemption. For forty days I wanted to remain as risen, to confirm my Resurrection and to place the seal upon all the goods of Redemption. So I wanted for you, my daughter: in order to manifest the Kingdom of my Divine Will, I wanted forty years of sacrifices. But, how many graces have I not given you! How many manifestations! I can say that in this great length of time I placed in you all the capital of the Kingdom of my Will, and everything that is necessary in order to make creatures comprehend it. So, your long imprisonment has been the continual weapon, always in the act of fighting with your very Creator, to have you manifest my Kingdom.

….Now, it seems to me that every time the Reverend priests occupy themselves with reviewing the writings in order to prepare them, my sweet Jesus comes to attention, to see what they do and how they do it. I do nothing but admire the goodness, the love of my beloved Jesus who, while coming to attention in my Heart, echoes in the Tabernacle, and from within it, inside that cell, does what He does inside my heart. I remain all confused in seeing this, and I thank Him with all my heart.

9/9 Jesus explains the easiest and most profitable way to suffer.

Book of Heaven
3/19/01 – Vol. 4

This morning, as I was all oppressed and in suffering, much more so, because of the privation of my sweet Jesus, after much waiting, I saw Him for just a little and He told me: “My daughter, the true way of suffering is in not looking at whom the sufferings come from, or at that which one suffers, but at the good that must come from those sufferings. This was my way of suffering. I looked neither at the executioners, nor at the suffering, but at the good I intended to do by means of my suffering, also for the very ones who gave Me suffering. And looking at the good that was to come to men, I disregarded everything else, and with intrepidness I followed the course of my suffering. My daughter, this is the easiest and most profitable way to suffer – not only with patience, but with unconquered and courageous heart.”


9/8 The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Maria Bambina

About 15 B.C. was The Nativity of the Blessed  Virgin Mary
On this day in 1889 the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta receives the Gift of the Divine Will; Mystical Marriage renewed in Paradise; Jesus presents Luisa the ring with three precious stones: white, red, green.
Book of Heaven
The Call of the Creature to the Order, the Place and the Purpose
for which He was Created by God
Volume One
The Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta, Little Daughter of the Divine Will:
“After this, on that morning (Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary), in order to dispose my heart more, Jesus spoke about the annihilation of myself. He also spoke of the immense desire which I was to excite within me in order to dispose myself to receive that grace. He (Jesus) told me  (Luisa) that desire makes up for the lacks and imperfections that may be in the soul; it is like a mantle that covers everything. But this was not a simple speaking – it was an infusion in me of that which He was saying.While my soul was exciting itself with ardent yearnings for receiving the grace that Jesus Himself wanted to give me, Jesus came back and transported me outside of myself, up to Paradise. And there, in the presence of the Most Holy Trinity and of all the Celestial Court, He renewed the marriage. Jesus put out the ring adorned with three precious stones, white, red and green, and He gave it to the Father, who blessed it and gave it back to the Son again. The Holy Spirit took my right hand and Jesus placed the ring on my ring finger. Then I was admitted to the kiss of all the Three Divine Persons, and each of Them blessed me.Who can tell my confusion when I found myself before the Most Holy Trinity? I will just say that as soon as I found myself in Their presence, I fell flat to the ground, and I would have remained there if it wasn’t for Jesus, who encouraged me to go into Their presence, so much was the light, the sanctity of God. I am only saying this; the other things I will leave out, because I remember them confusedly.”

Book of Heaven
The Call of the Creature to the Order, the Place and the Purpose
for which He was Created by God
Volume 26 – September 8, 1929

The birth of the Virgin was the rebirth of all humanity.

The Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta the Little Daughter of the Divine Will:

My poor mind was wandering in the immense Sea of the Divine Fiat, in which everything is in act, as if there were no past and no future, but everything present and everything in act.  So, whatever thing it wants to find of the works of its Creator in the Divine Will, my little soul finds it as if It were just doing it, in act.

And since I (Luisa) was thinking about the birth of my Celestial Mama, to give Her my poor homages, and I was calling all Creation together with me to sing the praises of the Sovereign Queen, my sweet Jesus told me:  “My daughter, I too, together with you and with all Creation, want to sing the praises of the birth of the
height of My Mama.  You must know that this birth enclosed within itself the rebirth of the whole human family, and all Creation felt reborn in the birth of the Queen of Heaven.  Everything exulted with gladness—they felt happy to have their Queen.  Up to that moment, they had felt like a people without its Queen, and in their muteness
they were waiting for that happy day in order to break their silence, and say:  ‘Glory, love, honor to She who comes into our midst as our Queen.  We shall no longer be without defense, without anyone who dominates us, without feast, because She has arisen, who forms our everlasting glory.’

This Celestial Baby Girl, by keeping Our Divine Will intact within Her soul, without ever doing Her own, reacquired all the rights of Adam innocent before Her Creator, and the sovereignty over all Creation.  Therefore, all felt themselves
being reborn in Her, and We saw in this Holy Virgin, in Her little Heart, all the seeds of the human generationsSo, through Her, humanity reacquired the rights lost, and this is why Her birth was the most beautiful, the most glorious birth. From Her very birth, She enclosed within Her maternal little Heart, as though in-between two wings, all generations, as children reborn in Her virginal Heart, so as to warm them, keep them sheltered, and raise them and nourish them with the blood of Her maternal Heart.

This is the reason why this tender Celestial Mother loves creatures so much—because all are reborn in Her, and She feels the life of Her children within Her Heart.  What can Our Divine Will not do wherever It reigns and has Its life?  It encloses everything and everyone, and makes one the provider of good to all. So, all feel, under Her blue mantle, the maternal wing of their Celestial Mother, and they find in Her maternal Heart their little place in which to take cover.

