12/26 Feast Day of St. Stephen

S_St Stephen1
St. Stephen
Protomartyr for the Christian Faith

That St. Stephen was a Jew is unquestionable, himself owning that relation in his apology to the people. But whether he was of Hebrew extraction and descended of the stock of Abraham, or whether he was of foreign parents incorporated and brought into that nation by the gate of proselytism, is uncertain. The name Stephen, which signifies a crown, is evidently Greek; but the priest Lucian, in the history of the discovery of his relics, and Basil of Seleucia, inform us, that the name Cheliel, which in modern Hebrew signifies a crown, was engraved on his tomb at Caphragamala. It is generally allowed that he was one of the seventy-two disciples of our Lord; for immediately after the descent of the Holy Ghost, we find him perfectly instructed in the law of the gospel, endowed with extraordinary measures, both of the interior and exterior gifts of that divine Spirit which was but lately shed upon the church, and incomparably furnished with miraculous powers. The church of Christ then increased daily, and was illustrious for the spirit and practice of all virtues, but especially for charity. The faithful lived and loved one another as brethren, and were of one heart and one soul.

12/25 Blessed and Merry Christmas in the Most Holy Divine Will!

What a beautiful time to pray The Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary

Micah 5:2 :  “And thou Bethlehem Ephrata, art a little one among the thousands of Judah, out of thee shall He come forth unto Me that is to be the ruler in Israel: and His going forth is from the beginning, from the days of Eternity.”

The future ruler of Israel, will be born in Bethlehem,
a name that means “House of Bread”

Book of Heaven
The Call of the Creature to the Order, the Place and the Purpose
for which He was Created by God
Volume 8 – December 25, 1908

How to make Jesus be born and grow in your hearts.

The Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta the Little Daughter of the Divine Will:

Finding myself in my usual state, I was longing for little Baby Jesus, and after many hardships, He made Himself seen in my interior as a little Baby, and told me: “My daughter (Luissa), the best way to make Me (Jesus) be born in one’s own heart, is to empty oneself of everything, because in finding empty space, I can place all My goods in it. And only then can I remain in it forever, if there is room to be able to carry all that belongs to Me, all that is My own. A person who went to live in the house of someone else, could be called happy only if he found empty space in which to be able to put all of his belongings; otherwise, he would be unhappy. So I am.

The second thing in order to make Me be born and to increase My happiness, is that everything the soul contains, both internal and external – everything, must be done for Me; everything must serve to honor Me, to execute My orders. If only one thing, one thought, one word, is not for Me, I feel unhappy, and while I should be the master, they make Me a slave. Can I tolerate all this?

The third one is heroic love, magnified love, love of sacrifice. These three loves make My happiness grow in a marvelous way, because they render the soul capable of works which are superior to her strengths, as she does them with my strength alone. They will expand her, by making not only her, but also others love Me. And she will reach the point of enduring anything, even death, in order to triumph in everything, and be able to say to Me: ‘I have nothing else; everything is only love for You.’ In this way, she will not only make Me be born, but will make Me grow, and will form a beautiful paradise in her heart.”

As He was saying this, I looked at Him, and from little, in one instant He became big, in such a way that I remained completely filled with Him. Then everything disappeared.



…our King and Lawgiver, the expected of the nations and their Savior– COME! to save us, O Lord our God.


Volume 16 – 11/24/23

Now, in order to rejoin these two wills, One was needed Who would contain a Divine Will within Himself. Therefore, since I, Eternal Word, loved this man with an Eternal Love, We decreed among Our Divine Persons, that I was to take on human flesh in order to save him, and rejoin the two broken wills.

12/23 – The Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will – Day Twenty-two

Preparation for Holy Christmas
The Nine Excesses of Love in the Incarnation of the Word

Journey to Bethlehem

The Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will

Day Twenty-two

The Queen of Heaven in the Kingdom of the Divine Will. Little King Jesus is Born. The Angels point to Him and call the Shepherds to adore Him.
Heaven and Earth exult, and the Sun of the Eternal Word, following Its Course, dispels the Night of Sin and gives rise to the Full Day of Grace.
The Home of Bethlehem.


The soul to her Celestial Mama:

Today, Holy Mama, I feel an ardor of love, and I feel that I cannot be without coming onto Your Maternal knees to find the Celestial Little Baby in Your arms. His Beauty Enraptures me, His Gazes Wound me, His lips, in the Act of moaning and bursting into tears, capture my heart to love Him. My dearest Mama, I know that You Love me, and therefore I ask You to give me a little place in Your arms, so that I may give Him my first kiss, pour my heart into little King Jesus, and entrust to Him my interesting secrets, which so much oppress me. And in order to make Him smile, I will say to Him: “My will is Yours and Yours is mine; therefore, form in me the Kingdom of Your Divine Fiat.”


Lesson of the Queen of Heaven to her daughter:

My dearest daughter (Luisa), O! How I long for you to be in My (the Blessed Mother’s) arms, to have the great contentment of being able to say to our Little Baby King (Jesus): “Do not cry, My Pretty One. See, here with us is My little daughter, who wants to recognize You as King and give You Dominion in her soul, to let You lay the Kingdom of Your Will within her.”

Now, daughter of My Heart, while you are all intent on longing for the Little Child Jesus, pay attention and listen to Me. You must know that it was midnight when the Little Newborn King came out of My Maternal Womb. But the night turned into Day; He who was the Lord of Light put to flight the night of the human will, the night of sin, the night of all evils; and as the Sign of what He was doing in the order of souls, with His usual Omnipotent Fiat the midnight turned into Most Refulgent Daylight. All created things ran to sing Praise to their Creator in that Little Humanity. The sun ran to give its first kisses of light to Little Baby Jesus, and to warm Him with its heat; the ruling wind, with its waves, purified the air of the stable, and with its sweet moaning said to Him: “I love You”; the heavens were shaken from their very foundations; the earth exulted and trembled down to the abyss; the sea roared with its gigantic waves. In sum, all created things recognized that their Creator was now in their midst, and they all competed in singing His praises. The very Angels, forming light in the air, with melodious voices that could be heard by all, said: “Glory to God in the highest, and Peace on earth to men of Good Will. The Celestial Baby is now born in the grotto of Bethlehem, wrapped in poor swaddling clothes…”so much so, that the shepherds who were in vigil, listened to the Angelic voices and ran to visit the Little Divine King.

My dear daughter, continue to listen to Me. As I received Him into My arms and gave Him My first Kiss, I felt the need of Love to give something of My own to My Baby Son; and offering Him My Breast, I gave Him Abundant Milk—Milk formed in My Person by the Divine Fiat Itself, in order to Nourish Little King Jesus. But who can tell you what I experienced in doing this; and the Seas of Grace, of Love, of Sanctity, that My Son gave to Me in return? Then I wrapped Him in poor but clean little clothes, and I placed Him in the manger. This was His Will, and I could not do without executing It. But before doing this, I shared Him with dear Saint Joseph, placing Him in his arms; and—O! How he rejoiced. He pressed Him to his heart, and the Sweet Little Baby poured torrents of Grace into his soul. Then, together with Saint Joseph, we arranged a little hay in the manger, and detaching Him from My Maternal arms, I laid Him in it. And your Mama, enraptured by the Beauty of the Divine Infant, remained kneeling before Him most of the time. I put all My Seas of Love into motion, which the Divine Will had formed in Me, to Love Him, to Adore Him, and to Thank Him. And what did the Celestial Little Child do in the manger? A Continuous Act of the Will of Our Celestial Father, which was also His; and emitting moans and sighs, He wailed, cried and called to everyone, saying in His Loving Moans: “Come all of you, children of Mine; for Love of you I Am Born to Sorrow and to Tears. Come all of you, to know the Excess of My Love. Give Me shelter in your hearts.” And there was a coming and going of shepherds, who came to visit Him, and to all He gave His Sweet Gaze and His Smile of Love, amid His very Tears.