“Now, My daughter, the one who lives in My Divine Will renews her rebirth and redoubles the rebirths for all human generations.  When My Supreme Will live inside a heart and lays the fullness of Its endless light within it, It centralizes everything and everyone, It does everything, It renews everything, It gives back all that, for
centuries upon centuries, It has not been able to give through the other creatures.  So, this creature can be called the dawn of the day, the daybreak that calls the sun, the sun that gladdens all the earth, illuminates it, warms it, and with its wings of light, more than tender mother, embraces everything, fecundates everything; and with its kiss of light, it gives the most beautiful tints to flowers, the most delicious sweetness to fruits, maturity to all plants.  Oh! if My Divine Will reigned in the midst of creatures, how many prodigies would It not operate in their midst?

“Therefore, be attentive; everything you do in My Divine Fiat is a rebirth that you have in It; and to be reborn in It means to be reborn in the Divine order, to be reborn in the light, to be reborn in the sanctity, in the love, in the beauty. And in each act of My Will, the human will undergoes a death, dying to all evils, and it lives again to all goods.”

9/8 Feast of the Birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Maria Bambina

The Blessed Virgin and the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta

Book of Heaven
2/28/99 – Vol. 2

. . . I (Luisa) also understood that the words that the Lord says to His beloved souls – “I will espouse you in the Faith” – mean nothing less but that the Lord, in this mystical marriage, comes to endow the souls with His own virtues. It seems to me that it happens as to two spouses: as they join their properties together, the belongings of one can no longer be distinguished from those of the other, but both of them become their owners. However, in our case, the soul is poor – all the good comes from the Lord, who lets her share in His possessions. . .


On the Feast Day of the Purity of Mary Most Holy, the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta, Little Daughter of the Divine Will, received the Gift of the Mystical Marriage.

Book of Heaven
Volume One 

The longed for day finally arrived, after not a little suffering. I remember that it was almost one year that I had been continuously in bed – it was the day of the purity of Mary Most Holy. On the night before that day, my lover Jesus made Himself seen all festive. He drew near me, took my heart in His hands, and He looked at it over and over again; He dusted it, and then He gave it back to me. Then He took a garment of immense beauty, whose background seemed to be a surface of gold streaked with various colors, and He clothed me with that garment. Then He took two gems, as if they were earrings, and He bejewelled my ears. Then He adorned my neck and my arms, and surrounded my forehead with a crown of immense value, all enriched with precious stones and gems, all refulgent with light; and it seemed to me that those lights were as many voices which resounded among themselves, speaking in clear notes of the beauty, the power, the fortitude, and of all the other virtues of my spouse Jesus. Who can tell what I comprehended, and in what sea of consolation my soul was swimming? It is impossible to say it.

Now, while He was crowning my forehead, Jesus told me: “Most sweet spouse, I place this crown upon you so that nothing may be missing in order to make you worthy of being my spouse; but then, after our wedding is finished, I will take it with Me to Heaven, to keep it for you at the moment of your death.” Finally, He took a veil and covered me completely with it, from head to foot; and He left me in that way. Ah! it seemed to me that there was a great meaning in that veil, because the demons, in seeing me all covered with that veil, were so frightened and had such fear of me, that they fled, terrified. The very angels were around me with such veneration, that I myself was confused and all full of blushing.

On the morning of the aforementioned day, Jesus made Himself seen again all affable, sweet and majestic, together with His Most Holy Mother and Saint Catherine. First, the angels sang a hymn, while Saint Catherine assisted me, Mama took my hand, and Jesus put the ring on my finger. Then, we embraced and He kissed me, and so did Mama also. Then we had a conversation, all of love – Jesus told me of the great love He had for me, and I also told Him of the love I had for Him. The Most Holy Virgin made me comprehend the great grace I had received, and the correspondence with which I was to correspond to the love of Jesus.

My Spouse Jesus gave me new rules in order to live more perfectly, but since it has been a long time, I don’t remember them so well; therefore I will skip them. And so it ended, for that day.


On September 8, the day of the nativity of the Mary Most Holy, the Gift of the Mystical Marriage was renewed in Paradise in the presence of the Most Holy Trinity; Our Lord Jesus Christ presented the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta with a ring of three precious stones, one white, one read, and one green.

 Book of Heaven
Volume One 

One morning – it was the eve of the nativity of Mary Most Holy – my always benign Jesus Himself came to dispose me. He did nothing but come and go continuously. He would speak to me now about Faith, and then He would leave me, and I would feel a life of faith being infused in my soul.  . . .

After this, on that morning, in order to dispose my heart more, Jesus spoke about the annihilation of myself. He also spoke of the immense desire which I was to excite within me in order to dispose myself to receive that grace. He told me that desire makes up for the lacks and imperfections that may be in the soul; it is like a mantle that covers everything. But this was not a simple speaking – it was an infusion in me of that which He was saying.

While my soul was exciting itself with ardent yearnings for receiving the grace that Jesus Himself wanted to give me, Jesus came back and transported me outside of myself, up to Paradise. And there, in the presence of the Most Holy Trinity and of all the Celestial Court, He renewed the marriage. Jesus put out the ring adorned with three precious stones, white, red and green, and He gave it to the Father, who blessed it and gave it back to the Son again. The Holy Spirit took my right hand and Jesus placed the ring on my ring finger. Then I was admitted to the kiss of all the Three Divine Persons, and each of Them blessed me.

Who can tell my confusion when I found myself before the Most Holy Trinity? I will just say that as soon as I found myself in Their presence, I fell flat to the ground, and I would have remained there if it wasn’t for Jesus, who encouraged me to go into Their presence, so much was the light, the sanctity of God. I am only saying this; the other things I will leave out, because I remember them confusedly. . .