Now, My daughter, a little word to you: you must know that all My Joy was to hold My Dear Son Jesus on My lap, but the Divine Will made Me understand that I should place Him in the manger, at everyone’s disposal, so that whoever wanted to, could caress Him, kiss Him, and take Him in his arms, as if He were his own. He was the Little King of all, therefore they had the right to make of Him a sweet pledge of love. And I, in order to fulfill the Supreme Volition, deprived Myself of My innocent Joys, beginning, with Works and Sacrifices, the Office of Mother, of Giving Jesus to all. My daughter, the Divine Will is demanding and wants everything, even the sacrifice of the holiest things; and according to the circumstances, the great sacrifice of depriving oneself of Jesus Himself; but this, in order to extend Its Kingdom even more, and to multiply the Life of Jesus Himself. In fact, when the creature, out of love for Him, deprives herself of Him, her heroism and sacrifice is so great, as to have the virtue of producing a New Life of Jesus, to be able to form another dwelling for Jesus. Therefore, dear daughter (Luisa), be attentive and never, under any pretext, deny anything to the Divine Will.


The soul:

Holy Mama, Your Beautiful Lessons confound me; but if You want me to put them into practice, do not leave me alone, so that, when You see me succumb under the enormous weight of the Divine Privations, You may press me to Your Maternal Heart; and I will feel the Strength never to deny anything to the Divine Will.


Little Sacrifice:

Today, to honor Me, you will come as many as three times to visit Little Baby Jesus, and to kiss His tiny little hands; and you will say to Him five acts of Love, to honor His Tears and to calm His Crying.


Ejaculatory Prayer:

Holy Mama, pour the Tears of Jesus into my heart, that He may dispose in me the Triumph of the Will of God.

Photo of the painting of Luisa’s vision
of the Birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ


…and their desired One, the Cornerstone that makes both one– COME! and deliver man, whom You formed out of the dust of the earth.

3/9/31 – Vol. 29

…Therefore, when these seas of Our (Triune God’s) Divine Qualities were put out of Ourselves, We created man, enriching him with Our Qualities, for as much as he could contain, so that he too would have an act that could echo within Our Power, within Our Love, within Our Goodness, to be able to love Us with Our same Qualities. We wanted man, not a servant, but a son; not poor, but rich; not outside of Our goods, but inside of Our inheritance; and as the confirmation of this, We gave him Our very Will as life and as law. This is the reason why We love the creature so much—because she has from Our own, and not to love one’s things is outside of nature and against reason.”

12/21 The Queen of Heaven in the Kingdom of the Divine Will. Rising Sun. Full Midday. The Eternal Word in our Midst.

Madonna del Parto,  Antonio Veneziano


The Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will
Day Twenty-one

Lesson of the Queen of Heaven, Mother of Jesus:

Dearest daughter, do not fear, trust your Mama; pour everything into My Heart, and I will take everything into account. I will be your Mama, I will change your pains into Light, and will use them to expand the boundaries of the Kingdom of the Divine Will in your soul.

Therefore, put everything aside for now, and listen to Me; I want to tell you what little King Jesus Operated in my Maternal Womb, and how your Mama did not lose even one Breath of Little Jesus.

Now, my daughter, the Little Humanity of Jesus kept growing, United Hypostatically with the Divinity. My Maternal Womb was so very narrow, dark—there was not a glimmer of light. And I could see Him in My Maternal Womb, immobile, enveloped in a deep night. But do you know what formed this darkness, so intense, for the Infant Jesus? The human will, in which man had voluntarily enveloped himself; and for as many sins as he committed, so many abysses of darkness he formed around and within himself, in such a way that it rendered him immobile to doing good. And My Dear Jesus, in order to put to flight the darkness of this night so deep, in which man had rendered himself the prisoner of his own tenebrous will, to the point of losing the motion of doing good, chose the Sweet Prison of His Mama and, voluntarily, exposed Himself to the immobility of nine months.

My daughter, if you knew how martyred was My Maternal Heart in seeing Little Jesus in My Little Womb, immobile, crying, sighing! His Ardent Heartbeat Palpitated so very Strongly; and fidgeting with Love, He made His Heartbeat heard in every heart, to ask them—for pity’s sake—for their souls, because for Love of them He had voluntarily exchanged Light for darkness so that all might obtain True Light in order to reach safety.

My dearest daughter, who can tell you what My Little Jesus suffered in My Womb? Unheard-of and Indescribable Pains. He was endowed with Full Reason—He was God and Man; and His Love was so Great that He put as though aside the Infinite Seas of Joys, of Happiness, of Light, and plunged His Tiny Humanity into the seas of darkness, of bitterness, of unhappiness, and of miseries, which creatures had prepared for Him. And Little Jesus took them all upon His shoulders, as if they were His own. My daughter, True Love never says “Enough.” It does not look at the pains, and by dint of pains it searches for the loved one; and when It lays down Its Life to give Life back to the beloved—then is It content.

My daughter, listen to your Mama; see what great evil it is to do your will: not only do you prepare the night for your Jesus and for yourself, but you form seas of bitterness, of unhappiness and of miseries, in which you remain so engulfed as to be unable to escape. Therefore, be attentive; make Me Happy by saying to Me: “I want to do always the Divine Will.”

            Now listen, My daughter: Little Jesus, in Spasms of Love, is in the Act of taking the step to come out to the light of the day. His Yearnings, His Ardent Sighs and Desires for He wants to embrace the creature, to make Himself seen, and to Look at her in order to Enrapture her to Himself, give Him no more respite. And just as one day He put Himself on the lookout at the Doors of Heaven in order to enclose Himself in My Womb, so is He now in the Act of putting Himself on the lookout at the doors of My Womb, which is more than Heaven. And the Sun of the Eternal Word Rises in the world and forms in it Its Full Midday. So, there will be night no longer for the poor creatures, nor dawn, nor daybreak—but always Sunshine, more than at the fullness of midday. . . .

12/20 Our Blessed Mother, The Helper in Childbirth

The Helper in Childbirth

An explanation of this icon was found on the website of The Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate a few years ago. Their current website is  https://figuadalupe.com/

“This icon of the Mother of God is called “The Helper in Childbirth“. The first prototypes of this icon appeared in Western Russia, in the early 19th century. It was made for a very practical and urgent need – the difficulties in conceiving and giving birth.

A variation of the ancient and famous icon of Our Lady of the Sign, this icon differs by showing the Mother of God folding her hands in prayer over her heart, instead of holding them outstretched to the sides. Under the protective arch of her hands, we can see the newly conceived Christ Child, emanating from inside her womb in an almond shaped-halo of light. To show He is the “Logos“, or Word of God incarnate, He holds a small white scroll. She is filled and radiant with light from inside.”

To read more about this icon and the Franciscan Friars click


Volume 34; January 1, 1937

The feast that the Queen of Heaven prepared for Her Son Jesus at His birth.  How love is a magnet that transforms and embellishes.

I was thinking of the Incarnation of the Word and the excesses of love of the Divinity, that seemed like seas that, enveloping all creatures, wanted to make them feel how much they loved them, to be loved in return; and investing them inside and out, they murmured continuously, without ever ceasing: ‘Love, Love, Love…. Love do We give, and love do We want.’  And Our Celestial Mother, feeling wounded by the continuous cry of the Eternal One giving Love and wanting Love, appeared all attentive in requiting Her Dear Son, the Incarnate Word, by forming, Herself, a surprise of Love.  Now, at that moment, the Celestial Infant came out of the Maternal womb, and I – O! how I longed for Him; and He, throwing Himself into My arms, all festive, told me:  “My daughter, see – My Mama prepared for Me the Feast at My Birth – but do you know how?  She was aware of the Seas of Love that were coming down from Heaven in the descent of the Eternal Word; She heard the continuous cry of God, wanting to be Loved in return; and Our Yearnings, Our Ardent Sighs.  She had felt My moans inside Her womb; often She heard Me cry and sob.  Each of My moans was a Sea of Love that I sent to each heart, in order to be Loved back; and in seeing Myself unloved, I cried, unto bursting into sobs; but each tear and sob doubled My Seas of Love in order to win the creatures by dint of Love. But, no! they would convert these Seas into pains, while I made use of the pains in order to convert them into yet more Seas of Love, for as many pains as they gave Me.

Now, My Mama wanted to make Me smile upon My being Born, and prepare the Feast for Her Baby Son.  She knew that I cannot smile if I AM not Loved, nor can I take part in any feast if Love does not run in it.  Therefore, Loving Me as True Mother, and possessing by Virtue of My Fiat Seas of Love, Queen as She was of all Creation, She enveloped the heavens with Her love, and sealed each star with the ‘I Love You, O Son, for Myself and for all’.  She enwrapped the sun within Her Sea of love and impressed in each drop of light Her ‘I Love You, O Son’; and She called the sun to invest its Creator with its light, so that, being warmed, He might feel in each drop of light the ‘I Love You’ of His Mama.  She invested the wind with Her Love, and in each breath of it She impressed the ‘I Love You, O Son’; and then She called it, so that it may caress Him with its breeze and make Him feel in each blowing of its breath:  ‘I Love You, I Love You, O my Son’.  She enveloped all the air within Her Seas of Love, so that, in breathing, He might feel the Breath of Love of His Mother. She covered the whole of the sea with Her Sea of Love, and each dart of the fish.  And the sea murmured:  ‘I Love You, O My Son’; and the fish darted: ‘I Love You, I Love You’There was nothing She did not invest with Her Love; and with Her Empire of Queen She Commanded all to receive Her Love, to give back to Her Jesus the Love of His Mama. So, each bird – some trilled ‘Love’, some twittered, some warbled ‘Love’.  Even each atom of the earth was invested by Her Love.  The breath of the animals reached Me with the ‘I Love You’of My Mother; and the hay was invested by Her Love.  Therefore, there was not one thing that I saw or touched that I would not feel the Sweetness of Her Love.  With this She prepared for Me the Most Beautiful Feast upon My Birth – a Feast All of Love.  It was the requital of My Great Love that My Sweet Mother made Me find; and it was Her Love that calmed My crying, warmed Me while I was numb with cold in the manger. More so, since I found in Her Love the Love of all creatures, and for each of them She kissed Me, clasped Me to Her Heart, and Loved Me with Love of Mother on behalf of Her children; and I, feeling in each of them Her Maternal Love, was drawn to Love them as children of Hers and as dear brothers of Mine.

My daughter, what can the Love animated by an Omnipotent Fiat not do? It makes Itself magnet and draws us to each other in an irresistible way; It removes any dissimilarity; with Its warmth It transforms and confirms the creature into the Beloved; then It embellishes her in an incredible way, so much so, that heaven and earth feel drawn to love her.  Not to Love a creature that Loves Us is impossible for Us; the whole of Our Divine Power and Strength become powerless and weak before the winning force of one who Loves Us.  Therefore, you too – give Me the feast that My Mother gave Me upon My Birth; envelop Heaven and earth with your ‘I Love You, O Jesus’; let nothing escape you where your Love would not run – make Me Smile.  In fact, I was not Born only once, but I AM Reborn Always, and many times My Births are without smile and without feast, and only My Tears, Sobs and Wailings are left to Me, and an icy cold that makes Me shiver and all My Limbs numb.  Therefore, clasp Me to your heart in order to warm Me with your Love, and with the Light of My Will form for Me the garment to clothe Me, so that you too will make Feast for Me; and I will make it for you by giving you More Love and New Knowledge of My Will.”